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Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund

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I received the message below from Graham Reeve around a month ago an thought I'd share it with you as another way to raise money for the BEN FUND.


At the present time there are 15 people donating. Go on try it out.






I have just started using a new search engine, Everyclick.com,that gives money to charity. Please give it a try - it's a great way to give everyday and it doesn't cost you a penny!


All you have to do is choose which charity you want to support, make everyclick your home page and then use it whenever you search the web or shop online.


Please give it a go and if you like it as much as I do - pass this message on!


I chose The Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund - if you haven't got a preference please nominate them.






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  • 3 weeks later...

I have joined this following Graham's email and this is the latest update that I have received. If everyone joins just think how much can be donated to the SRA. As long as you use everyclick there is nothing to stop you using other search engines as well if you want further answers :-


Dear David,


A very brief note to thank you for making Everyclick your search engine and helping raise money for THE SPEEDWAY RIDERS' BENEVOLENT FUND. Every time you search using Everyclick, money is raised - and these funds are so important for the charity’s work.


In total you have helped us raise over £315,000 for a wide range of charities. Find out how much your charity has received: http://www.everyclick.com/uk/myeveryclick/...harityid=584485


Over the next few weeks you will be seeing a new look Everyclick that has some very exciting new features - we look forward to sharing them with you.


Our aim is to give you the very best search service on the web, whilst giving you the simplest way to raise money for your charity each and every day - thank you for making this possible.


Keep Searching!


Kind Regards,




Polly Gowers

Co Founder, Everyclick.com


Blog: pollyclicks.com

Tel: 0870 005 5050

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  • 6 months later...

Ah, I haven't clicked on the SRBF thread lately and the everyclick fundraising is exactly the same as something I have suggested on the forum, has this been advertised in the Star and club programmes?

Edited by Trees
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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Baille said:
Is there a contact e-mail address for the SRBF? We are aiming to donate at least 10% of all sales of WildKaRD games to the SRBF and need a contact so we can arrange the best way for both parties to do this.

The annual report for the SRBF gives no email address only its postal address which is ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby, CV21 2DU. As this is also the home of the SCB you could try contacting them office@scbureau.plus.com or telephone 01788 565603 fax 01788 552308. The person in charge of the SRBF now is I believe the former ref Paul Ackroyd. Its just a pity that the £99 spend by the fund in advertising in 2007 (down from £469 in 2006) couldn't run to placing ads,giving contact details and brief description of what the fund does, in the programme when each track holds its annual collection for the SRBF or do, as someone connected with the fund once informed me, programme editors throw away any ads the SRBF send them.


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  • 7 months later...

I've just had this e-mail from Paul Ackroyd.


Hi Guys,

I have registered the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund for the Small Charities Car Draw on everyclick.com.


I would be very grateful if you could help me by passing on details of the draw to everyone you know who is interested or involved in speedway, as this is a really good opportunity to raise cash for the SRBF.


Tickets are bought on line for £2 each of which £1.94 is donated to the SRBF. The draw takes place in October.


All the details can be found on :




If each of you could pass this on, to at least 10 other contacts, who pass it on to another 10,etc., and everyone buys one ticket each we stand a good chance of raising extra cash for the Ben Fund.


Many thanks for your help




Paul Ackroyd

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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening All,


Myself and some work colleagues are entering into the 10K Run in Northampton on Sunday the 4th of October and I have chosen to raise as much sponsership money as possible for the SRBF. As I attend meetings @ Brandon week in week out I feel that the opporunity to raise money for the SRBF was a great way to support the sport I love and the unfortuante riders that have seriously injured themselves as a result of racing speedway and most probably attempting to entertain us!


Please PM me if you are interested in sponsering me (Being a fairly unfit lad at the moment im aiming to complete the 6.3 mile course in under 60 Mins) Looks like il be off the Cider and Chocolate for the next 2 and a half months!





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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Is there a new topic for the 2014 Ben Fund Race Meeting At Leicester? If there is, where is it please, I cannot seem to find it.......


Mod Note: topic now set up at http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=75720

Please note this topic is for the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund information and discussion on fund raising ideas but not for meetings which should always be set up as a separate thread

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