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  1. Can someone please explain how Nelson is riding at 7. How low are Rye House prepared to go?
  2. Couldnt have said it better myself. Big Fat Dave, you come on this forum, you try and tell us what the name of our League is, you insult one of the most respected men in British speedway and you destroy any credibility you held. I will treat any further posts you enter with the contempt they deserve.
  3. After your performance at Newport I wouldnt worry to much about making the play offs! Have you looked at the League table lately.
  4. This post show just how out of touch you are. The actual name of the league is the British National Development League. Of course it should be for British riders only. Dudley have scored a massive own goal here in dropping a British rider for an Australian. A move that will damage them as a club. How can a rider improve if he is dropped? Absolute nonsence. Second halfs just do not work. Again if you were more in touch you would know that. The cost and the curfews are a major battle. It is a complete insult to suggest that some are blinkered. All people want is a system that develops British riders. If Aussies want to come over here then try the Premier League. This winter must see a major overhaul of the National League.
  5. Junior is completely right. It is the principle of dropping a young british rider. Australia are clearly on a roll with a very good model to produce riders. However the National League should be solely for the development of british riders. You also need to keep to the facts. There are Australians in National League teams provided with bikes, vans and accomodation etc as compared to British riders in the same clubs with nothing. Fair? I dont think so irespective of the sacrifice.
  6. What an utter disgrace. I am fed up to the back teeth of Aussies in the National league. What is wrong with British Speedway? Dudley should hang their heads in shame. Sarjeant deserved some support and help. Not to be ditched. Malcolm Vasey forecast that the league would lose its way and this is a classic example of just how bad things have got.
  7. What!!! The National League is all about developing riders for the Premier and Elite. I have sympathy for Buxton but that is what true development is all about.
  8. I cant understand for the life of me who these actual pundits are. With all respect to Jon Armstrong he is 18 months out of touch. Newport contains the most number of riders in the National league with the ability to increase their average. That is what separates them from any other team. let the riding to the talking and I fully expect to see Newport in the play offs.
  9. Awesome venue for an International speedway event or solo as it is known in New Zealand or an Grand Prix. You cannot race speedway bikes on a car racing surface. However it is well within the possibilities of the Grand Prix powers that be to take the top surface off and add a more suitable one. You would have a solid base to work with. Then you would have some meeting!
  10. My eyesight is not that good these days but you didnt need to make the type that big for me He might have British parents and grandparents but he was born in Canberra so he is Australian. The BSPA dont think he is British......he is still coming in on a 6. I hope the lad does well and time will tell if he is good enough as to where his loyalty lies.
  11. Aussies and others are doing what? Oh yes stealing team places I forgot. No other European Country would allow so many foreigners in their teams. That is my point which you misplace as complaining.
  12. watched the quite boring youtube. Why so much excitement about a lad winning a pointless 125cc race! Will watch him with interest this season but I really wish people would get excited about British youngsters rather than aussies who steal their team places.
  13. Thanks kiwi for your efforts. Was that Grants last meeting before he heads over here?
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