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Well Done TRICK!

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Guest Tigers

Being a huge Tony fan myself I would have loved to see him win it all again, it least he did all he could yesterday. But on the other hand, being #2 three times I also feel like Jason deserves to finally win it all. Even though I did lose a lot of respect for him when he kicked Nikci a couple of races ago he showed great sportsmanship last night. Now we'll have to wait and see how he reacts to finally winning the championship, if he can come back next year and be as fired up as he has the last couple of years.

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Tony proved just how good he is tonight by romping to the win.


The crowd finally erupted, after a small ripple of applause went around the stadium when Crump won the title.



Well done TRick. The true peoples champion! :D


:lol::lol::lol: Laugh? I nearly went to Ethiopia :)

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Just as in his time Mohammed Ali was always The Peoples Champ, even if some young upstart temporarily held the title,(e.g J Frazier, G Forman),then so Trick is the Peoples Champ of speedway. He is the man that most want to see, he is the man that sells tickets.

He is The Greatest.

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then so Trick is the Peoples Champ of speedway. He is the man that most want to see, he is the man that sells tickets.

IF you say so :rolleyes:

He hasn't been here to see for the majority of the season ;)


Yes he's a great rider but just because he's fab at winning gps there are certainly many more top riders out there that are as appealling to the public purse as Tony!

He's dominated over the last 10 years and has been the rider to beat and emulate but he's certainly not everything to every fan!!!!!

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Just as in his time Mohammed Ali was always The Peoples Champ, even if some young upstart temporarily held the title,(e.g J Frazier, G Forman),then so Trick is the Peoples Champ of speedway. He is the man that most want to see, he is the man that sells tickets.

He is The Greatest.


I think you'll find captain that Ivan Mauger is the greatest. Jason Crump is the 2004 champ and slighly more of a threat to your people's chump than some young upstart!


TRick sells tickets and Jason Crump doesn't. Good one :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest ukdolfan

Crumpy in my opinion is a far more exciting rider to watch than Rickardsson.


Crumpy is about the only rider who gives 100% whether riding for any of his club teams or as an individual in SGP and has been consistently the best rider in overall world speedway over the last 3-4 years if you take into account averages in all leagues and SGP and World Cup.


It just runs in Poole fans to slag him off, like on the 'Speedway GP coach' from Oslo to Hamar on Saturday, when two female Poole fans sitting in front of me said just before the meeting that they would only be happy at end of meeting if Crumpy suffered a badly broken leg!


How great it was after the meeting to see them totally pissed off when we got back on the coach with Crumpy as World Champion!


Go jason!



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Well done Trick.  


Think the crowd were probably really confused on what was happening. Crump won it on weird circumstances.



Having been at Hamar and not having the benefit of continual SKY updates as many armchair viewers had, I was pretty much gobsmacked by Ht 19, firstly with the crash, then the exclusion to the extent that I wasn't really taking that much notice of the "what happens if" scenario. It's true to say tho they had to announce it twice that JC was World Champ.


Was great to see Jason Crump take the Championship finally and for TRick to get on the podium along with Gollob and Hancock, quite a few winners all round.


Just my view



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It just runs in Poole fans to slag him off, like on the 'Speedway GP coach' from Oslo to Hamar on Saturday, when two female Poole fans sitting in front of me said just before the meeting that they would only be happy at end of meeting if Crumpy suffered a badly broken leg!


How great it was after the meeting to see them totally pissed off when we got back on the coach with Crumpy as World Champion!


Go jason!




:shock: That is absolutely disgusting, I really hope you rubbed it into them big time don't suppose we could name and shame here could we? :angry:


I must add though as the beginning of your post TRick or Jason.... I think TRick puts more bums on seats

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BilaHora



Forgive me for not knowing all the "...ins and outs" of posting here (I mean not knowing how to do "quotes") but someone above wrote of Muhammed Ali always being the "...Peoples' champ" which is largely nonsense. Perhaps the writer does not remember the invective directed at Muhammed Ali after converting to Islam and changing his name. In fact, most Americans were looking forward to seeing George Foreman whip Ali in the famous "...rumble in the jungle". It was only latterly that Ali became a huge favourite in his native land.

Returning to speedway, if there is a "...Peoples' champ" then perhaps it is Tomasz Gollob or Mark Loram who really do seem to put "...bums on seats".

Jason Crump fully deserves his world title and few would deny him his moment of glory. Certainly not Tony Rickardsson, who showed greater decorum than a good many in this forum, and acknowledged that Crump deserved his world title.

Furthermore, I seem to remember visiting this forum well over a year ago and seeing a thread where almost everyone was hoping for "...anyone but TRick" to be world champion in 2003.

I realise that sometimes Jason Crump does not come across too well when we see him in the pits, but he is always polite and courteous when being interviewed and I know he will be a credit to the sport during the coming season.

Finally, congratulations to Tony Rickardsson on his triumph in Hamar and congratulations to Jason Crump of his triumph in the Grand Prix series.





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