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American Championship

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Round 1 :



Elimination races:

Race 1 Shawn Harmatiuk, Bobby Schwartz, Bobby Krips, Justin Boyle

Race 2 Chris Kerr, JJ Martynse, Matt Browne, Bartek Bardecki

Race 3 Bobby Schwartz, JJ Martynse, Matt Browne, Bobby Kripps.

Race 4 Shawn Harmatiuk, Bobby Schwartz, Chris Kerr, JJ Martynse.



Heat 1 Greg Hancock, Scott Brant, Bobby Schwartz, Bobby Hedden

Heat 2 Billy Janniro, Eddie Castro, Shawn Harmatiuk, Eric Carrillo

Heat 3 Billy Hamill, Mike Faria, Bart Bast, Charlie Venegas

Heat 4 Bryan Yarrow, Chris Manchester, Tommy Hedden, Tom Sephton

Heat 5 Greg Hancock, Billy Janniro, Charlie Venegas, Bryan Yarrow

Heat 6 Billy Hamill, Tom Sephton, Bobby Schwartz, Shawn Harmatiuk

Heat 7 Mike Faria, Scott Brant, Tommy Hedden, Chris Kerr

Heat 8 Chris Manchester, Bobby Hedden, Bart Bast, Eric Carrillo

Heat 9 Chris Manchester, Greg Hancock, Mike Faria, Shawn Harmatiuk

Heat 10 Billy Janniro, Tommy Hedden, Bart Bast, Bobby Schwartz

Heat 11 Charlie Venegas, Eric Carrillo, Scott Brant, Tom Sephton

Heat 12 Billy Hamill, Bobby Hedden, Bryan Yarrow, Eddie Castro

Heat 13 Greg Hancock, Eddie Castro, Bart Bast, Tom Sephton

Heat 14 Bryan Yarrow, Mike Faria, Bobby Schwartz, Eric Carrillo

Heat 15 Billy Hamill, Billy Janniro, Scott Brant, JJ Martynse

Heat 16 Bobby Hedden, Tommy Hedden, Charlie Venegas, Shawn Harmatiuk

Heat 17 Greg Hancock, Billy Hamill, Tommy Hedden, Eric Carrillo

Heat 18 Chris Manchester, Charlie Venegas, Eddie Castro, Bobby Schwartz

Heat 19 Scott Brant, Bart Bast, Bryan Yarrow, Shawn Harmatiuk

Heat 20 Billy Janniro, Bobby Hedden, Mike Faria, Tom Sephton


Qualifying points:


Greg Hancock 3 3 2 3 3 14

Billy Hamill 3 3 3 3 2 14

Billy Janniro 3 2 3 2 3 13

Chris Manchester 2 3 3 0 3 11

Bobby Hedden 0 2 2 3 2 9

Mike Faria 2 3 1 2 1 9

Scott Brant 2 2 1 1 3 9

Bryan Yarrow 3 0 1 3 1 8

Charlie Venegas 0 1 3 1 2 7

Tommy Hedden 1 1 2 2 1 7

Bart Bast 1 1 1 1 2 6

Eddie Castro 2 0 0 2 1 5

Bobby Schwartz 1 1 0 1 0 3

Eric Carrillo 0 0 2 0 0 2

Tom Sephton 0 2 0 0 0 2

Shawn Harmatiuk 1 0 0 0 0 1




D final Eric Carrillo, Shawn Harmatiuk, Tom Sephton, Bobby Schwartz

C final Tommy Hedden, Bart Bast, Charlie Venegas, Eddie Castro

B final Bobby Hedden, Mike Faria, Scott Brant, Bryan Yarrow

A final Greg Hancock, Billy Janniro, Billy Hamill, Chris Manchester

Edited by tomazpozrl
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Round 2 :




Eliminator 1: Kerr, Schwartz, Blair (fell), Boyle (fell)

Eliminator 2: Krips, Sephton, Browne, Estes

Eliminator 3: Sephton, Browne, Schwartz, Blair (two minute exclusion)

