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  1. Well then it should be 11-riders 2011 series as only 11 riders did qualify...
  2. Polish motorsport board authorities (or at least the most important one) are really focused on covincing BSI to give Kolodziej permanent wild card for the next season, and that's why Kolodziej is about to be a wild card at Bydgoszcz; to prove he's worth it. So far he's absolutely on the top of individual Ekstraliga and Elitserien averages. Oh, and SGP Challenge engine protest was not quite his idea, he was just advised to do this, so don't be mad at the guy while he really isn't vicious or jealous type of man.
  3. You're being unfair or just don't remeber what happend just a week before the last GP at Vojens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aek6k0Y5oT8
  4. EF was because of one very very very little pebble that choked the carburettor
  5. Just wait for that: http://www.sportspromedia.com/deals/_a/gsi_expand_international_speedway_portfolio/
  6. It's because of the rules of Golden Helmet. Basically final line up is: top 10+2R from Ekstraliga top 4+1R from I Liga top 2+1R from II Liga based on ind. averages.
  7. There was some kind of fight between Sullivan and Richardson right after the 3rd heat of 1st semifinal leg at Czestochowa.
  8. Krzyzstof Cegielski told a friend of mine that this meeting is planned for the 23rd august. Lots of top poles will be on show, has anybody in poland heard anymore? Would love to go. Riders confirmed so far: http://www.60latnowejhuty.espeedway.pl/zawodnicy.html Meetings starts at 15:30, entrance free. This is how the stadium used to look like: http://www.zuzelend.com/krakow,151 http://www.zuzelend.com/stadiony-krakow-2,163 And these pictures were taken last month: http://i30.tinypic.com/2yts115.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/j74877.jpg http://i31.tinypic.com/118evev.jpg http://i27.tinypic.com/qxpjq1.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/15qal1g.jpg http://i32.tinypic.com/ffa9dx.jpg http://i27.tinypic.com/wwnedj.jpg http://i28.tinypic.com/2jezmux.jpg
  9. http://www.ostrowtv.pl/news/wiemy-ile-zarabiaja-w-kmo That's how much riders have been paid so far. "Foreign riders liabilities are small, domestic riders liabilities are larger". PLN= GBPx5, PLN=EUROx4,25. And it didn't take much time for riders to reply. Zabik admits that club paid him 115k PLN, but also reveals that club still owns him 180k PLN.
  10. There's a lot more than just an unsafe track. First of all - the track condition: http://anna-klopocka.lua.pl/IMG_2258_16.42.JPG http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2009/07/...erbowy-skandal/ Looks quite good, especially in comparison to what happened in Leszno, but the truth is that Ostrow's coach Janusz Stachyra is a well known agricultural hardware user so the water is sinking in his kind of track very well, instead of staying out making it possible to be washed out of the track like in Leszno. The weather forecast was obvious. So, in result all of riders (or almost all of them - depends on source publicizing the infos) were against of riding. But looks like the referee thought he was smarter and had decided the track was not as bad, announced start of the meeting, no one came out, both sides walk-over granted But there are also financial problems of Ostrow. It is said, that some of riders (for sure not all of them) haven't been paid this season at all (!) and from the very begging they're riding for "free". But looks like it's not the matter of this recent worldwide subprime mortgage crisis - I've read at Ostrow's forum that they are still paying last years obligations (Ostrow was also involved in serious corrupt affair). From what they're writing on their forum I assume also that those "riots" were a bit over-coloured by media.
  11. Today's practice photos: http://mariusz-foto.pl/index.php?go=zuzelgal (IMEJ - Tarnów trening 11 lipca)
  12. It could be very difficult to move anything from Nowa Huta, as the oldest part of this Krakow's section has been included to the monuments register 4 or 5 years ago Wanda's stadium doesn't belong to that monumental part of Nowa Huta as far as I know, but still the whole Nowa Huta is quite uniqe and hard to be moved and replaced There's also track in Swietochlowice. The club Slask Swietochlowice was withdrawn from the 3rd division in 2003 (just before the beggining of season) and the track has been out of use for professional speedway since 2006, but there was some amateur club which won amateur league in 2005, 2006 & 2007. I don't know how are they doing at present but here I've found video from 2007: http://www.speedtube.pl/film,539
  13. The track in Krakow (or Nowa Huta if you want, it's just a section of Krakow) was last time in use in 2003 as far as I remember. But lately the club (Wanda Krakow) has been granted quite big amount of money from the City Office for the stadium repair and they ripped-off the whole track in the end of last year; http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/6/6472/z6472636X.jpg http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/5/6472/z6472635X.jpg and now they are preparing (or already doing it ? I'm not sure) to renewing the whole area and making it useful to speedway, including air fence, etc. Stadion in Machowa (~15km east from Tarnow) is in quite good condition but is out of professional speedway and as far as I know only amateurs are riding there occasionally. Speedway in Warsaw is just a different story; there were even 3 clubs in Warsaw in 50's but all of them have gone in 60's. Finally the Gwardia stadium was built in 90's and some individual and team meetings took place there (including individual polish championship final, domestic speedway grand prix final, etc.) There was also a league team in 3rd division from year 2000 but after beeing promoted to 2nd division in 2003 they were not able to finish the season so the last meeting was in July 2003 when it all ended. Now there's a brand new club called WTS, founded in 2007, but they have no stadium. The old one (Gwardia) is ruined ( http://www.zuzel.waw.pl/index.php?id=2 ) and their efforts to bring speedway back to Warsaw are just resultless so far.
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