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Wild cards in GP

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I was looking at the reslts table today and i have noticed Wild cards tend to be from the country it is in. I was wondering when was a Wildcard used that was NOT from the country it is being held in (Europians count in the Euro GP and Scandanavians in the Scandanavian).

The reason i am wondering this is there are many Aussies such as Craig Watson who would do well in a GP as a wild card but dont get entered because of their Place of birth or Adoptive Country (so no Antonio does not count as a Brizilian :) )



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The reason i am wondering this is there are many Aussies such as Craig Watson who would do well in a GP as a wild card but dont get entered because of their Place of birth or Adoptive Country (so no Antonio does not count as a Brizilian :) )



You mean he would do as well as he did in the recent GP Qualifier. What is it with people and Craig Watson, sure he's great in the Premier, but anything higher than that and I'm afraid he is way out of his depth. Know your limitations.

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You mean he would do as well as he did in the recent GP Qualifier. What is it with people and Craig Watson, sure he's great in the Premier, but anything higher than that and I'm afraid he is way out of his depth. Know your limitations.

Wato had a virus in the Grand Prix qualifier that seriously weakened him, funny though FlynRyan that Wato top scored in the semi final and was second top scorer in the quater final, but of course he is out of his depth when he isn't in the Premier! :angry:

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The question i was rasing was when was an amarican or an aussie (or anyother natonality that does not have its own GP) last a wild card in the GP (excluding the aussie one a few years back). I was not asking if Wato would do well or not.


I do wish people would stop making snide comments on their belefs in riders and answer the questions rased in the original Post.!!!

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I've probably got this wrong, but I think this is a complete list of riders that have taken wildcard entries in Countries that are not their home Nation since the GP series moved to 24 riders.


As you can see there are no Australians or Americans in this list.

The last time a rider from one of these Nations took a wildcard was, I think, in Sweden in 1997 when Jason Crump raced.


Robert Barth in Czech republic 2004.

Jonas Kylmakorpi in Norway 2003.

Lee Richardson in Poland 2002. (although a European in the Euro GP)

Sandor Tihanyi in Slovenia 2002.

Bjarne Pedersen in Sweden 2002 (although a Scandinavian in the Scandic GP)

Kaj Laukkanen in Norway 2002.

Rune Holta in Sweden 2000.

Mark Loram in Denmark 1999.

Mark Loram in Sweden 1999.

Piotr Protasiewicz in Czech republic 1999.

Lars Gunnestad in Sweden 1998.

Lars Gunnestad in Denmark 1998.

Antonin Svab in Denmark 1998.

Antonin Kasper in Germany 1998.

Gerd Riss in Czech Republic 1998.

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