Eliminator 4: Sephton, Kerr, Browne, Krips


Scoring 1 2 3 4 5 T

1 - Eddie Castro 2 0 2 1 E 5

2 - Scott Brant 1 3 2 2 2 10

3 - Mike Faria 3 2 3 2 2 12

4 - Tommy Hedden 0 3 0 2 1 6

5 - Billy Janniro 2 2 3 3 3 13

6 - Chris Manchester 1 2 3 3 1 10

7 - Billy Hamill 3 3 2 3 3 14

8 - Eric Carrillo 0 1 1 1 2 5

9 - Chris Kerr 2 1 T F 0 3

10 - Bart Bast 3 1 1 0 3 8

11 - Shaun Harmatiuk F 0 E 0 0 0

12 - Bryan Yarrow 1 0 0 0 0 1

13 - Greg Hancock 3 3 3 3 3 15

14 - Charlie Venegas 1 0 2 2 2 7

15 - Tom Sephton 0 1 1 1 1 4

16 - Bobby Hedden 2 2 1 1 1 7

® - Matt Browne 0 - - - - 0

® - Bobby Krips did not ride


Race Results

1: Faria, Castro, Brant, T.Hedden

2: Hamill, Janniro, Manchester, Carrillo

3: Bast, Kerr, Yarrow, Harmatiuk (fell)

4: Hancock, B.Hedden, Venegas, Sephton

5: Hancock, Janniro, Kerr, Castro

6: Brant, Manchester, Bast, Venegas

7: Hamill, Faria, Sephton, Harmatiuk

8: T.Hedden, B.Hedden, Carrillo, Yarrow

9: Manchester, Castro, B.Hedden, Harmatiuk (engine failure)

10: Janniro, Brant, Sephton, Yarrow

11: Faria, Venegas, Carrillo, Browne, Kerr (tape exclusion)

12: Hancock, Hamill, Bast, T.Hedden

13: Hamill, Venegas, Castro, Yarrow

14: Hancock, Brant, Carrillo, Harmatiuk

15: Janniro, Faria, B.Hedden, Bast

16: Manchester, T.Hedden, Sephton, Kerr (fell)

17: (restarted) Bast, Carrillo, Sephton, Castro (engine failure)

18: Hamill, Brant, B.Hedden, Kerr

19: Hancock, Faria, Manchester, Yarrow

20: Janniro, Venegas, T.Hedden, Harmatiuk


D Final: Kerr, Sephton, Harmatiuk, Yarrow

C Final: T.Hedden, Carrillo, Castro, Venegas

B Final: Manchester, Brant, B.Hedden, Bast

A Final: Hamill, Janniro, Hancock, Faria

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I have no idea why ryan didnt ride, i have been trying to find out all afternoon!!

Hope some more Americans sign into some GB teams next season, they are so much fun to have around... :unsure:


Well done Greg :D

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Standings after 2 rounds :


Greg Hancock 21 17 38

Billy Hamill 17 20 37

Billy Janniro 18 18 36

Chris Manchester 14 12 26

Mike Faria 11 14 25

Bobby Hedden 12 10 22

Scott Brant 11 10 21

Tommy Hedden 8 8 16

Bart Bast 7 9 16

Charlie Venegas 6 5 11

Eddie Castro 5 6 11

Eric Carrillo 4 7 11

Bryan Yarrow 9 1 10

Shaun Harmatiuk 3 2 5

Tom Sephton 2 3 5

Chris Kerr 0 4 4

Bobby Schwartz 1 0 1

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  lora said:
I have no idea why ryan didnt ride, i have been trying to find out all afternoon!!

Hope some more Americans sign into some GB teams next season, they are so much fun to have around... :unsure:


Well done Greg  :D

Carn't agree more Lora!! The americans are brilliant!(esspesially greg :wub: and Dukie :wub:!!!!!) Nice one greg, just keep it going and its nice to see the bullet doing well too!!!!


It was a pitty that the americans were not in the world cup!! but hay Im hoping next season :D

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