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  1. Any chance of getting a refund for the tickets? Me and my friends cant be there at the end of october. I also have to check if i can get a refund for the flight tickets from Lufthansa. So if anybody wants them, i'm selling 6 Tickts for the SON Final at Manchester, located on the Main Grandstand.
  2. It's hard to find something in the closer area. You can find some appartments, but they are expensive. We used to stay by the beach at a small hotel. But seems to be sold out already, now we are going back to germany. It's on the way home and cheaper.
  3. ok i tried it directly with seetickets.com and it works but when i go to speedwaygp.com and choose Cardiff from the calender it says "tickets off-sale". thats weired, but hey i still managed it.
  4. You could open up a new thread for finding out who is the best ever british rider. An extra thread just for this issue would be perfect, a never ending story this...
  5. wtf is going on here? I thought this thread was about the German SGP at Teterow. On the last few pages yous havent even mentioned it. This here is not about preferring GP or World Final, and also not about who the best ever british rider is. I guess this was one of the best racing we have seen at Teterow so far. Unfortunately it is not a proper racetrack, but yesterday proofed there is some passing possible. I enjoyed a good night of speedway. thumbs up and well done to the track staff. That rain was noones fault and i think they made the best out of it.
  6. Big scandal in Germany, but i dont think anyone in this Forum gives a damn about this.
  7. Well someone will have to stage this meeting. Not sure if it will be very interesting after the last gp
  8. Well I didn't fancy Holder either, but when I recall some picks for a certain Brit then I am fine with that. And it's just the 2nd time he's been given a Wildcard. Lebedevs doenst want to get a pick for the next 2 years not as a wildcard nor as a reserve. It is not always a question if someone wants to be in the GP, well surely every riders is dreaming of competing in that series. It is also a question of being able to compete in the GP, both financially and physically. Woffinden said after his first season he wasn't ready for it. So did Vaculik. Same is for Milik, he is still young, maybe they both think they still need time to be ready for it.
  9. Iris they have totally rebuilt the track surfice last year after the last meeting there. They have improved highly and the track has been good so far. But what can you do against all that rain??? I don't think you realized how much water came down..oO
  10. As a german it is very disappointing what i have to read here... They had rain almost all week long. It was raining on friday all the time, even on saturday a big shower came down at 3 o'clock. So i would say it was fantastic work that the track staff made it rideable and raceable! You cant expect proper racing after that, you have to be lucky they could even start the GP. You can think about other venues in germany, but i can tell you this is the only place in germany where you will get that much spectators. Landshut for example is limited for about 8000 and the track is not much better. Not much passing there either. At Teterow they had a wonderful track last year and this year in may, but when Phil Morris is in charge of the track preperation, he is to blame for the track if there is no passing! And yes the track is in the middle of the forest, and next to the bergring, Teterow is a small place that has not much to offer. But in Germany we dont have speedway tracks in bigger cities where you just use a plane to get there and dont need a rental car or so. the tracks are mostly located outside of the city centers where you dont disturb anybody. Same in Sweden, and to be honest, they dont need much foreigners, cause most oft the fans that go there, are germans from that area. What did we have in the past? Krsko, Lonigo, Terenzano, Tampere and so on... How many spectators have been there??? Teterow is the perfect place for a German GP, and Fans are accepting it, they like it, so they keep coming. Next year it will be the same. about 13000 spectators, the stadium looks full. What else can you ask for? Once the weather will be fine and the track staff can prepare the track the way they do it usually, you will have good racing. But it will never be like Belle Vue, the shape of the track is just not perfect for good racing. Straights and corners need to be wider.
  11. How can you say that? Maybe in football terms but we are not all football maniacs, I am Bavarian but devo not a smolinski fan, i got my reasons for that cause as nice as he sometimes is, he can be an asshole just as much. What people here don't like is his big mouth in the press followed by scoring less than 5 points in Gorzow but saying afterwards he's in the mix when he's making the gates. He was waisting too much time with Jawa. Everyone but him realized that. The situation with Pawlicki was not the first one. I think he has caused the most stoppages this year in the gps, and also last year. You can call it tactical or not, people have different opinions about this. I don't like seeing it, and especially Piotr let's his bike slip down as soon as he feels a little contact. You see a lot of riders that don't, they stay on the bike and try to save it. They might be last after that but they don't fall. So I understand Smolinski's words as it was the second time after Malilla. At Malilla it was clearly not his fault. Gorzow was a bit different, I think he went too far and crossed Piotr's line and made him fall. If Piotr wanted he probably could of avoided it. But in that case Smolinski had to go. Saying Bavarians come across as arrogant is a bit overdone I guess. Speak to Lee Morris, I follow him on Facebook, he seems to be there quite regularly and feeling comfortable. We can't be that arrogant, can we?
  12. Smolinski is using it aswell. And Christian Hefenbrock
  13. There is a new Tyre available on the market. It is called Deli SB-136. Check this out http://delitire.com/website/product-category/motorcycle/dual-sport-motorcycle/ It's from Indonesia
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