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Everything posted by screm

  1. Riders dont have to buy a van though, Rentruck have 45 available for hire. I have huge sympathy for Laura Morgan and the position Workington Speedway finds itself in, but reading this article it seems Workington were paying money for riders living costs. https://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/17404834.taking-a-season-out-will-give-us-time-to-save-the-comets/?ref=fbshr&fbclid=IwAR0SEKtkCelP3wH-0NtVGWmSrWGKvzfYrPL8LGICNIwwjJ6g778T6HNVhZY
  2. Have you thought of begging, Boots steps is awful empty this time of year.
  3. Must admit I have my doubts that Workington will be back in 2020 , hopefully they will, but if they do you highlight their biggest problem. Very easy to get out of the habit of going to the speedway each Saturday.
  4. The riders will get their money either directly from the promotion or from the bond, in reality one and the same really, in fact haven't at least some of the riders had their money. If the riders did take advantage of a promotion who had no idea about speedway, then more fool them, as surely in those circumstances you would get someone in at least to advise on doing rider contracts. I don`t put blame any of this at the door of Chris Harris.
  5. Not sure I quite follow the logic here, presumably Harris would negotiate his own contract with the Rye House promotion so well done to him for getting a good contract. You might want to ask why the Rye house promotion were so daft to agree to a contract they weren't able to afford, presumably Nicholls, Kasprazak and co had equally lucrative contract, little wonder then that Rye House found themselves in the mess they did.
  6. So give over complaining if you aren't going. If you are looking for a bit of money sell your computer, you might make a couple of meetings then.
  7. I have seen or heard nothing to say that it wont so I guess you will be ok.
  8. As far as I am aware we haven't heard anything from Chris Harris himself, normally he is not shy in coming forward with his views and giving the circumstances he has found himself in you would think he would've taken to social media. Maybe he`s been tipped the wink that he is being picked up by either Ipswich or Kings Lynn.
  9. What I dont understand is what Peterborough have found out now that they didn't know when putting their team together. If their figures on averages didn't add up then surely they would've known by now, if they were over budget they should've seen that long ago. No matter what the rights and the wrongs are you have to feel for Chris Harris who is completely innocent in all of this.
  10. http://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/7240/premiership-|-harris-dropped-by
  11. http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.36002
  12. Giving his recent posts I find it quite sad, actually I have no problem in Dick Barrie being inducted into the Hall of Fame as he has played a part in Berwick Speedway for many years and that deserves to be recognised. If he is in the Country I would've thought every effort should be made to attend especially as part of the night is in your honour.
  13. Never trust a person who, when posting on a forum uses the third person to do so. Face your anonymity horse bolted many many moons ago.
  14. Ironic to say the least Mr Barrie will attend one of these so called "jollies" paid for and organised by the Supporters club, maybe on the night he can categorise those there into fans or supporters.
  15. The supporters club have supported the club in very real terms over the years, they have given substantial donations for the purchase of a new fence, the purchase of a second ambulance, loan fee for riders and many many more. In fact without the supporters club and its donation I suspect Berwick Speedway would've gone by now. The thing I find most distasteful about Mr Barrie`s article is the way we are categorised, either fan or supporter, to me they are one and the same. Anyone spending their money to attend meetings, and in many cases making sacrifices to do so deserve better. It is true there were differences between the club and the supporters club last season but as has already been mentioned bridges were being built. This topic was debated on here and looked to have been put to bed, at least partially, now that can have of worms has been opened again, I will only make the point I made at the time, the club would do well not to pick a fight with its most loyal and those who help the club either directly or in-directly as there is only one winner there.
  16. Sad to see today's news coming out of Workington though after rumours of money troubles in recent times it probably shouldn't come as a huge surprise. I feel for Laura Morgan and the rest of the promotion, the numerous volunteers who kept speedway alive in the town and of course the fans who have seen their team win everything last season to now not being able to defend their title.
  17. Doesn't every Newcastle fan secretly wish they supported Berwick.
  18. Depending what kind of wash they put it on I suspect we will see riders wearing every shade on your chart by the end of the season.
  19. Delighted to say I have now received my email from the club confirming buy 2019 season pass, credit to the club for putting together an offer to tempt the likes of me and from what I gather quite a few others.
  20. No email as yet, hopefully I will get one soon.
  21. How long do you wait for your confirmation email from the club about buying season tickets.
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