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Everything posted by screm

  1. http://speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.38557
  2. This really is serious stuff this year.
  3. My source tells they spent most of the morning debating whether it was plain digestives or the chocolate ones for morning coffee.
  4. Must admit that does like a farewell.
  5. You can cross Jason Doyle off your list as I hear he wont be riding in GB this season.
  6. https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/19004656.ford-says-pirates-committed-compete-2021/
  7. To be brutally honest I don't have a massive amount of faith in the powers that be to come up with anything like a solution for the 2021 season, and have absolutely zero confidence in Rob Godfrey, as chairman, to lead the powers that be to anything like a solution for the 2021 season.
  8. Do we know if everyone has managed to sign into Zoom yet.
  9. It will take the majority of the promoters most of the day just to work out how the use zoom.
  10. From reading the press release it would seem that the redevelopment of the Abbey is just as much the reason for with drawing as the restrictions due to the pandemic. Glasgow were first the withdraw from last season, one wonders if there are others who will follow Swindon and withdraw from this season as even with vaccines, lock downs and better weather come the spring any kind of free viewing to a sport like speedway does seem way off at the minute.
  11. Thoughts with Neil Middleditch and all family and friends this morning after his farther Ken passed away peacefully last night.
  12. http://www.kingslynn-speedway.com/news.php?extend.31039
  13. Hope this helps https://www.speedwaynews.pl/aktualnosci/item/71248-czesi-publikuja-terminarz-bardzo-duzy-nacisk-na-imprezy-mlodziezowe
  14. http://speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.38541
  15. As I am currently isolating have contracted Covid last week and this weeks editions have been very welcome, thank you for helping me keep at least partly sane.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/speedwaygb/videos/213230673757444
  17. https://www.facebook.com/speedwaygb/videos/213230673757444
  18. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/sittingbourne/sport/brexit-means-kings-will-go-british-239888/
  19. http://speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.38535
  20. http://speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.38535
  21. Santa Claus Vissing Toy Batchelor
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