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Everything posted by screm

  1. Lawson might be the one to replace Voldrih, you heard it here first.
  2. Mr Cook slates most things on Twitter, including this forum, but hay-ho each to their own. Berwick`s points from R/R will be the difference to see them win this match, must admit I`m more worried about Masters than Cook.
  3. Message from Matic Voldrih via his Facebook page. Zdravo vsem. Kot že veste sem v ponedeljek grdo padel na tekmi v Krškem in utrpel zakompliciran zlom desne noge (golenice/mečenice). Operacija naj bi uspela, ampak moram ostati v bolnici zaradi nevarnosti okužbe z bakterijo. Upam, na čimprejšnje okrevanje. Pa hvala vsem za lepe želje! Hi everyone. As you know I had a motorbike accident on a race in monday in Krško and I have a complicated and open fracture of tibia and fibula. The operation was supposed to be successful but I have to stay in the hospotal because there is a danger to get my open wound infected. I really hope I will get better soon. Thanks to all for nice wishes!
  4. Seems the best idea, though now the leagues in Sweden, Poland etc are starting up most riders who aren't racing over here will have contracts to race in one or both of those leagues. Berwick plucked Voldrih out of nowhere maybe they can do the same again. Adding up isn't this particular posters strong point, last week should she couldn't get the Glasgow team to add up to seven.
  5. Having seen the Matic Voldrih crash its fair to say his injuries, although nasty, could've been worse, he has undergone surgery to repair the break, hopefully he makes a full ans swift recovery. Better news on Thomas Jorgensen who crashed at Glasgow, he is ok a ready for Saturday`s meeting with Edinburgh, albeit with a sore shoulder.
  6. Wethers didn't meet the visa criteria to start the season, so would unlikely to get one now, but your right he would've done a job though on a 5-50 average it might've been a bit to high, it would depend on when the first set of averages come out for team building.
  7. According to the BSPA site Tresarrieu`s average would be 5-44, with Farnc 5-67.
  8. Aarnio isn't a bad shout, though under unfortunate circumstances going with R/R in the short term would probably strengthen Berwick, and give the club more time to look for an adequate replacement. Most riders who didn't start the season over here might have taken contracts to ride in leagues abroad, meaning inevitable fixture clashes.
  9. Best wishes to Matic on a speedy recovery, bad news for club and rider.
  10. Excellent news, though it seems some paying customers weren't to happy with the racing it served up, the referee who was there last Saturday might only come to Berwick once or twice a year, your trying to get the paying customers there every week. Not unless you want to fill Shielfield Park with referees every week of course.
  11. Was the six from Glasgow part of the Glasgow management/promotion. I take you are part of the VIP Club.
  12. Absolutely, and thanks to to the club for advertising the Supporters Club bus via their news letters.....oh.
  13. Delighted to say it looks like the Supporters bus that went up to Glasgow was virtually full, hope everyone enjoyed a good trip to the speedway.
  14. Glasgow Tigers = 47 1. Richard Lawson - 3, 3, 2, 1* = 9+1 2. Dimitri Berge - 1, R, M, 1* = 2+1 3. Aaron Summers - 3, 1*, 3, 1*, 0 = 8+2 4. Kozza Smith - 1, 2, 1, 2 = 6 5. Nick Morris - 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 11 6. Victor Palovaara - 1, 0, 3, 0, 1* = 5+1 7. James Sarjeant - 3, 1, 0, 2 = 6 Berwick Bandits = 43 1. Sam Masters (G) - 2, 3, 3, 0, 1 = 9 2. Matic Voldrih - 0, 0, 2, 1 = 3 3. Kevin Doolan - 0, 1, 3, 3 = 7 4. Thomas Jorgensen - 2, 3, 0, 3, FNS = 8 WITHDRAWN 5. Claus Vissing - 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 = 12 6. Alex Edberg - 2, 1*, 1*, R, 0 = 4+2 7. Luke Crang - 0, 0, X = 0 Read more: http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/14207/glasgow-berwick-15-lc-3pm#ixzz3WSLCX43I Very creditable performance from Berwick.
  15. Of course Bandit4evea is correct, to many fans £15 is a lot of money to pay out for a Saturday nights speedway, if the team is losing and the racing poor it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand the people aren't going to go as many times. I am sure the referees report on last nights meeting will be posted later on, giving some of the comments on here from paying customers it will be interesting to see how he saw things.
  16. According to the promotion the collapse was partly down to a couple of falls and a slickening track, cant do much about the first two but you`d think they could do something about the track which seems to have been very slick. But your right, one defeat shouldn't cause to much alarm, but one or two more in the next few weeks will lead to fans voting with their feet, no matter how great the Saturday night experience at Shielfield is for some.
  17. Losing at home s no good to anyone, especially if it becomes a regular thing, but Berwick wont run into teams as good as Glasgow every week so there`s hope yet.
  18. Are you sure your postie isn't having a quick look before he delivers it to you, I get mine by post without any trouble, normally comes on a Thursday but failing that Friday. Cant you get it delivered, much easier.
  19. I am sure Berwick`s track reports will be a regular feature on every Berwick review from now on.
  20. Spare a thought for Kyle Newman, rained off at Poole this morning, rained off at Swindon this evening and no way of getting to Somerset for tonight's meeting that at the minute is still on.
  21. To be fair to Cook its been a tweet posted by Edinburgh Speedway then retweeted by Cook, clearly their trying to get this "Join the defence" thing going, and if it gets a reaction, people talking then it cant be a bad thing. Maybe it will be Glasgow`s chance to do the same this time next year.
  22. This post should be stuffed and mounted, much like the subject of the post.
  23. Forecast is far better for tomorrow than the weather we`ve had today, Saturday`s forecast is mostly cloudy with some bright spells, but more importantly no rain is forecast. Berwick certainly have their work cut out tomorrow, but we have proved the critics wrong before, a win tomorrow will do wonders for team confidence and moral, and give the fans something to shout about to.
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