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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. I must admit I do not understand how the reserve situation works.
  2. If Josh Bates, is to be the rider, who accompanies Ty Proctor out of the Lions side, that would free up 11.5 points. If Hans Anderson, were to come in, he should do so on a 9.0. That would only leave, 2.5 points for another rider.
  3. That is exactly, what happened at Redcar, to Eastbourne's benefit. Redcar riders, pretty much, set up as the track is normally and on a greasy heavy surface, they got murdered out of the gate. It did not help, trying to ride normal lines, on the greasy surface. By the time you adjust, to the different conditions, the match could have gone. It often helps the away side, because they come with no pre conceived ideas about the track and take it at face value.
  4. I agree, I think it does make you stronger. All the eagles riders, go well round Redcar, (as does everybody) and Eddie might win a few aswell. Will be a really close contest and go to the wire.
  5. Isn't the conversion rate, PL average x 1.5.
  6. Have to totally agree, with the top line, but not so sure about the bottom line. R/R for Bates, gives one ride for Proctor (not at his best) and the rest of the rides to the Thompson twins. I suppose it depends on which Josh Bates was going to turn up tonight.
  7. Have to agree with Yerbs. Fantastic nights racing, on a superbly prepared track (well done Jonny Swales). Praise has to go to the Brummies team who fought back, after a tough start, like a lot of riders (probably all), they felt comfortable on the Redcar track and it showed in their performance. There really is no home advantage at Redcar and a lot of visiting riders, get a bounce effect, when they come to Redcar. Once again a great nights entertainment and fantastic value for the decent crowd. I don't know where this leaves us, with the tie situation, but I am sure it will be sorted eventually. I even think, some of the Brummies riders, would like a second leg at Redcar. Oh and just to say, on a red hot night, the water bowser, did not come out once.
  8. Oh dear, that doesn't bode well for Newcastle. They have a similar arrangement, with the stadium owners, on a Sunday. Oh and Roynon as new track curator.
  9. Like I said, I have seen refs, take the easy option many times and make it all 4 back. It depends wether it was the end of bend one or the start of bend2. I think it was the former.
  10. I think I have to agree with geoff 100. The incident occurred mid bend (end of bend one and start point of bend 2). I have seen similar incidents many times, with the result being all 4 back. I have to admit, I thought it was harsh on Jordan. James needs to be more aware of where his partner is. I don't know wether I would say Michael Breckon made a mistake, but he was very harsh on Jordan.
  11. I think he might be in the seat next to him.
  12. I would be incredibly surprised, if Kasper Anderson, was the only work permit/ visa casualty.
  13. Exactly. I wonder if Mat T, might be prepared to bury the hatchet and come back.
  14. Do Plymouth, have a sponsors licence. This would be needed for the likes of Cook and Ruml.
  15. I think Barrow Boy, was referring to Ulrich riding Redcar, not Bjarne Pederson.
  16. Echo those thoughts THJ. Late 70s, early 80s, Brough was a quality venue, from a spectator viewpoint. Good for food and drink as you have said and very comfortable for viewing. Now, a lack of investment is showing. When I was there for the KO Cup Final, it looked rough around the edges and a bit worn and second hand to be honest. Nothing like in its halcyon days. So sad.
  17. Thanks people, looked on Redcar facebook page and couldn't find it.
  18. Was this meeting shown. I couldn't find it.
  19. I appreciate all of your points THJ, but I believe the Polish speedway authorities, have already decreed, that if you ride in Poland, then you live in Poland, for the season. By that they mean, no flitting about from country to country. They have also reduced the pay rates by 50% I believe, its kind of a take it or leave it situation. I think a lot of riders will take it. I can't see any British speedway taking place, on the basis, that I cannot see the government, allowing spectators into stadia, before the end of October, (just my personal opinion). So it might be a mute point that riders go to Poland, because I don't think they are going to miss much speedway here. God I hope I am wrong.
  20. He would be very sadly missed, but you can understand it. He isn't going to earn very much from speedway, this season.
  21. Agree, don't think we will see any, (not in this country anyway). Thank god for the re- run service.
  22. That seems to be the cruxt of the matter. If you ride in Poland, you live in Poland, no freedom of movement and toing and froing, from country to country. (Quite how that works if the GPs start up, I don't know).
  23. Sadly, I think it is option 3, which fits the bill.
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