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Everything posted by Mateusz

  1. A massive parcel containing the scarves has been delivered to mine in Bydgoszcz today Tonight I'm gonna message these of you who I have never met before to agree all details of collecting your scarves - just to save us all any unnecessary hassle at the overcrowded stadium on Saturday.
  2. At the main ticket office of the stadium ("KASY" in Polish) - on the left of the grand stand, just by the stadium main entrance - shouldn't be hard to find Log on KupBilet.pl and check on your Order page -> there should be something like a link to your voucher which is generated in PDF once you click on it.
  3. Clear sky, 10-13 degrees in a daytime, 3-4 at night. It's gonna be cold (as usual in Bydgoszcz in October) but shouldn't rain
  4. The latest news I read say that it's gonna be: Emil, Pedersen, Kolodziej and Brit or U21 World Champ.
  5. Some numbers: 70 000 USD - that's how much Bydgoszcz paid for the right to organise the first GP tournament in Bydgoszcz ever (in 1998) 200 000 GBP - that's how much Bydgoszcz pay now 440 000 GBP - that's how much Gorzow will be paying just for one tournament in the next 5 years... BSI must be very happy guys doing their business with the silly Poles
  6. You'd all be totally disgusted if you knew what Gollob's wife was saying in Polish tabloids some time ago. Stupid b*tch, that's all I can say. And I'm glad this whole hell in Gollob's private life didn't affect his brilliant form this year.
  7. Maybe not 5 years, but at least the next 2 seasons. Current agreements between BSI and Polish club are valid till: 2012 - Leszno 2014 - Torun 2015 - Gorzow So I guess the earliest GP may come back to Bydgoszcz is 2013. I hope that by that time the city authorities will pump lots of money into Bydgoszcz speedway and we'll finally have a new speedway stadium built in Bydgoszcz (in the same place as the current one - the track, pits and the grand stand would be saved).
  8. Unfortunately the meeting on October 10th is held at Czestochowa (the 2nd leg meeting is always held the track of the Ekstraliga team - Cz'wa in this case).
  9. Because the rider with number 7 (junior) can ride only 5 races in a match - by the heat 14 Janowski had already ridden 5 times.
  10. No GP in NZ next year. http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2010/09/22/runda-grand-prix-w-nowej-zelandii-w-2011-roku-nie-dojdzie-do/
  11. http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2010/09/20/jacek-gajewski-dla-sportowefaktypl-ward-nie-pojedzie-w-ostat/ Torun manager has just said Ward won't ride in the 2nd leg match.
  12. Too late! But seriously - AJ doesn't deserve to ride in SGP next year and I hope he won't finish in top 8 this year. Kolodziej is the man to be there next year. LOL
  13. I have just made an order at the producents The scarves should come to mine in 2 weeks. Shortly before the Bydgoszcz GP weekend I will PM you all to sort out details of the way of collecting your scarfs (or shipping in case of those of you who are not coming to Bydgoszcz).
  14. No, Ekstraliga won't extend earlier. Emil will leave Bydgoszcz - he will not want to ride in the sh!t Division 1 again and I don't blame him at all. You have to compete with the best if you wanna be the best. Jonsson can simply f.ck off, his time in this team has definitely come to an end. He's an overrated, fallen star. He was awesome in his first season in Bydgoszcz (2004). But then every next year it was only worse and worse, I don't know what happened to that rider but he's completely cocked up this season. I really don't know what will happen with speedway in Bydgoszcz now. I think we may get stuck in Division 1 for at least couple of years, but I'd like to proven wrong next year at this time. For me it's time to focus on other aspects of life, I guess. Other than league speedway. It's not worth my nerves, my time and my health. Thanks god for Mr Gollob and his brilliant form this year - he's my only joy coming from speedway this year!
  15. It's on Canal+ regular channel (I guess they are showing some footie on Canal+ Sport that night) - there's a chance you may have it in your hotel. The GP starts at 8 pm (because it's Italy ) and Canal+ start their studio at 7.40 pm.
  16. The memorable final at Bydgoszcz in 1999. TG & PP were racing in a race-off for the title (as both scored 14 pts) and apparently TG hit PP who fell down. The ref excluded TG and PP became the Polish Champion. The situation was very controversial and the whole thing was even more spiced by the fact that both riders were riding for the same team then - Polonia Bydgoszcz. Results of that final: http://rlach.republika.pl/imp/imp_1999.htm
  17. I think heat 20 was not bad Dobrucki can say thank you to Gollob - he wouldn't even race today if TG had decide to ride.
  18. Ok - I am taking orders until tomorrow night because I have to call the producer on Monday morning. I'm gonna order a few more of both versions but as for any bigger amounts - please contact me by Monday morning
  19. Ok, will send you one scarf by post then Don't know yet - unless I go to Leszno I will send you your scarf by post
  20. Wondering if Gollob's gonna risk and ride in this event. Especially that he's not particularly liked in ZG
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