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The Speedway Yellow Pages

Guest SwineTown

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Guest SwineTown

The Speedway Yellow Pages


Please check out the link in my signature and see if you can help us with the international speedway links for clubs, riders and official bodies.


Its not getting the links themselves but what they actually ARE - eg - official or unofficial etc. Are english versions available?


Please help if you can and tell us about the sites YOU use (or run!)




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The Speedway Yellow Pages


Please check out the link in my signature and see if you can help us with the international speedway links for clubs, riders and official bodies.


Its not getting the links themselves but what they actually ARE - eg - official or unofficial etc. Are english versions available?


Please help if you can and tell us about the sites YOU use (or run!)




Great site. :D

Hopefully fans will put in the links needed. :wink:

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Guest SwineTown

Thanks for the links dexo1 and Garf - we have added many more international sites.


We try to check all links and also add english lang version if possible.


The site is not far off "completion" of the first phase - which is all clubs in the 3 main lkeagues, all major riders and all offical and well-used sites.

Then we start on getting the multimedia stuff online.

Please check it ouot and register if you can as it all helps us get more from our hosts. Its all free.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest SwineTown

I'd just like to use this thread to say a huge "thank you" to all those non-uk fans who have helped us so much over the past week or so!


I didn't know there were so many of you out there!


Almost all of our referrals for about 10 days now have been from German, Polish, Russian, Latvian and Italian speedway sites and forums! Tomaz has been working with you to add all of your links and corrections. Please feel free to let us know if any are outstanding.


We couldn't do it without your help.



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Guest Aussie Dirtdingo Throttlejockey
I'd just like to use this thread to say a huge "thank you" to all those non-uk fans who have helped us so much over the past week or so!


I didn't know there were so many of you out there!


Almost all of our referrals for about 10 days now have been from German, Polish, Russian, Latvian and Italian speedway sites and forums! Tomaz has been working with you to add all of your links and corrections. Please feel free to let us know if any are outstanding.


We couldn't do it without your help.




Hiya Swine give me a couple of days i will go thru all my old websites Australian links dude their is rubbishe load of them.......................no worries mate get back to you soon. ;)


Cheers Anth

formly Australiasian Speedwaysports Online (www.throttlejockey.net or www.dirtdingo.com)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree its a much needed, informative, time saving and very good site... I have just had cause to use it for the first time and it saved me the hassle of doing a search and possibly coming up with the wrong info.


Well done.

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