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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. The two bits of news on sky tonight about the low life Andersen are interesting. A withrawl from tonight with a hand injury. Has he raced since Saturday night and did he take a injury? Or is this a move to avoid facing any more questions to a TV camera? What of his threat to sue? Who has he in mind, his Ippo team mate, Nichols, for his comments?
  2. Andersen is a disgrace, why didn't he have the courage to admit what he did, rather than come out with such a obvious bunch of lies?
  3. Tony Steele got it right. If Nicki Pedersen was just out out at the front like he claimed. Why suddenly cut out to the right, when the quickest way to the finishing flag is turn left at the bend? No, Nicki saw Crump and intentionally took him out. He got away with it against Greg Hancock, but not tonight.
  4. I have always thought that our top British Refs were the best in the world. I'm afraid the last two GP's have proved that wrong for me. I know that a Polish ref is due to do a GP soon, it will be interesting to see what strength of character he shows. To make the right decision, no matter what pressure you are under.
  5. I cannot understand why an area as big as West Yorkshire, hasn't even got a Conference track! Is the problem lack of a Promoter, or suitable land for a track?
  6. I first went to Speedway at Halifax. That was in the era of Eric Boocock, Greg Kentwell, Alan Jay, and my favourite Dave Younghusband. I followed the Dukes for four years until education and work took me to Lancashire! The big meeting was 'The Dews Trophy'. I always remember the end of season meeting, with fireworks, speeches, Mechanics race, and the deby meetings with Sheffield and Belle Vue. I stood at the top of the third and fourth bend under the little cover that was there. Super memories.
  7. I've often wonderd why we do not have the second half first! At Belle Vue say, the Junior races could begin at 7pm then at 7.30 the parade for the main match would start, even if the Junior races hadn't completed. They could complete after the main match. Problems of being over for a certain time would not then matter. You often hear riders say that the track will improve as the meeting goes on, so why not let the juniors race on it first? This would also boost the attendance for the Junior events and give the crowd something to watch as they arrive.
  8. John Perrin said last night that Belle Vue did not vote for the Joker, do you think we will now have a host of clubs saying "Not me gov"
  9. Trevor

    Old Videos

    Does anyone know if the 'History of Speedway' Videos, advertised in the Speedway Star at the moment has any shots of The Shay? I know they have been out some time, so someone must know!
  10. I thought the comments made by CVS were most insulting. He basically said that those who disagreed with him were like stuffy old die hard Cricket fans, not accepting things, like new fangled one day Cricket. Well fans do accept changes, we have to accept them every season as something new is tried! It is just when the changes end up making the sport look down right silly, such as the 'Knockout Joker' ruling, it is hard to accept. Giving points to team just because they are behind, without having to earn them, is not sport. Allowing a substitue to take the place of another team member is an accepted part of sport. I know sport is entertainment, but if it is not true sport then it ceases to become entertainment to me.
  11. Seeing as the BSPA are going down the 'It's a Knockout' route. Surely a better idea is this; when a team is eight points behind they can bring out onto the track obsticles for the winning team to ride around. You know buckets of crazy foam, custard pies etc. If the team falls futher behind they can bring out onto the track a man dressed up in an enomous suit, an Eagle or Pirate for example and try to knock the rider off with a foam mallet. I need a lie down, it's getting to me!
  12. If you want to e-mail the BSPA with your views on the Golden joker their address is; office@british-speedway.co.uk Scrap the Knockout Joker
  13. Most of what came out of the conference was good, but this is awful. It makes the sport look like a panto. Strangers to the sport can understand a substitue coming in, as it's used in nearly every sport. This, as has already been said, is 'It's a knockout' stuff. We expect the media to treat us seriously and come up with rules like this. Campaign now! Scrap the Knockout joker.
  14. The only way to get rid of 'Guests' is for the sport to use a squad system. I am not sure how that would fit with a grading way of team building. You would the have to have two riders signed for every team place, which just could not happen. With averages you can use a squad system, eg if your number 1 was missing you can bring in better riders lower down the team to bring it back up to the 45 limit. Keeping a competitive match but no guests. The only other way of improving the 'Guest situation' is if clubs had set guests that they always used, but really it does need to be looked at, as we want both a credible sport, but close exciting meetings
  15. The ref was inconsistent, however in Jasons race he did get it right.
  16. Which 'proper speedway' track has the capacity of say, 20,000? I cannot see BSI wanting to put on a British GP in a stadium with a smaller capacity than that.
  17. I think that the UK deserves two GP's long before the Germans! There were stories of a GP at Hampden Park Glasgow, a year ago. Now that would make far more sense. It is a good geographical distance from Cardiff, so those who do not want to travel, would go to the nearest event. I would put a Glasgow GP in the June spot, when the weather should be OK, and allow Cardiff to have the final GP of the whole series in October, there would be a big crowd to see the climax of the competition. The roof would ensure the meeting was on. There would be a far bigger crowd than the last GP will get in Hamer, what is it's capacity? Many UK fans would go to two GP's especially if they got to see the World Champion crowned, at the end of the series.
  18. Jason Crump for World Champion. Why? because he is the best rider in the World, look at the Elite league riders averages, they do not lie.
  19. We know now who was at fault for the mess on Saturday, they should be taken to court, and face the consequences. However as far as I can see, BSI took the correct action on the night and have acted proffesionaly in what they have organised since. It is easy to mock, but what else could they do to pick up the pieces they were left with?
  20. Does anyone know the e-mail address of Sky Sports? As I can only find the address to their web site. I think a few e-mails from us could help the cause. I still think they could use Sky Sports News channel.
  21. It's a good idea, but the only way I can see it working was if it was a one off meeting, run like the World Team Cup was run just before it switched to the week long competition. There could be the league winners from UK, Sweden, Poland, and one other country. If anyone rode for two clubs in the final they would not be allowed to ride for either club. By running it like the old World team cup there would be team racing, ie two riders from each club racing against each other. it could be run early in the season, and could be fairly called the 'World Club Championship'.
  22. My GB team would be; Nichols Loram Richardson Screen Howe With Barker as my reserve
  23. Crumpy is in such superb form at the moment that he would be my favourite. It's always so difficult to predict because luck always comes into it somewhere.
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