First of all I must say that Bryns posting has summed the weekend up very well. Yes Team GB unfortunately did have to go with a 4 man squad but believe me those 4 boys, and I know my son is included, did their utmost to ride their best for their country. I believe it is an honour to be asked to ride and for those lads that didnt/couldnt/wouldnt step in and go to Germany i believe they should ask themselves why they are in the sport. Surely if you want to progress in the sport you sometimes have to put yourself out and help others. I know that many hours was spent on the phone trying to get a replacement for Rob Mear so it was not for the want of trying that a replacement wasn't found.
It was a sleepless weekend. Simon and I and mechanic left home at 2 oclock Saturday to catch the ferry to Calais. Then we drove all through the night (NO SLEEP) to get to Abensberg. Once we got there at 8 am we were offered a quick shower and breakfast and then it was straight off to the track for practice. We were at the track most of the day, back to the hotel for a meal and early night. Next morning, check out hotel, back at the track at 8.30 am and there for the meeting. After the meeting and the van is packed about 6pm off and on the way back to calais. Drive all through the night (NO SLEEP), catch the 5am ferry and arrive home Tuesday lunchtime with 1670 miles on the clock.
It was a long, tiring weekend but speaking on a personal note myself and Simon would not have missed it for anything. It was an experience for the lads to ride in front of thousands of fans, to ride for GB with a union jack on your bodyjacket for very little financial reward.
I must thank Graham Reeve and especially Dave # Name Removed # for the smooth organisation and liaison with the lads. Crouch was terrific and totally dedicated to Team GB.
Simon and I had a terrific weekend just sorry the GB team result wasnt better. Thank you!