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    Sitting on my fat a*se

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  1. This would be a MAMMOTH undertaking,. Basically a site would need to be created using a database and php code. That way a list of multiple users could have access to the site to upload images and information. Maybe giving a specific user two or three teams to be responsible for (bags doing Hackney !! ) Hosting the site will probably cost about £50 to £100 a year. Not impossible though is it ???
  2. First time ever I felt that I needed to say this to you Norbold...... ......... too much information !!!
  3. Gary

    New Cross

    Norbold I am at present undertaking a little project about West Ham! any material or input would be most welcome! I have a West Ham Speedway Website I built about 2 years ago which I had to give up on due to lack of time. It is still on my hard-drive. Hardly anything on it but if anyones intersted in running it once its online I would make an effort to finish it and put it online. Any takers ? Cheers Gary
  4. Gary

    Hackney Riders

    I have got it to put on my hackney site but I still aint got round to doing it. I intend to blitz it all soon ! Gary can you email me a copy of the photo please so I can have a look? It is on my Hackney site !! I put it on last March !!! www.hackneyhawks.co.uk Go into galleries, then team photos and it is bottom of that list ! oops !
  5. Gary

    Hackney Riders

    I have got it to put on my hackney site but I still aint got round to doing it. I intend to blitz it all soon !
  6. Zenon Plech, Bengt Jansson, Barry Thomas. I DID pay to watch them every week.
  7. Hi there. Are you willing/able to copy them ?? I'll gladly pay all costs. hackney@graffiti.net
  8. Don't be silly Dekks, that would imply that the BSPA would have made up a rule for a single year just to suit themselves at the expense of the sport itself, and they have NEVER done such a thing in the past. Oh No.
  9. Enough EU riders in this country to make it EU business. Its ok to say they are competing in this country but this rider control system restricts them more than the points average system. I would have thought the threat of this action would be enough to make the BSPA carefully consider their actions but clearly they do not.
  10. Grading system = Rider Control. Didn't work in the past and caused problems without the threat of the EU. One challenge through EU courts and speedway in deep sh*t. Riders now are just scared to as they will be effectively blacklisted. Unless all the riders contracts are held centrally, ie all owned by the BSPA or SCB, then effectively the rider control system is a restraint of trade. If the clowns at the BSPA don't get their house in order soo, then the relevant authorities will have to force them. Not good for the sport at all.
  11. I have received a few pictures from Brian Longman and hope to have the depressing shots on the Hackney site very soon. Just trying to find the time.
  12. Barry Thomas can make a comback !!! Come on Thommo !!! or even Uncle Ted !
  13. Can you get a few p[ictures for my site please mate.
  14. Stick GP's. I hate them with a passion. All I wanted was the Hawks back home. Looks like it may have finally bit the dust.
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