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Hans Andersen

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Guest Shnikies
  SCB said:
  ILoveAJ said:
And what about when Nicholls smashed into the side of B Pedersen was it??? He should of been excluded for that, but he was'nt!!!  :o

I mentioned that else where. IMO luck evened it's self out so Sweden deserved there win, still doesn't make it nice too lose in the last heat tho.

Too true.

Heck it could've been so much worse for GB if Sweden had used their joker when they had the chance to do so.

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Team GB were lucky to be in the position they were in going into the final heat due to dubious refreeing decisions that this time went our way.


Its happened before and it will happen again and we will be on the wrong end of such decisions in the future--also with mistakes regarding red lights--as we have in the past..


We shouldnt have been in the possible winning position but we were as has happened to other nations before--Unlucky and Lucky tends to even itself out over time as most speedway fans know and accept--but blatent cheating and then lying in the last race of the world final is just plain ridiculous and possibly has done any credibility the sport had left to newcomers untold harm.


Diego Maradonna-The hand of God


Hans Anderson-The hand that forgot how to keep the throttle going and wouldnt have looked out of place with a rear view mirror.


No matter what anyone says the week has been brilliant and after all those heats and miles people have travelled -Hans Anderson was the one person who denied the speedway world a verdict that all were waiting with baited breath to see.


Cheers Hans--Hope you are very proud of what you did tonight-I bet you have even convinced yourself you were right -spoiling it for thousands..Cos thats exactly what you did -100 heats of racing over a week and the final race on the final night to decide the world cup comes down to you shutting off and then lying--maybe if you had agreed in the interview why you did it would have made it more palatable but you didnt--you blatantly lied to everyone that pays your wages...Best of luck in the future-call yourself a speedway rider-you should be ashamed but no doubt you arent.....

Edited by Nevsy
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  ILoveAJ said:
Lets face it people love to hate Hans N Andersen, just like Nickki Pedersen, but there is no-way the Swedes are gonna pay him to stitch Nicholls up!!! Some people need to get a grip. B)

I actually quite liked him before tonight but I don't anymore :mad::mad:

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If the intention had been to wind up the British, then he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams judging by the amount of vitriol on this and other forums!


What was done is not rare. Similar things have often happened in speedway and in many other sports. Sometimes it goes for you and sometimes against. Regardless of who may benefit, such happenings always leave a nasty taste, made worse on this occasion by the blatant lying in the interview.


I don't think that the final result would have been any different, but if I were Swedish, I would feel a little embarassed by what had happened. The incident has tainted the efforts of the Swedish riders and ensured that, in some parts of the world anyway, what was otherwise a superb meeting will be remembered, not as it should be for the riding skills and courage of 24 men, but for the actions of one man.


I believe that if such thing had been seen to happen in football a charge of "bringing the game into disrepute" would be laid at the feet of the culprit.

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  moxey63 said:
How can you say Team GB was robbed of the Cup - don't you remember some of the Mick 'Homer' Bates decisions that allowed us to reach the final heat still in with a chance?    :o

Ok fair point, but hans is still a cheat!

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  SCB said:
  Sloop said:
All these conspiracy theories are just sour grapes.  Think back to almost every decision the (English) referee had to make tonight.  Every one went in favour of GB.  No wonder the Danes and Swedes were raging at one point.

Apart from the Kenneth Bjerre (who webmaster stole my SWC spreadsheet!!) who fell off on his own vs Rico, now hads that been allowed to carry on, Rico would have got 3 not 1 and GB would win. Go back and work out all the bad luck things and suddenly, Team GB win by 1 point. A team ALWAYS needs luck to win.


That said, I still think that Sweden did have the best team and deserved there win as they did it when it mattered.

SCB, I never mentioned luck, good or bad. I mentioned refereeing decisions which, IMHO, mainly favoured GB.

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Dont you just love the oh so patriotic fans on here.. "how can you say GB were robbed"..


So what if Mick Bates did us a couple of favours, he didnt exactly help us when he admitted he saw a red light on the 3rd bend when Sotty stopped.. didnt help us then did he?? And dont tell me that if it had been in Sweden, that a Swedish ref wouldnt have done the same 'favours' for them too..also.. no-one can prove that he did any 'favours'. What I can prove..is that Hans Andersen cheated. As for why Scott passed him so easiily..simple really. He had done what he wanted..got PK in front and on an ultra slick track, Scott wasnt ever going to realistically pass Pk was he? As far as Dirty Hans was concerned, once PK was in front he had nothing left to race for and simply eased off again and went to the back. Denmark had 3rd sewn up..so finishing last didnt matter to their postion did it?


Sour Grapes.. NO not at all.. just hate to see a so called professional sportsman cheat.. if it had been one of our lads doing the cheating, I'd still be up in arms about it as well..there is no place for cheats in any sport.

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Well said SCB.. at least your proud to be British and stand up for the guys that rode their hearts out for us fans.



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Guest Sir Lunchalot
  tomcat said:
He had done what he wanted..got PK in front and on an ultra slick track, Scott wasnt ever going to realistically pass Pk was he?

I'm confused.


I didn't see the race but if Nicholls wasn't going to catch and pass Karlsson anyway did it matter whether Karlsson & Nicholls finished 1st & 2nd or 2nd & 3rd ?

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Ultimatly, it doesn't. But should a pro rider shut off and let a rider pass him? then claim (at exactly the same time the realcy is showing him looking back) that he didn't see PK? If he didn't want to get invoved in the race for the SWC why didn't he just say "I shut off and elt them both pass me"? It's moraly wrong, eve if it didn't really change the result, although had Hans tried racing, he would have blocked PK(as he does everyone) and Nicholls might have passed PK who had lost momentum when shutting off to avoid Hans.

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Guest scottie2hotty

Im afraid to say that Hans Andersen is cruisin for a bruisin and it will be all his own fault. Can you imagine thye team spirit in the Witches camp now!! Although Sweden deserved to win, I felt that the bottom line is that what Hans did was very unsportsmanlike. Its obvious he doesnt like Scott, weve all known that for ages, but come on what is there to dislike about Scott, probably just jealous of him cos everyone loves him and he is so good. He absolutely hates it that Scott gets all the attention at Ipswich and for that matter wherever he goes. I just think that it is a horrible thing to do to a club teammate, Denmark werent going anywhere, they were well beaten, what did he have to gain! I wonder!!!!!! Just like to say well done to Sweden and rotten luck to England, but a particular mention I feel tonight for Havvy, fantastic.

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  gms said:
why is it that when the brits win they are heros and when they lose the other teams are cheats???????. face it the brits put up a good fight but just not good enough. no wonder the brits are not respected in sporting circles :(:wink::wink::(:(

Sadly, you are so spot on.

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