I think EnglishRoundabout is correct. Looking at the forecasts (rain every hour from now until 1700 Monday) it seems the sensible thing to do. Tuesday doesn't look promising either. I've just made the decision not to travel from Edinburgh and will cancel my hotel in a minute.
Track looked ok to me. Heat 1 was 55 seconds - just 1.5 outside the track record but times did increase as the meeting went on. I believe Alan Bridgett was at the track from around 10 until 3pm.
As you will see from the photograph in the link, Robert Branford, in yellow, is clearly not in control of his bike.
Perhaps you would care to explain why you have chosen to use the word 'enemy'. It's strong and antagonistic in a sport where, historically, supporters of different teams are famed for getting along. .
John Campbell has resigned as a joint promoter. The other promoter is Alex Harkess. It has to be presumed Mr Campbell is still a director of Edinburgh Speedway (1986) Ltd along with 5 other directors. This announcement, whilst sad, does not indicate the demise of the Edinburgh Monarchs.