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Everything posted by drewster

  1. great day well done to everyone involved ,,meeting very good,shame about the luck jason had in the final,he had been a full straight infront of everyone all day then after his ride before the final his primary chain came of taking teeth of his front sprocket and taking a bit off his clutch basket so swaped parts off his second bike then as he went out for the final the same happened again so we lent him our bike,as it was set up for a novice bald tyre ,masive over geared four or five teeth on ,he had no chance,but i will say he rode his heart out in that final as everyone there would have seen ,but no one new the story because our bike is one of jasons old ones in his colours ,but he still got second ,hope all goes well for him in the next rounds
  2. get well soon mozza,can i have my oil and fuel back until u need it lol ,saving me some money
  3. get well soon matey,and get that hair cut lol drewster
  4. change the logo ,,,shocking...he was a real master,and you should be honored to use it......the more and more it is seen ,people can link to it ,so what if its got a belle vue body colour on it...you should be honored again as belle vue speedway is the most famous club in the world and always will...keep the logo as it is and dont be so stupid
  5. well done from all at eazyoils,the hard work has paid off,good luck for next year,and also well done dad (green if ya wanna go faster)
  6. these 250s are the way to go,seen a lad at stoke today and he was flying
  7. well done to all involved promoters must have this at there track,great for the sport,and great for the kids. drew EAZY OILS
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