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Everything posted by screm

  1. Going by what Bridger is posting on Twitter I think we will be seeing him sooner rather than later.
  2. What forum rules have I broken, I`ve been a member of this forum for a while now, so far with out any warnings, or posts being taken down by mods.
  3. Particularly for the likes of Smith who has been prevented from racing over here more than once now.
  4. Judging by your others posts I`m amazed you found a capital.
  5. Evidence......no thought not. IMO anyone paying a transfer fee needs looking at, the asset system is largely not fit for purpose anymore. I would get rid of it altogether and let the riders be self employed, which they virtually are anyway. Delighted that Summers has got his move to Glasgow, he has proved himself a very capable scorer in the PL.
  6. Speculate to accumulate, anyway with Barker and Vaculik in the same team that's bound to put bums on seats, might even be worth £20.
  7. I could've been here all night guessing and still not got anywhere near, still you learn something everyday.
  8. Your far cleverer then me then, any clues.
  9. Giving one posters obsession with Mr Barker, they`ll be hoping the flowers are for them. Giving one posters obsession with Mr Barker, they`ll be hoping the flowers are for them.
  10. Ask col24, he knew the team ages ago, but has gone strangely quiet of late.
  11. Even if the promoter who is pushing through the signing happened to be on the BSPA committee.
  12. Crang is a decent signing, at least he has some experience at PL level with Redcar and if he can ride to 3pts a meeting then he will be doing ok. IMO its time for his reserve partner to realize his potential and be the dominant reserve we enjoyed last season, giving his experience, professionalism and equipment there`s no reason why he cant.
  13. The relevant authorities are looking at a number of sports and their organisations, not just speedway, maybe EL Ice Hockey will be on their radar to.
  14. All perfectly true, though its not SCB you have to convince, if that the case Camptons putting forward I think the Border & Immigration people will be harder to convince.
  15. It looks like yet another hurdle in my quest to start my 2015 Speedway campaign with the Scunthorpe Scorpions in the UK. My flights, as you may know, were booked for Tuesday 3rd February and with 4 brand new bikes waiting for me I was keen to get there sooner rather than later. My Visa was applied for on 21st December and with the 12 month exclusion from the country prior to applying for a new visa complete (which is the criteria with a Tier 2 Sportsmans Visa) I was excited to get the Visa application away as soon as I received my Sponsorship Certificate from the Scunthorpe Scorpions. Too easy right?…….As you will read in the upcoming days the UKVI (United Kingdom Visa and Immigration) have shone the spotlight on a number of sporting organisations in the UK, not just speedway, and have insisted that all Speedway Clubs/Promoters attend a series of workshops hosted by the UKVI to ensure that they are up to speed with the criteria required to retain their sponsorship licences. The result of this is that essentially no Australian or American speedway riders will be granted entry visas into the UK until such time as the workshops are complete and the Sponsorship Licences are reinstated to each of the 10 Speedway Clubs in the Premier League. This affects 17 Australian speedway riders. The current status of my Visa is that it is presently held in the UKVI processing centre located in Manilla, Philippines and hopefully they will place it “on hold” until such time as the UKVI give the tick of approval to the speedway clubs (remembering that this is not just my club of Scunthorpe but every speedway club in the UK). This will save additional time and money including a second trip to Sydney for mandatory biometric testing so fingers crossed. The worst case scenario is that they will refuse the application and return it to me along with my birth certificate and passport and I will be required to reapply once the new Sponsorship Licences have been issued to the clubs. The UKVI is hopeful that they can have all clubs resolved by 15th March and I will be on the first plane possible after I receive my Visa. I will keep you posted as news comes to hand but I really wanted to keep you in the loop rather than you hear it on the grapevine or read about it on social media. Yours in Sport Alex Davies Taken from Scunthorpe Speedway site.
  16. And as things stand at the minute there in lies the conundrum, I`m sure the clubs will do all they can to get to get the visa issues sorted but there is bound to be a rider or two left out when the season starts.
  17. Ok apart from Rye House, Peterborough and Newcastle, but we`re there or there about.
  18. Agree nothing against the kid but this might just work out in Berwick`s favour, especially as other clubs might be more affected than Berwick, see once again Berwick Speedway ahead of the rest.
  19. If Sedgeman and Masters face waiting till mid March to attain their visa`s, its fair to say all the other riders will be in the same boat, mid March is cutting things a bit fine for some clubs.
  20. Might be wrong but I don't think Holder is married, of course that might change now.
  21. With the changes and criteria for applying for and/or being granted a visa, it makes signing Jake Allen virtually a non-starter now surely. In some ways this keep strengthen Berwick`s hand as it seems some other teams are going to be far more affected.
  22. Hope your right, but with the Berwick team is incomplete, and question marks hanging over Jake Allen, how can you put Berwick in the top six.
  23. If the criteria is enforced for this Tier 2 visa, its difficult to see and Aussie newcomer being granted a visa.
  24. I remember when this thread was about Darcy Ward.
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