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Everything posted by Gambo

  1. PLANNING RESPONSE SUBMITTED - Save Coventry Speedway It's a long item so will just put the link (above). Some Stirling work being done (once again) by the SCS Committee!
  2. Too many camera changes during a race, in my opinion.
  3. Morizès Flat Track & Long Track 3rd/4th September, cancelled.
  4. That was because the promoter at the time went against all the expert advice and changed the layout to resemble a cycle speedway track!
  5. Nothing new in that. Rick Miller (I believe it was) rode for Coventry at Swindon and then FOR Swindon in the second match of the double header!
  6. Maybe you should have just said 'old fruit'?
  7. And Eurosport could do with watching it to learn how to film a race! Just one camera needed. Well done Pete! (Clean Cut)
  8. It was if you were watching it 'live'! One of the best races I have seen this year!
  9. You mean rubbish like this??? Heat 13 - Leicester Lions vs Birmingham Brummies - YouTube
  10. Harris was a T/S in Heat 12 with the scores after Heat 11 at 45-21.
  11. A clockwork pacemaker? OMG! Or is that a wind up?
  12. According to Dave Rowe, 2001 (for Poole?) was the last time Hans was at Reserve in the UK!
  13. Heat 13 has got to be the race of the season for me. Hope it gets onto the BSPA website! Still not sure why Heat 8 was re-started without a Rider being warned. No announcement made other than all 4 in the re-start.
  14. According to the FIM Website a press release states that the LT of Nations (26 September, Roden) has been cancelled. The link to the Press Release does not work, only the Headline on the website is visible. It has been crossed out on the ISLB calendar.
  15. As per the Rye House planning application change, the submission of a new plan from Brandon estates means that all objections to the change of use will need to be re-submitted. Save Coventry Speedway Newsletter copied below. MANY of you will be aware that Brandon Estates have recently submitted a revised planning application – and we are now calling on ALL speedway and stock car fans to submit their reaction.The consultation period is now open and runs up until August 11, so it is vital that you respond within the next ten days or so.Back in early 2018, Rugby Council received an astonishing total of 1,800 letters and e-mails, almost without exception objecting to the developers’ proposals.This response, along with our own detailed submissions and the findings of an Independent Report, ensured that the initial planning application never even reached the stage of determination.However, we are now into a new phase, and therefore whether or not you submitted a response in 2018, we urge you to do so now.We summarise some key points below, but should you wish to view the application in its entirety, it can be found at: https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/rugby/search-applications/ – search for Coventry Stadium or R18/0186 .The crux of the application is that the developers have now shifted totally away from their failed attempt to prove that the stadium was unviable, that there was no ongoing need for it, and that speedway and stock car racing was satisfactorily provided for at other locations.Their attempt now is to include, within their application, provision for a floodlit 3G football pitch and associated facilities, and they are attempting to make the case that the benefits from this “clearly outweigh the loss of the current or former use.”We will totally dispute that argument and expose it for what it is: a desperate backdoor attempt to get around National Planning Policy Framework section 97(c), and we already have substantial evidence to use in our response.Once again, the developers and their representatives have made incorrect and untruthful statements about the state of the two sports they have evicted, and again we will be issuing a detailed response to this.But every submission from the public is crucial, and we urge you to write or e-mail and register your objection to these proposals.You do not need to make lengthy submissions, and each letter/e-mail must be a personal one rather than a petition - but naturally the point that a floodlit football pitch can in no way be seen to replace a World-famous international motorsports stadium is a very good starting point!You can also make reference if you to wish to any personal memories of Brandon, the history of the stadium, and the need to protect sporting venues such as this – a fact which was firmed up in the Rugby Local Plan, which confirms the borough’s housing target has already been met.It should be remembered, of course, that this development is not really about the ‘community boost’ that a 3G football pitch is supposed to provide: it is actually about building 100+ houses, making huge profits, and in the process destroying years of sporting history.One other factor to bear in mind is that despite news of our own planning application which we made public in recent weeks, please limit your responses to comments on the developers’ plans only. This is not an ‘either/or’ scenario, and our own application has not been submitted yet as our focus at this stage has to be on our response to the developers.We do sincerely thank everyone who responded to the consultation on our own plans, and there were some very interesting and useful suggestions made, many of which we will look to incorporate into the final version.We plan to contact local residents again over the coming days with an update, but the response in 2018 came from far and wide, right across the motorsport world, and we need this to happen again.Your submissions should include your name, address, and a reference to planning application number R18/0186.It should be made in one of the following ways:a) To the Case Officer via e-mail at Erica.Buchanan@rugby.gov.ukb) By post to Erica Buchanan, Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby CV21 2RRc) Online at https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/rugby/search-applications/ – search for Coventry Stadium or R18/0186 and follow the Comment link.Once again, we urge you to send your response to the Council by August 11. As we saw in 2018, every single response makes a difference.If you do not feel that a 3G floodlit football pitch (and the housing, of course) should be given the go-ahead to replace our stadium, PLEASE send that response.
  16. According to the FIM Website a press release states that the LT of Nations (26 September, Roden) has been cancelled. The link to the Press Release does not work, only the Headline on the website is visible. It has been crossed out on the ISLB calendar.
  17. Netherlands will switch from SF2 to replace Finland in SF1. 4th team for SF2 to be decided later.
  18. Riding in only two leagues (NDL & CL) does not include guesting for a 3rd (PL) team.
  19. Might be a change to the line-up's (or format) as I am led to believe that Finland have withdrawn from the meeting.
  20. Dan & Joe (and the rest of the team) have served up some great passing around the outside this year, but Saturday's track v Poole was hardly conducive for an outside pass.
  21. I hear that Dan Thompson is a guest for Redcar tomorrow.
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