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Why was Lee Richardson excluded?

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If Nicki Pedersen's dirt deflector catching the front wheel of Crumpie deserved an exclusion, why wasn't Bjerre excluded for knocking Lee off?


Unlike Crump, Lee R was in front.


Lee certainly wouldn't have fell if Bjerre hadn't dived under him. Bjerre took the risk of diving under Lee, destabilised Lee and should have paid the penalty.


With his track record, I half expected Tony Steele to put all four riders back but he excluded his fellow countryman rather than the Dane.


Am I letting my nationality affect my view or was Lee cheated?

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It didn't look to me like Bjerre touched him, even though they were close, which is probably the reason he wasn't excluded.

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to me it looked like KB was going under Lee to pass him and Lee leaned on him, in effect taking himself off because KB was pinned to the inside!


KB wasnt at fault and it REALLY annoyed me that every race KB was in after that Millard said how lucky he had been!


A MUCH better night from Tony Steele tonight compared to the last GP he did!

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I think Steele had a stinker. Two dreadful decisions. Crump should have been excluded for his fall, as Nicki Pedersen had the racing line and was leading. the reason he made such a fuss is because he was right for a change. bad call number one from Steele.


And Bjerre should have been out for bashing into Richardson. Why would Richardson fall? He wasn't looking at Bjerre, and the next thing he is out of control when Bjerre bashed into him in a frantic move.


I am not having a dig at BV, as both are their riders, but as I saw it both Crump and Bjerre should have been excluded. Crump especially for acting like a dying swan when he could have stayed on the bike but decided to take a dive. Anything to win eh Jason?


And not much has been said about Hancock, who did to Nicholls what Pedersen did to him. Hancock took Nicholls out and but for Scott wanting to stay on could have got Hancock booted out.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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I completely disagree there Steve, Crump got a knock and Pedersen moved well off his line to give him it!


Bjerre/Richardson was 50/50 although i really don't see what Bjerre did wrong, he was coming up the inside, he didnt take his leg and Richardson just wasnt expecting it and got messed up.

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I think Bjerre did nothing wrong in his race with Richardson, he certainly never touched him and Lee had to go for stopping the race, in Crumpie's case I think he should have been the one to be disqualified as Pedersen was out in front and leading comfortably when Jason went into the back of his bike as Pedersen was going wider and he was trying to cut back.

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Guest ruberoid375
I think Steele had a stinker. Two dreadful decisions. Crump should have been excluded for his fall, as Nicki Pedersen had the racing line and was leading. the reason he made such a fuss is because he was right for a change. bad call number one from Steele.

Such decisiveness - that's what's needed in a ref. :)

Unlike being asked to try being a rider, reffing ought to be a piece of cake. ;)

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Really , you can't complain about the Crumpy / Pedersen incident , the replay clearly showed that Crumpy WAS touched , even if it was just with the dirt deflector he was touched .... Even I admit though I would still like to have seen all 4 back as that was looking to be a really good race .

On the Bjerre / Richardson incident i do feel that KB should have been excluded as he did make a wild dive I feel anyways . Lee probabaly didnt make a fuss cos he knows what refs are like .


And as for someone saying Hancock took Scotty out , don't think so... he got messed up on the part of the track that Scotty did before that and which TRick did aswell... definitely the track's fault in that case

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And not much has been said about Hancock, who did to Nicholls what Pedersen did to him. Hancock took Nicholls out and but for Scott wanting to stay on could have got Hancock booted out.

I think the term Taking him out refers to a rider doing it on purpose like Np did to Crumpy. The Hancock/Nicholls crash was not on purpose, it was totally the tracks fault.

Edited by evo
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I think the ref got it right on all 3 counts to be honest. Greg was messed up by the track. He did take Scott's front wheel & he did well to stay & Greg was lucky he did. Had the incident taken place a few yards further back, I feel the outcome may have been a little different - Scott was virtually "upright" & had his wheels pretty much in line & I think that helped him to be able to stay on.


Unlike in the Pedersen/Crump incident, where Nicki clearly caught Jason & as he was still "sideways" & was at an angle (not uporight), it was always going to be more difficult for him to stay on.


I thought Lee was a little unlucky as KB charged up his inside, but it didn't look like they touched, so I guess Lee had to go.


On the subject of why he didn't make a fuss - I think he knew there was little point as A)Refs don't alter their decisions & B)It was a 50/50 decision that could have gone either way.


Nicki, on the other hand "made a fuss" because he always does, as he always feels he is right, regardless of what he does on the track.

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what a load of bollocks there is on this thread!


Tony Steele is a disgrace and should be banned from refereeing all together.


How Nicki Pedersen was at fault is beyond me - Crump tried to go for a gap which was not there as Nicki was moving out wide for more speed. Also how is Nicki meant to see what is going on behind him?


KB/Richardson - well bottler richardson went too wide before going into the corner, KB went in the huge gap, richardson tried coming back but lost control. How anyone can blame lord KB for that is absolute bollocks.


The Sky presenters were so anti Nicki P it was disgusting, even biased old sam had to stick up for the World Champion.


It was funny to hear those dimwits saying Greg "Hard but fair" Hancock "done a Nicki Pedersen" too! - so far up their own arses its a disgrace!


I like hans anderson's manouvre where he totally took Bjarne P out of a race and the commentators never stopped praising the poole reject, imagine what they would say if nicki done that manouvre?



I think the whole sky sports team are a bunch of halfwits and biased mo fos, although at least Nigel Pearson has enough sense to remove the rose tinted specs and acknowledge Newcastle Speedway and how they have "single handedly" made the GP's entertaining. That guy who wears the crappy toupee who sits next to "swervy" sam is so anti nicki P, can you imagine professionals like Desmond Lynon talking about a sportsman in the same manner?

SKY needs a kick up the backside!


Nicki P would have won if it wasn't for that dreadful decision by hi sue boy Steele as he would have had a better gate for the final!


overall well done to Nicki P, Bjarne P, KB and Iversen - you guys shown the correct manner in which the GP should be taken in.


Also well done to simon stead he gave his all last night.

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Good post Whacko. :)


The way I see it with the KB and Rico incident is that Richardson got excluded for being the cause of the stoppage for falling on his own, if Rico had fallen straight after Bjerre dived under him then it would have been Kenneth being excluded, the fact that Richardsons fall was delayed meant Richardson HAD to be excluded! :shock:


I think Richardson was taken by suprise and at first tried to save himself as an automatic reaction (as anybody would do travelling at 60+mph!) but when he realised Bjerre was far ahead he put the bike down! :P

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instead of being seeded through to ride off gate 1 in the 2nd semi final, he had to go off gate three, there is no way nicki would have lost to crump if he had the better gate.

so in the final pedersen pedersen had to go off the dreaded gate 2 hence why he didnt get a good start and therefore not winning what rightly is his.


wonder if crump will teach any diving classes this winter?

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And there was me thinking they had to draw for gate positions in the semis and the final. Shows what I know!

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Hi Sue boy Steele,oh that's funny Whacko,im still chuckling.! On the Richardson - Bjerre incident when i first saw it at the angle above tapes i thought he'd knocked him off,but admitted i was wrong when i saw the view from inside the first bend.Bjerre is nowhere near Richardson,there's over a foot or twos clearance.Richardson lifts and loses control when he looks back going into the corner.Correct decision from the man with the duster !!! :D

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