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Jack Tidbury is definitely still alive. I spoke to Nobby Stock's daughter this morning. She keeps in regular contact with him and spoke to him last week. He is 89 and still quite active apparently but she didn't think he would want to go to a Hackney reunion as he never goes to the VSRA dinner. However he would be worth asking. She thought the best thing would be if Archie asked him.


She agreed there are only three pre-War Hackney riders still alive, Archie, Jack and Vic Duggan.


By the way has Tony Hurren been invited?


I wrote to Jack Tidbury for the book but recieved no response.


Someone told me Vic Duggan has become a recluse and refuses to discuss speedway.

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Paul, thanks for organising this, I will be definately be there and will bring my nephew who used to run around in front of the 4th bend, he may be up for re-enacting, but he may not last 4 laps and doubt if his little overalls with all the speedway patches will still fit!

Would love to see the following if still around:~ Bobby McNeil, Finn Thomsen, Bo Petersen, Zenon Plech, Keith White, Dave Morton, Tony Featherstone, Steve Lomas, Uncle Len, the great Barry Thomas...in fact any speedway rider that put on the Hackney racejacket.

Look forward to it and will be in touch - Brian

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Paul great to hear you are putting this together, best of luck with it, and I hope it's really successful. I will be unable to be there, living in the Philippines now. Although just returned from there after short vacation. Many memories of Waterden Road, all good. :) Vic Harding lounge nights as well as Speedway itself... Anyhow regards to all



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I started to watch hackney from 1976 and finished 1980, my dad would take me but still have fond memories of waterdon road stadium. Saw the pictures of the stadium a few months back, very upset on how it looks today. Now living in cornwall, so hoping to be able to get up to be a part of it all. Got to say even though I was only young, still remember leaning over the stand wall overlooking the pits, and smelling the uforgettable aroma of the bikes revving away. Three years ago I went to watch speedway for the first time since 1980, at Trelawny Tigers in Cornwall. That aroma overtook me again. Am now upset again as we have lost our speedway down here now. I believe I was one of those kids running around with a crushed coke can on my foot too! Still remember showing off for one of the little rubber riders on the metal speedway bikes. Hoping that I can make it so I can meet Zenon Plech and Bo Peterson, still fond memories of Rye House Rockets too! Please, Please, Please let us know when and where! B)B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would love to see the following if still around:~ Bobby McNeil, Keith White,


Both very much still around, Bobby and Keith were at the VSRA last March and I must say neither have changed one bit. Although Keith is still miffed by the fact he never had a fan club although Seanie Sheeeeep is convinced he was in it :unsure: Think Keith may have been going for the sympathy vote :lol:

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Would love to see the following if still around:~ Bobby McNeil, Keith White,


Both very much still around, Bobby and Keith were at the VSRA last March and I must say neither have changed one bit. Although Keith is still miffed by the fact he never had a fan club although Seanie Sheeeeep is convinced he was in it :unsure: Think Keith may have been going for the sympathy vote :lol:


Excellent, hope they will be at Hackney ReUnion, I was gutted when Bobby McNeil packed it in he was so unlucky with injuries during his speedway career. I have written an article for Backtrack about Keith's Intercontinental Final appearance hopefully it will appear sometime in a future issue. Tony Mac - any chance of interviewing these two former Hawks?

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I'd love to see an article about ex-Leicester rider Colin Cook sometime please -- if you're worried about any Hackney bias. :wink:

I believe he still lives around the Felixtowe area?

Great little rider with a brilliant style who was always one of my favourites. :approve:

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I no it's been christmas and all that, but any news yet on riders and a date yet? Really excited by the whole two day's and want to put the dates in my diary asap!

Firstly I must say that I have been astounded by the response that has come from my original post. In answer to Dave Stummings, Dave I’ve no news at all on a date yet. Len is due back into the UK at the end of the month so I am sure we will have a date in about 4 weeks. As I am sure you will appreciate, it’s very difficult to contact our former hero’s and not give them a date. I have certainly been in contact with people who have been involved at Hackney in the past, both on and off the track and they are all as keen and eager as we all are.

I’m sure it will be a gala night [no not bingo] of Hackney’s former stars, and will be well worth the wait!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear all, Although there has been no news to report recently, rest assured that work is progressing behind the scenes. On Saturday we visited ex Hackney star Pete Sampson's Paradise Park in Broxbourne which I am pleased to say is likely to be the venue for the reunion.


Pete has done an amazing job at the park and if you have never visited it it is not far from Rye House and is excellent value for money particularly if you have kids. I can fully recommend making a day of it if you plan a visit to Rye House this year.


There are good facilities at the park including a theatre which can be used to show old meeting videos, hotels which can be booked at corporate rate for those who want to make a night of it before going to Rye for the Vic Harding memorial the next day and shuttle buses from these hotels or from Broxbourne station.

Also it is close to Rye for the next day and it is fitting to be held at a place associated with a former Hackney rider who I can tell you is very enthusiatic about the reunion and already has been very helpful.


One of the next jobs is to get an "intention to attend" from the as many of the 150 ex Hackney riders we can. A huge task difficult because we do not yet have the date. However we already have agreement in principle from Archie Windmill, Dag Lovaas and Trevor Banks and we hope to have many more after this weeks round of phone calls.


A final comment about the Paradise park. The Veteran Riders Association is in discussion with Peter Sampson about errecting a permenant speedway museum at the park but Peter told us that money was (as always with speedway) a problem. I do not recall seeing anything about the museum on the forum so with apologies if it is there somewhere, at least people now know about the idea.

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I'd love to see an article about ex-Leicester rider Colin Cook sometime please -- if you're worried about any Hackney bias.  :wink:

I believe he still lives around the Felixtowe area?

Great little rider with a brilliant style who was always one of my favourites.  :approve:



Me too Gemini-He was at Colin Hills funeral-hasnt changed much-just a little greyer on top.

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excellent news Chris..


i wasn't aware that the vets were looking for a museum site.. but if its possible its going on my doorstep. i am all for it.. !!


brilliant choice of venue... those weekends that i have no speedway on in the summer, are spent with the kids up at Paradise Park.. it is a beautiful Zoo, set in a lovely woodland setting, and, to the best of my knowledge, one of the only Zoo's that you can actually feed the animals.. and i am not just talking the "kids corner areas" .. i am talking, Camels, llarmas, bison, Zebra's and all kinds.


certainly worth a visit on your way to Rye House one saturday afternoon.

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I would certainly reccomend the park too, have spent many hours there with my now not so little girl and my loving wife, before setting off to Rye House, have quite a few bits of old cine film which we can run, as well as some of the Days Gone By dvd's (6 now and still building!).

We will film the re-union, so please make sure you have your ols scarfs, banners, programme boards etc with you and be prepared for the mic slipping under your noses!

Edited by tape2tapevideo
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