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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. I would concur with that. I was stood next to you, 2 foot past the line Bomber was in front. I would have been very disappointed, if Kerr had not got the verdict.
  2. I don't doubt that it changed with Brexit, but for non _ european's, it is much tougher to work in this country and a different tier visa is required.
  3. You don't need a sponsors licence for Europeans, the visa is different.
  4. Have Birmingham, got a sponsors licence, to enable them to use foreign riders, (non european).
  5. He was impressive at Redcar. Very quick out on track, the fly in the ointment, was his gating. Needs to improve there.
  6. Firstly, do Brum have a sponsors licence, to allow them to sign, non EU riders.
  7. The party starts at 7pm, so any time from then, throughout the evening.
  8. There will be some surprises (pleasant), in the second string and reserve departments.
  9. Yeah, his name wasn't in the team, I heard mentioned.
  10. To be honest, Redcar is arguably, the track he goes best at. Could be a smokescreen. I have'nt heard his name mentioned, but would love it and anyway all will be revealed, on Saturday night.
  11. It sounds, right out of left field, but it would fit and allow some other appealing names in there. Erik Riss, Kasper Andersen, Norick Blodorn and James Sargeant. It might be miles away, but maybe not. I thought Lewis Kerr was nailed on. We will find out in a week.
  12. Norick Blodorn, a young German rider, (think he is 17 or 18). An exciting prospect, but gating needs to improve. Rides in Poland and Sweden.
  13. Do the Diamonds, have a sponsors licence, to allow them to sign an aussie.
  14. If Erik is coming back, next year to race in the UK, I think it will be at Redcar.
  15. You are probably right, but you could not, make the starts he did tonight and prevail at Armadale. Far more difficult and stressful to ride, than Peterborough and Belle Vue. How the Bears promotion view it, maybe different. We will see how it plays out, over the close season.
  16. I don't profess, to know the answer to this. Do the paramedic ambulances, have the necessary clearance and authority to transfer people to hospital. Whenever I have seen this, an NHS ambulance has done the transfer. I just wonder if it may not be as straightforward, as people think. The trend is to shy away from responsibility, in this blame and claim society. Obviously some injuries are more serious than others. Again I would stress, I don't know, the regulations, that the paramedic companies work to.
  17. Spot on. These two would always succeed, no matter what system was in place.
  18. Think this is my last season as a speedway fan. Like many have had a belly full of the joke rules.
  19. Two broken fingers and has had an operation on them. Hoping to give it a go Monday. Yes, I think R/R, means game over.
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