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Hans Andersen

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

I saw that too Grachan.


It might be nice if Mad 3:16 puts on the record that no harm was intended and that it was a posting made on the spur of the moment. Throw away comment as it may have originally been it would be nice to put the record straight.

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Guest big al

I thought it was very strange that Mick Bates was given the meeting, he isn't even our best ref. Although there aren't too many Aussie refs around so maybe they had nobody else?

I would rather we did not have a British referee in such circumstances. Whilst Bates' decisions probably about evened themselves up all round, I have noticed that in the GPs the British refs have a tendency to try and be too hard on the English riders so as to avoid any accusations of bias. Lee Richardson, in particular, has suffered badly from this recently.

I did not suspect foul play in Heat 25 until seeing the interview with Andersen, but then changed my mind as he clearly incrimated himself.

I don't like to see a rider who earns most of his living by riding over here, take the mickey out of this country in the style he did. But there again, we all love a villain and to have someone to have a good shout at in a meeting is half the fun (as long as it isn't taken any further than verbals).

I do feel a little better that Mr Andersen has had to miss at least one meeting's money already. Whilst claims of a bung are ridiculous, even if he had, he has already had a hole put in it. And I would not be surprised if he misses a few more English meetings yet.

It seems hard to believe an Ipswich team can have any team spirit whilst Nicholls and Andersen are in the same team.

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This was in the message board of Hans site


Since the events of Saturday 7th August many visitors to this site have decided to spam the guestbook with huge volumes of abusive comments often containing obscene language. Many of these comments are becoming increasingly defamatory and libelous. In light of this the webmaster has decided to suspend the guestbook until further notice. Apologies go out to all sincere Hans Andersen fans for any inconvenience caused.


Well I hope all the Muppets who wrote abuse on his website are proud of themselves sinking British Speedway to a new level. very sad :(

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That is sad :( I think Hans has got the message about his level of support from British fans by now. Time to be more civilised about this matter.


No British supporters are happy that we lost this meeting, but there is always next year. :) It was a great night of racing. No, a great WEEK of racing. It would be a shame to allow this one incident to ruin it.


Look at the bright side: 1) We went one better than last year and got the Silver. 2) Nobody was injured all week. :D


Time to move on. :)

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I have to say I do agree with these last 2 posts, but given Hans' actions on Saturday & his penchant for swearing on live TV when interviewed, isn't he guilty of the same thing? But as a profesional sportsman, shouldn't he know better? I can't condone personal threats or bad language in a public domain, clearly they can only do the sport harm. I am sorry to say, however, that he is as bad as those that have made foul mouthed posts on his site.

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Good idea Phil, lets close this discussion.


Couple of my quotes back in June...


It was heat 13 at Poole last night, that gave me concern for Hans.If he had taken Antonio out ,all the Poole fans would be on here slating him, it was Antonio's skill that avoided what would have been,a bad incident.

The rest of the season will tell :rolleyes:


I thought Hans was over the top  :shock:  ,he is a great rider, but there is a difference in HARD riding and DIRTY riding :angry: .Please don't lower your standard Hans.



I did take a bit of flack from a few at the time. I hope they can see the point I was making now! ;)

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I have a reasonably rare second

Yes, Mr Hat is indeed quite rare. :D:blink:

The inimitable Liontamer strikes again, nice one :D No offence meant to Long Eaton fans in general, i mearly meant the ones making death threats, i don't class people like this as fans.Every track has it's idiots including Sheffield. ;)

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So he is worried about his safety, what a plonker

Nicki Pedersen gets far worse and doesn't hide

What does he expect , that we are going to cheer him when he rides.

He should have thought about his actions before he did it .

He should be banned from riding for Denmark and be fined for withholding his services on monday.

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Give a rest, its getting VERY boring now!


So how many meetings did Pedersen miss as injured after the Hancock incident? I seem to remember he was ahem injured in the immeadiate aftermath of the Hancock incident.

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what do you mean about nicki he miss about 3 matches after the hancock affair  :shock:

that was arranged before that grand prix as he had been suffering badly with his wrists.

He was told he had to rest them which he did after that Grand Prix.

Also it was a genuine injury

Keep up Orion

Edited by Kylmo
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Guest KFC Baby

OK, what Hans did at the WC was wrong, (if letting only PK through was his aim). He was also wrong for taking out Floppy in the test meeting...etc etc.

But I think we should all give the guy a break.


If we didn't have Sky televising the meetings, then Hans' wrong-doings wouldn't have been seen by that many...therefore not becoming such an issue.


If this kind of dirty riding happened 40 odd years ago then not much would have been said.


Because of this Hans has got a reputation which is constantly mentioned on Sky meetings and on forums...this can't be good for the guy's career. If you take away the dirtiness, Hans is a great rider...but no-one can see this, because they only dwell on the bad stuff.


I think we should all drop the 'Hans' subject and concentrate on the more important speedway issues.

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So he is worried about his safety, what a plonker

Nicki Pedersen gets far worse and doesn't hide

What does he expect  , that we are going to cheer him when he rides.

He should have thought about his actions before he did it .

He should be banned from riding for Denmark and be fined for withholding his services on monday.

So how much do you actually know about what kind of threats Hans might have received ?


Do you see his personal post ?


Do you overhear his phonecalls ?


Or are you just judging on what is written here on the forum ?

Edited by garf
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If we didn't have Sky televising the meetings, then Hans' wrong-doings wouldn't have been seen by that many


Oh, well that makes it OK then


Because of this Hans has got a reputation which is constantly mentioned on Sky meetings and on forums...this can't be good for the guy's career.


Call me a cynic, but should he not have thought of that before he cheated?


If you take away the dirtiness, Hans is a great rider


What kind of comment is that? It's OK to be dirty as he is a "great" rider. Don't make me laugh.

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Guest richtea78
Do you see his personal post ?


Do you overhear his phonecalls ?


Or are you just judging on what is written here on the forum ?

Garf - do you? If you do maybe you could confirm these things that have been said? Id like specifics please as so far the only specific threat that has been mentioned is the one on the forum about the breeze block.

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Guest KFC Baby

If we didn't have Sky televising the meetings, then Hans' wrong-doings wouldn't have been seen by that many


Oh, well that makes it OK then


Because of this Hans has got a reputation which is constantly mentioned on Sky meetings and on forums...this can't be good for the guy's career.


Call me a cynic, but should he not have thought of that before he cheated?


If you take away the dirtiness, Hans is a great rider


What kind of comment is that? It's OK to be dirty as he is a "great" rider. Don't make me laugh.

1. Just because people don't see things, doesn't mean that it's right to do them...it was just an example of how things get blown up when the media are involved.


2. Hans should use his head, realise his potential and grow up...I was just saying these things to try and get everyone off the boring and repetitive subject of 'Dirty Hans'.


3. And Dave the Mic, that comment was saying IF YOU TAKE AWAY THE DIRTINESS (as in get rid of it!) he will be a great rider...can't you read?! I wasn't saying it's ok to be dirty if you're a good rider.

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