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Tony Rickardsson is probably my favourite rider.  I'd like to see him do well on Satuday, but don't want Sweden to win.


I'll be supporting team GB which includes a rider I'm not overly keen about, am I a hypocrite or patriotic?  :blink:



Why should there always be this debate about being patriotic or being hypocritical over who you should or shouldn't support? I was asked on another thread a couple of days ago why I support the Danish team.... why should I have to explain to anyone MY personal choices? We all have riders we like or like watching we also have riders we dislike and dislike watching. Some just take it too personally when others choose not to support their 'home' team. We all love our speedway, so let's just wait for Saturday night to come and may the best team win.


Just to point out that I'm not an ogre and detest all things British. I hope the Pommies bash the Aussies in the current Ashes Test series. :approve:

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Look back, I've not questioned anyone on why they are supoprting a specific country. I was asking if I would be considered a hypocrite supporting the Brits when my favorite rider would be in opposition to them.


Don't see why there shouldn't be a debate on here about who people support either, it's a forum!



Agree though, may the best team win (we all know that ain't going to be the Danes! :P ). Just hope the track is prepared for racing and not just to suit the Poles.

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and you think it'll be GB do you :D


i won't support riders i don't like, simple as that, why should i change my views of 51 weeks in a year to turn all of a sudden.


suppose with TR being your favourite rider, when it comes to a GP do you cheer for TR or Nicholls/Richardson?

Edited by stevehone
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Why should there always be this debate about being patriotic or being hypocritical over who you should or shouldn't support?  I was asked on another thread a couple of days ago why I support the Danish team.... why should I have to explain to anyone MY personal choices?  We all have riders we like or like watching we also have riders we dislike and dislike watching.  Some just take it too personally when others choose not to support their 'home' team.  We all love our speedway, so let's just wait for Saturday night to come and may the best team win.


Just to point out that I'm not an ogre and detest all things British.  I hope the Pommies bash the Aussies in the current Ashes Test series. :approve:



and you think it'll be GB do you  :D


i won't support riders i don't like, simple as that, why should i change my views of 51 weeks in a year to turn all of a sudden.


suppose with TR being your favourite rider, when it comes to a GP do you cheer for TR or Nicholls/Richardson?


What a load of :P


I bet you both watch Big Brother!

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Richardson is a total melt, there is always someone blame but himself.

Yet he has never let Team GB down. I don't think it's unfair to say he has been the best single performer of the SWC since the competition was introduced, he has not missed a single meeting and has always rode reasonably well at worst.

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Yet he has never let Team GB down.  I don't think it's unfair to say he has been the best single performer of the SWC since the competition was introduced, he has not missed a single meeting and has always rode reasonably well at worst.



He hasnt let Swindon down either

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You know tonight, if, and it's a big if, but if we win, and everyone performs the same as they did on Sunday.......I hope there'll be a few more people on here supporting Lee. Because some of the stuff being said on here is just unfair(I said SOME not ALL). He is trying hard to represent his country, and tonight, whether we win or lose, I think all the team will have done their very best.


Just out of curiousity, is there any other Team GB riders you don't like, or just Lee? Just wondering......... :blink:

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I was asked on another thread a couple of days ago why I support the Danish team.... why should I have to explain to anyone MY personal choices?  We all have riders we like or like watching we also have riders we dislike and dislike watching.  Some just take it too personally when others choose not to support their 'home' team.  We all love our speedway, so let's just wait for Saturday night to come and may the best team win.



Whoa hold tight here! I was the one that asked why you were supporting another Country rather than you home team, it was not a dig as already pointed out to you, I was just curious as to why, thats all.


Each to their own as I've already said personally I cannot stick "Sicknote" a few years ago Havvy was one that I disliked, still not overly keen now but thats another story.


As far as the Best Team Winning tonight, as long as the rain stops and the meeting goes ahead the track now will be totally different to what was raced on the other night, so it might not be who everyone thinks it will be lifting that trophy tonight. :P

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Well done richardson, a good performance on a tarts track!


Next time the world cup is in the UK we need it on the big crappy tracks so we can blow them away!


Sheffield and Swindon will do, put in fat screeny, steady, harris, richardson and nicholls, loram!!





Home track advantage can win england the world cup.

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What a super display from Richardson. First class. He won more races than all the Swedes put together. And a super win over aTomek Gollob, altough sometimes you do wonder where Gollob's wandering off to on the first bend.


Sheffield and Swindon will do, put in fat screeny, steady, harris, richardson and nicholls, loram!!


Both big tracks which'll suit the Poles down to the ground. It's tracks like Eastbourne they struggle on.

Edited by Subedei
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Yeah, gating tart who has let us down, AGAIN!



Well Done Lee,  top Brit in a SWC once again, as I said, he has never let us down in a SWC and is without a doubt the best SWC rider.



only time i will agree with you 100% :approve:

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Well done to Lee i thought he did really well again tonight,im not a big fan but his results speak for themselves and certainly showed he can mix it with the best. People can run the bloke down but he has certainly shown his talent and commitment this week.

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