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Crumpy what a legend!

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Crumpys kick was wrong but was not the most dirtest thing ever! Past world champions have done similar things, and still time moves on! Crumpy made no effort to contact the referee after being excluded so he knew what he did was wrong etc.... So fair play to him!

Plus it added some entertainment to the night :P

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I think we Danes will do this in the silent and humble way.

Because any other way would be hypocritical!


Yes, Crumpy was very, very naughty and it's not something that should happen.

I think "naughty" is a very very weak word for the incident.

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How pathetic Tabby3.


The dirtiest move seen for ages and you try to defend it.


You and Crump should be ashamed.





Try reading my post again when you get a sense of humour!


I have nothing to be ashamed of, well apart from trying to push riders out of Mark Lorams way on the TV, that was pretty pathetic but then I was watching it at home alone (the safest way for me to view speedway!) :lol:

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How pathetic Tabby3.


The dirtiest move seen for ages and you try to defend it.


You and Crump should be ashamed.



NO WAY! Tabby and Jason are probably as ashamed as Nicki when he blunders through some of his races and fellow riders!!!

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Crumpys kick was wrong but was not the most dirtest thing ever! Past world champions have done similar things, and still time moves on! Crumpy made no effort to contact the referee after being excluded so he knew what he did was wrong etc.... So fair play to him!

Plus it added some entertainment to the night :P

How can a kick ever be fairplay, if not looking at footie ?

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Guest richtea78
The dirtiest move seen for ages and you try to defend it.


You and Crump should be ashamed.



Peter - where does she defend it? She says one kick doesnt make him a dirty rider but doesnt try to defend the kick.


IMO Crump is just as dirty as any other rider, be it Hans, Jason Nicki, Kelvin etc etc it all depends on who you like. The only difference between hard and dirty riding is what team they do it for and whether you like them. The only rider I can honestly say Ive never seen do anything questionable is Mark Loram, otherwise everyone of them do it.

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Crumpys kick was wrong but was not the most dirtest thing ever! Past world champions have done similar things, and still time moves on! Crumpy made no effort to contact the referee after being excluded so he knew what he did was wrong etc.... So fair play to him!

Plus it added some entertainment to the night  :P

How can a kick ever be fairplay, if not looking at footie ?

No fair play to the fact he knew what he did was wrong and did not seem bothered that he was excluded !!

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Well I was absolutely disgusted with Crumpy for kicking Nicki for NO reason! Why the hell did he do that for, pure desperation?? All season Crumpy has been acting like Mr Nice Guy but at last we see his true colours again, how pathetic. Nicki had done nothing to him so there was no justification, he was just being malicious. He's lucky Nicki didnt want "words" with him afterwards. I know everybody hates Nicki but thats something he would never do.


Also what irratates me more is that Sky found it hilariously funny especially the OVER biased Sam Ermolenko. How much has he got it in for Nicki?! It was no laughing matter, if Crumpy had done that to Lee Rico it would have been a different reaction. So its not ok for Nicki to do something wrong, but if anyone does something to him..yeh its fine? What a joke. :angry:


On a better note, pleased to see a new GP winner in Hans Andersen. I know it won't be popular in Britain but he rode fairly tonight and fair play to him. I guess it was his way of getting everyone back who has started a hate campaign against him.

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Dirtiest move ever? Kicking a speedway bike is hardly going to ahve any effect (did anyone notice any effect?) where as riding into another rider and putting him int he fence (a la, Nicki vs Greg) is going to have quite a nasty effect.


I am not condoning what Curmpy did, it WAS wrong but it was nothing compared to Pedersen vs Hancock which was aparently ok!


Crump was wrong, as was Nicki a few weeks back (see, us Crumpy fans can admit when he is wrong, unlike some of Nickis fans!)

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I am sure that Star Lady is having a damn good laugh at this!!!! 


Too damn right I am Tabby :D well at the posts with humour anyway, some of the funniest posts for weeks on this incident. What did happen to having a sense of humour on this forum ;)


BTW I know you love Jason really :wink:

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The dirtiest move seen for ages and you try to defend it.


You and Crump should be ashamed.



Peter - where does she defend it? She says one kick doesnt make him a dirty rider but doesnt try to defend the kick.


IMO Crump is just as dirty as any other rider, be it Hans, Jason Nicki, Kelvin etc etc it all depends on who you like. The only difference between hard and dirty riding is what team they do it for and whether you like them. The only rider I can honestly say Ive never seen do anything questionable is Mark Loram, otherwise everyone of them do it.



So the argument is that one, "tiny, little, unnoticed, hidden, spetacular" kick dosn´t make Crump a dirty rider.


Excuse me, are we in the the same sport ?




Peter S.


Trying to be silent

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