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Denmark to get 2 GPs?

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Further to the aforementioned info. From the online newspaper Århus Stiftstidende (21/9/04). Maybe one of our Danish forum members could do a summary for us. :D


VM-afdeling i speedway på Århus Stadion


Når AGF og Århus GF ved årsskiftet træder ind som driftsherre på Atletion, bliver det med et varieret udbud for de århusianske sportstilskuere.



I går kunne AGFs bestyrelsesformand, Svenn Dam, bekræfte over for Århus Stiftstidende, at der højst sandsynlig skal køres en VM-afdeling i Grand Prix-serien i speedway på Århus Stadion.

- I øjeblikket diskuterer vi med en lang række forskellige arrangører, men jeg kan godt bekræfte, at vi har ført samtaler med Ole Olsen om at holde en VM-afdeling i Århus. Hvis det kan lade sig gøre i København, hvorfor så ikke også her i Århus, siger Svenn Dam.


Samarbejdet med Ole Olsen er dog endnu ikke så fremskredent, at der er fastlagt en dato, men den tidligere mange-dobbelte verdensmester tvivler ikke på et fyldt Århus Stadion.


- Et Grand Prix i Århus lyder som en god idé. Jeg tror godt, det kan lade sig gøre at fylde de 20.000 sæder. Og så har vi jo savnet et Grand Prix i Jylland de seneste par år, siger VM-seriens danske løbsdirektør, Ole Olsen til DR Sporten.


- Det er ham, som har henvendt sig til os, og lige nu snakker vi om, hvordan det kan lade sig gøre at afvikle løbet, men det afhænger også af andre arrangementer på stadion, men der er ingen tvivl om, at vi synes, det er en god ide, siger Svenn Dam.

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Summary :


World cup speedway round in Århus.


When AGF and Århus GF ( two football clubs ) step in as stadium owners at newyear they present will a varied selections of sports for the sportfans in Århus.


The GM of the new owners confirms that it is mos likely that a GP round will be in Århus.


Confirms talks with Ole Olsen and states that if is possible in Copenhagen why not in Århus.


Talks are not that far as to have a date set.


Ole Olesen : A GP in Århus is a good idea and I think we can fill the 20.000 seats. We have missed a GP in Jutland the past two years.





Edited by Peter S.
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Thanks for that Peter. I hope something comes out of this proposal. Do you know what sort of place Aarhus is? Population, entertainment etc.


I'm hoping that if Jason Crump wins the SGP this year that Australia may get another crack at hosting a round :shock: , especially with the reduced number of riders to transport over here.

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Well I think if Denmark get 2 GP's like, Poland and Sweden already do, its only fair Britain get 2 GP's! I think Coventry would be a good place to stage the other GP, fair enough it not as flashy as the Millenium Stadium or Parken etc but it would be ideal for travelling fans and would easily get at least 15,000 people which is equal to what the crowds are like in Prague etc.


We could have 2 GP's in Denmark, UK, Poland and Sweden and the other 2 rounds could be staged at Prague and Norway. The majority of speedway fans are either British, Polish, Swedish or Danish anyway so SGP should concentrate on where the larger fan base already is and try to attract even more fans. If this worked well then maybe the following year they could think of introducing a few new countries to the GP calender.

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So if Denmark can have GP's, can we have 2 GP in the UK? The Millennium Stadium and someone where else, in England. A British and Welsh or a Welsh and English or and English and British. Surely two GP's in GB is more viable than it is in Denmark?

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