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Everything posted by screm

  1. IMO you should always use the Joker as soon as you get the chance,to be fair the outside gates werent working and we only had 1 rider who was winning races.
  2. Sky Sports 4 1-30 till 2-30 then over to Sky Sports 1 2-30 till the finish. Thank you England cricket team.
  3. I think its all about the track,if its like it was last night then that rules GB out IMO.It gets down to a gating competition and that favours the Poles,its then a toss up between the other 2 as who comes 2nd and 3rd. However if the track is grippy then I think GB are well capable of coming in the top 2.
  4. If its the same then it wont be worth watching,another total borefest.It will end up a gating competition,putting GB out of the picture which is a shame as when its well prepared Vojen can produce great racing,maybe they could kidnap Olsen untill sunday morning.
  5. No the jolly jape Aussies are looking rather glum,still they can still be there on saturday. Filling in the programme.
  6. Agree but its Olsens back yard,and if Denmark dont make it to the Final,imagine what track conditions are going to look like on saturday.
  7. Boyce made the right move in the right race but Holder let him down big time,what a prat.
  8. On a track as slick as this one he was probably waiting for an inside gate,although Holder did win the race. I hope the track isnt like this on saturday,GB might as well not bother.
  9. I will take the Aussies to make it along with Denmark.I cant believe the Danes wont have the track to their liking and have been practicing like mad. Austrailia Denmark Sweden Russia
  10. We look to be in the harder semi (no puns please) but its just nice to see Berwick there.We have a good record in these meetings and around a big track like Peterborough we might just be a surprise.
  11. I hope the cricket went better than the Rockets did last night.
  12. How good it is for Manchesterpaul to tell us the error of our ways,like you Ive been going to speedway for years and I dont need to know what a slick,dusty track looks like.The passing was mainly by the Polish riders when they werent off gate 4. As for Kings Lynn tomorrow,as Chris Louis said,lets hope its not grippy for practice and slick for the meeting.
  13. Dusty,slick and not much passing,Ole Olsen is back.
  14. Agree with you which is why Screen and Hefenbrock should be in this meeting.Its very much a devalued meeting now without these 2 and the other riders who see meetings in Europe as more important. Maybe we should forget about the Pairs altogether,or at least untill we can get the best riders from all the teams there.
  15. If Screen isnt at the meeting then its a disgrace,he is a Glasgow rider. As the pairs stand at the minute Im going for the Newcastle Diamonds to take the title.
  16. Whatever is stacked against them,Buxton still seem to come up with the goods.Today is a perfect exanple The club is a real credit to speedway,I hope this will be recognized 1 day,they deserve ever success.
  17. Jenga,as we are dealing with the BSPA,anythings possible.Will Glasgow qualify ?. A pair of McGowan & Screen would be a great draw in the meeting.
  18. Typical BSPA,although giving some of the decisions they have made this season its true to form.
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