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Who Would You Like To See An Article On?


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About how he changed the course of speedway with the 4 valve  :rolleyes:

Neil has so many stories, he HAs to be interviewed. Thsi guy has bene involved in speedway for over 50 years now from rider to mechanical/engeering dude to manager. He's done most things, even these days he's still managing and tuning engines, not bad for a guy in his 70s!!


He's a throughly nice guy with time for anyone and you can guarentee if you do speak to him you'll get to hear and intresting story from him you've never heard before.


Neils life deserves more than an interview, someone MUST write a book about him, if I had to skills I'd do it myself. Anyone willing to give it a go?

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Neil has so many stories, he HAs to be interviewed. Thsi guy has bene involved in speedway for over 50 years now from rider to mechanical/engeering dude to manager. He's done most things, even these days he's still managing and tuning engines, not bad for a guy in his 70s!!


He's a throughly nice guy with time for anyone and you can guarentee if you do speak to him you'll get to hear and intresting story from him you've never heard before.


Definately, everytime I've spoken to Streety I've come away thinking what a really lovely man. He has so much time for every rider - sometimes too much for away riders telling them how to ride the track - and it's amazing his work rate on a Sunday afternoon at Newport the man is a Legend.

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I would like to see articles on people prominent in the sport who are not neccesarily ex riders. Someone like Dave Lanning from the TV commentating point of view would be an interesting subject, as would high profile promoters from the era.


More feature based articles would add variety - the possibilites would be endless.


I reckon eventually you must run out of the really big name interviews.

In fact, who is there left of the truly big stars from the 70'sand 80's?

Gundersen, Olsen, Morans - who else? Not many.


Fantastic mag

Keep up the good work.



Minor Nitpick

Hackney reunion (clearly of personal interest to the author) gets a whopping four pages, other tracks with equally long histories get substantially less!!



Agree with everything you say KTL apart from your PS. I thought the Hackney reunion piece was a great read. Hopefully other tracks will get reunions to follow suit. Dave Lanning would be a good feature and perhaps he Backtrack could then officially tell me that he turned Sky down which is the reason we have to listen to the dreadful Millard week in week out!!!!!

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Minor Nitpick

Hackney reunion (clearly of personal interest to the author) gets a whopping four pages, other tracks with equally long histories get substantially less!!


You wouldn't of said that if you were there :wink: Absolutely fantastic evening, cheers Chris Paul and everyone involved whens the next one, maybe for the opening of the Speedway Museum next Spring (sounds good to me!!)


Might be a good idea if other tracks held a re-union there as well certainly big enough for everyone and like I say the Speedway Museum is going to be there as well....... BBQ was excellent :approve:

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I love this magazine and living a long way from the UK I get to see all your comments on each issue before ours has arrived.


I enjoy the "where are they now" type articles (and perhaps also what do they look like now). I was a Reading girl in the 80's until I moved to NZ in 89 so features on anyone from that era would make great reading to me.


Keep up the good work. Better than the speedway star in my view.

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Personally, I'd love to see a feature on Bobby McNeil, having had my appetite whetted by several pictures (old and new) in Backtrack. Also, Geoff Bouchard is another Swindon favourite that it would be interesting for me to read about.


Anyone else have any particular rider that would interest them?


i would like to something on steve scofield one of the best riders ive seen on grass and speedway and one of the nicest blokes ive ever met,and very helpfull.


all the best keith

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I reckon eventually you must run out of the really big name interviews.

In fact, who is there left of the truly big stars from the 70'sand 80's?

Gundersen, Olsen, Morans - who else? Not many.





Jessup, Knudsen, G. Kennett, Sanders, Doncaster, Tatum, Jan O. Pedersen, Bengt Jansson, Ermolenko, Ray Wilson, Ashby, Briggo, Sigalos, Plech.

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Gordon Kennett has just phoned the Backtrack office to confirm that he's up for an interview, so he'll be the next Main Man subject in issue 16.


Can we have your GK memories, please...or anything you'd like us to ask him before next week (keep it relevant!)?


Is it right to acclaim him as Eastbourne's All Time Greatest Rider (sorry, only those who rode at senior league level need apply)? Can anyone put up a serious argument, given the length of service GK gave the Eagles?


Just to jog any dodgy memories, GK's notable achievements include:


1977 - BL champion (White City)


1978 - World No.2 and World Pairs Champion (with Simmo)


Teams: Eastbourne, Oxford, White City, King's Lynn, Wimbledon, Milton Keynes, Wolves (last rode 1995).



A personal favourite memory of him was the way in which he completely ignored the diabolical, wet track conditions in the 1979 World Team Cup UK qualifier at Reading to carry the fight to the Kiwis and Americans virtually single-handedly.


Brave, determined and hard as nails. A small track specialist with the quality to adapt very successfully to the big 'uns too.

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I'm sure I remember Gordon Kennett riding for Swindon one year. Or was that as a no 8?

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Gordon Kennett has just phoned the Backtrack office to confirm that he's up for an interview, so he'll be the next Main Man subject in issue 16.


Can we have your GK memories, please...or anything you'd like us to ask him before next week (keep it relevant!)?


Is it right to acclaim him as Eastbourne's All Time Greatest Rider (sorry, only those who rode at senior league level need apply)? Can anyone put up a serious argument, given the length of service GK gave the Eagles?


Just to jog any dodgy memories, GK's notable achievements include:


1977 - BL champion (White City)


1978 - World No.2 and World Pairs Champion (with Simmo)


Teams: Eastbourne, Oxford, White City, King's Lynn, Wimbledon, Milton Keynes, Wolves (last rode 1995).

A personal favourite memory of him was the way in which he completely ignored the diabolical, wet track conditions in the 1979 World Team Cup UK qualifier at Reading to carry the fight to the Kiwis and Americans virtually single-handedly.


Brave, determined and hard as nails. A small track specialist with the quality to adapt very successfully to the big 'uns too.

Very interesting that Gordon Kennett has offered tobe interviewed, sounds like he has something that he would like to get off his chest.

The thing I remember about Gordon is his diabetes, and did he not once try to take out Danish Citizenship due to his wife been Danish.

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At last really cant wait to hear what Gordon has to say,will always be my all time favourite,have never forgot seeing him lead the rebels to the league in 77,and wembley 78,also all the great times with the Eagles in the late 80s,

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Hi It wasnt gordon that did the advert for Durex it was me Colin Richardson, i did the action shot that they used on the posters and Roger Johns and I did the trailer for the Durex test matches between USA and England which we filmed at Wimbledon.


Wimbledon got a lot of that sort of publicity including the Mars bar TV adverts 'Work rest and play', Honda style which was from the sponsorship of the team in 1978 and the Britians toys used the photo from the Honda style brochure that i did to make a pencil drawing which they put on to the boxes of the speedway rider models.....never got paid from that either......



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