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"He has grown up quite a lot."


Dunno who said that about Crump but, before last night, I would have agreed. Last year he had the most mature attitude I've seen from him. He took things on the chin, he was confident about his ability without blaming others, and he cut down on the temper tantrums . . . and, funnily enough, he actually became World Champion as his ability deserved!


However, from this GP (and I know it's only one) he seems to have reverted back to type. And he will not be World Champion with an attitude like that.

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I am fully disgusted with the southern-biased company Sky. When Crumpy has been wrongly excluded by a (Rickardsson fan) ref. they have the guts to shove a mic in his face. I personnly think the member of the Crump team rightly told the cameras to "f*** off". And if steve shovaler has anything to say i say bring it on.


"crumpy wrongly excluded" what the hell are you on about it what a easy decision to exclude him just watch the replay and wake up!

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I am fully disgusted with the southern-biased company Sky. When Crumpy has been wrongly excluded by a (Rickardsson fan) ref. they have the guts to shove a mic in his face. I personnly think the member of the Crump team rightly told the cameras to "f*** off". And if steve shovaler has anything to say i say bring it on.




Lets not forget that Speedway would not be as big and popular as it is without the coverage and money that SKY gives it.

Do you think that there would be a British GP in one of the best stadiums in the world attracting 40,000+ fans if Sky didn't give Speedway the coverage that it does ?

The cameraman was only doing the job he was paid for and as far as I'm concerned Crumpy's mechanic was totally out of order reacting like he did on live TV.How many kids were sat watching it on TV ?

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I think you will find Crumpie was deservedly excluded in the race that ended with the **** off incident.


I had to laugh at that incompetent pratt Millard spouting off about how much of a credit to the sport Crumpie is, then watches as the cameras catch him firstly shove a cameraman in the tunnel, then secondly throw his helmet to the ground, then thirdly his foulmouthed mechanic wades in to the cameras.


Yeah a real credit!

Actualy Nigel Pearson was the commentater not Millard just like i said before people dont know what they are talking about.
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Didn't see Jason and his pit crew telling sky to f**k off last year in Norway after they shoved a mic up his nose seconds after he had fell off after a certain title was won. They were all happy for sky to join in and follow them then.

Edited by KEITH M
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Nicholls conducted himself impeccably all evening.


Was this a bit tongue in cheek after Scotts use of the F-word in an interview with Sophie?


Crumpy- 3 exclusions, 2 wrongly IMHO, what do you expect, how calm would you be, when has slamming your helmet onto a barrier become a crime? I think most of us would have done the same. He has just chucked a bucketload of points away against Trick, I think he was entitled to be a bit peed off.


Trick- Mr "I'm not doing too well I'll just get someone to nudge me go down, change my bike and win the re-run"Rickardsson, is the ultimate professional. The wall of death against an Air fence, superb.


Nikki P- How did he not get excluded first time when he put Bjarne into the fence(again)? I could see from his third ride he wanted to go wide into the 1st corner, so with 2 races to go and both in red there was going to be carnage. If he is not calmed down soon someone will be seriously hurt by one of his skittles first corners.

Edited by comebackkings
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I am fully disgusted with the southern-biased company Sky. When Crumpy has been wrongly excluded by a (Rickardsson fan) ref. they have the guts to shove a mic in his face. I personnly think the member of the Crump team rightly told the cameras to "f*** off". And if steve shovaler has anything to say i say bring it on.


You'll probably get more replies than just one from Mr Shovlar with comments like the above! Not all riders want a camera or mic in their face as soon as they come of the track but thats what the viewers want to see reactions. I bet the mechanic feels big and proud today because he swore on live tv.,

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Crumpy- 3 exclusions, 2 wrongly IMHO, what do you expect, how calm would you be, when has slamming your helmet onto a barrier become a crime? I think most of us would have done the same. He has just chucked a bucketload of points away against Trick, I think he was entitled to be a bit peed off.


Exactly. It's all too easy to moan from your armchair or seat in the stand without the pressure of some other idiot making wrong decisions on your behalf and then having some other idiot with a mic asking you how you feel.


Having said that, Sky coverage now means that that comes with the territory I'm afraid (not the pathetic refereeing, that's an FIM problem) but his foul mouthed thug of a pit man wants to concentrate tyre pressures, fuel and oil :neutral:

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You'll probably get more replies than just one from Mr Shovlar with comments like the above!  Not all riders want a camera or mic in their face as soon as they come of the track but thats what the viewers want to see reactions.  I bet the mechanic feels big and proud today because he swore on live tv.,


Doubt if Drew will even give it a second thought actually! Family stick up for family!


I am sure after the awful night that Jason had with Stevie Wonder as the Ref, there was a lot more to discuss than how the camera crew were treated!

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Oh come on now being based in the south does not influance this! What is it with you northeners.... well thats unfair wot is it with YOU


Crump is a profesional sports man and should behave acordingly. You dont see Shumacher, Alonso or Button take thier frustrations out on the itv cameras when things are not going their way?


"If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those imposters just the same....."


And before you say I'm anti Crump, i actually support him first among all the forgein riders.

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TR often pushes cameras away with his hand. He did it tonight as he walked to his bike for the semi or final.


Thankyou! If you're gunna criticise Crumpy, then you gotta give TRick some stick too! Ok, so I've never seen him swear, but when he had bad rides over the past 2 GP seasons, he'd get his mechanics to muscle round him & not speak to the cameras. He never does an interview after a bad rider in the GP, because his mechanics don't let the cameras near him (so the sun doesn't shine out of his rear end like some of you think!), but when Crump has a bad ride sky to their utmost to wind him up & get a reaction. The worst was at Slovenia 2 years ago. He went out the back by the vans to get away from it all & swear, kick things etc where he wouldn't be setting a bad example to kids etc & sky followed him!


Scotty (who behaved impeccably at Cardiff so everyone on here says) is no angel either - he was no angel after the SWC final last year was he?


All riders fly off the handle at various times, especially when people stick a camera in their faces after they've been excluded! If they don't want to set a bad example when kids are watching, sky should give them 2 minutes to calm down & count to 10 first!

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Since I've just come back from a weekend in Poland, I've not seen the incidents in question and can't therefore comment on the rights and wrongs. However, professional sportsmen must get used to having a microphone stuck under their noses at the most awkward moments. It comes with the turf - you have to be polite, respectful and make some kind of constructive noise, no matter how much you feel like ramming the mike where the sun don't shine!

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Scotty (who behaved impeccably at Cardiff so everyone on here says) is no angel either - he was no angel after the SWC final last year was he?


No he wasn't. But maybe he learned his lesson.

I think a large part in both (Crump last night and Nicholls last year) was as much frustration with themselves as anything else. Crump had to know that, harsh exclusions aside, he wasn't really on the pace last night. And he hasn't really been the whole season. I think he was angry with the referee and, deep down, angry with himself.

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In theory you're right AndyM but these guys are not robots and personally I don't want them to be, I want to see all the emotion. Goodness knows us fans shout, swear and carry on when things are going against us, it's all part of it. Emotion is GOOD!

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Since I've just come back from a weekend in Poland, I've not seen the incidents in question and can't therefore comment on the rights and wrongs.  However, professional sportsmen must get used to having a microphone stuck under their noses at the most awkward moments.  It comes with the turf - you have to be polite, respectful and make some kind of constructive noise, no matter how much you feel like ramming the mike where the sun don't shine!


Don't agree with that and I'm all for repositioning the mic in Mr Green or Tatum but would expect a polite reply to Ms Blake :)

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