Typical of the BSPA to interfere into something that was working just fine.I mean its not as if theres anything else that needs improving our sport,just another piece of evidence that the BSPA arent fit to run speedway Im afraid.
Nothings been mentioned at any Berwick home meeting so far this season reguarding admission prices,if and when it is,Im sure it will be posted on here.For PL meetings an adult pays £14-50 and £2 for a programme,but you`d think there will be an incease on that.
Two things from this meeting.
How unsporting are the bloody Poles,Holder wins the meeting and his victory is greeted by whistles and boos.So the Polish riders didnt win,thats speedway.
And Charlie Webster needs a good feed.
Dont see where the advantage is to Gjedde getting up to the same kinda tricks as he did last year as theres no other team where theres an opening for him.
Gjedde is a top PL rider,once he gets the Rye House track sorted out he should do a good job for them.
I know Lanhams an Ipswich asset but Im surprised he has gone there,you`d like to think that Silver wouldve tried to get his name on a Rye House contract.
Your right that its up to Lanham,but its also true that Ipswich may be only able to sign as an injury replacement,thats if they intend to get Poole and or Risager back into their team.