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Everything posted by Mateusz

  1. Nice pics My folks from the Polonia Bydgoszcz fan club are in some of those pictures (boys in white-red t-shirts with a name + Polonia Bydgoszcz on backs) We sat only a few metres away... Our photos: http://vanginet.dyndns.org/~netfans/net_galeria.html => 18.09.04: Speedway Grand Prix - Bydgoszcz: dzien zawodów More pics (with Rico and our new friends from Edinburgh too) will be added soon.
  2. Sure - I'm gonna be there It's not far away from the stadium and it may be a very nice show & party later
  3. I was out for some weeks (holidays & girls) but now I've found a bit of time to check out this topic. Here are some answers for funny things I found here. Steve Shovlar Torun is the place to go after the GP. Only an hours drive away but watch out for the police. They are keen to hand out speeding fines on those dodgy roads. ...or don't watch out for the police and get there in 15 minutes That's the way I prefer JY2003 No. I'm not kidding. In the stadium, they didn't speak English. We was trying to get ou the stadium and explain that we wanted to come back in but they didn't understand/didn't speak English. It goes both ways... You didn't speak Czech / Polish (both languages are similar in speaking) and you didn't understand them. JY2003 But i think Prague and Poland is a very - Beer(Ish)Country. At the Speedway meetings the Poles like to get drunk. No, those bad guys from Poland only like to supply the national budget with taxes that Polish government take from companies that produce beers, vodkas and other stuff Join them in that work and you'll feel like in a family JY2003 But in Prague their was hundereds of drunk Poles! Supplying the national budget of our Czech brothers is also a noble undertaking JY2003 But if people are drunk then the security guards shouldn't let them enter. I agree - they definately should join them and have a beer or five. JY2003 I think alchol should be banned from Grand Prix and Speedway meetings. They couldn't do anything more stupid lol "Kto nie pije jest wywrotowcem trwale uszczuplajacym budzet panstwa..." JY2003 I think all countrys should learn to speak English but saying that we are a lazy country at learning other languages (I'm learnin Danish ) (...) Alot of British tourists go on holiday to foriegn countrys - I just think that they should learn to speak abit of English Only because of the fact that rich English tourists go on holidays everywhere? Don't make me laugh... So do lots of people from other countries, not only from UK or US... I agree that English is the most popular language nowadays but hey!.. don't be so demanding - millions of tourists from other countries go abroad where nobody knows any word in their language. And they have to cope with it. Rico Why on earth should everyone learn English ??? The world would be a duller place for it. You took it out of my mouth! But I must say that I like English (in contrast to German that I hate ) Rico Saturday night we have traditionally ended up going to Chesterfields, a club underneath the City Hotel. I'm gonna make there my 18th birthday party next year Personally I think polish and checz people are good with their english, and the fact that the security persons at the track dont speak it, is because when they were at school, they were told russian is the language to learn. They learned Russian or they didn't learn at all... Security Gueards are not intellectuals Don't know if I come back here soon, so see you all in Bydgoszcz, we're keeping beers well cooled and ladies very well warmed up lol Rico, escort your folks in one piece to the stadium Seats will be kept by boyz from Polonia Bydgoszcz fan club Oh, and btw, I also plan to get to Torun next day and support T.Gollob with his Unia Tarnow team As every native boy from Bydgoszcz I hate Torun.
  4. Yesterday's ladies looked very, very nice The blue one was my favourite Anyone has any pics of them?
  5. Oh God.... I couldn't sleep last night. I needed one night and one day to cool down. I'm too young to have a heart attack but if I were older, better not to think what could happen during that 25th heat... The whole Bydgoszcz was screming during that heat And Tomek heard us and he did it... he won with Crump. It was that Tomek Gollob who I know from his great performances at the track in Bydgoszcz. He's a legend. Just give him a normal track, not that sh**y ones from GP where we usually see an imitation of speedway. Yesterday's meeeting was one of the best I've ever seen. Not only because of the fact that Poles got to the final but first all because of great speedway that we saw in those 25 heats. And AJ... That's guy absolutely unbelievable! What a control of a bike! He's been the best rider of Polish Ekstraliga - he's got the highest match average so far. Almost every Sunday I watch his fantastic actions at a track as he rides for Polonia Bydgoszcz this year! And tomorrow we have the final... This sport will kill me someday
  6. ??? I don't know what you mean = what happened but if it was something bad it must have been only an accidental incident. Don't worry about drunk Poles They're not so dangerous ... well maybe only sometimes when your a fan of Nicki P
  7. Short comment on tonight's GP: Jarek Hampel - that's the man with balls!!! Nicki Pedersen - that's the man without it!!! Congrats to all finalists and big thanx to Tomasz and Greg for beating Pedersen! Just a sweet revenge!
  8. 3. NP should have been excluded but was not... Fortunately Hancock showed that pig a place in order... Anyway, referee-duo Steel & Posselwhite rules. No doubts
  9. Only endings of words change. The main part of the word is always the same
  10. Gollob took out Jensen??? lol You must be blind if you think so. I've watched that situation a few times and there was absolutely NO contact between TG and JJ.
  11. The mudguard in Gollob's bike broke because of the crash caused by T.Rick. After that fall Gollob didn't have much time and that's why they didn't put a new mudguard. In the re-run of the semi-final he rode on a same bike WITH the mudguard, but that broken one. If there are rugulations that there must be a mudguard, give a rider & his team a little bit of time to repair a bike after a crash...
  12. Kryszaniek? lol Krzyzaniak but I must say that's a hard surname to write if don't speak Polish and only heard it.
  13. T.Rick was very lucky tonight about those re-runs... In my opinion he should not have been allowed to run again after causing Gollob's fall, but oh well.. I'm happy that Tomasz was not excluded because looking back at refs' decisions from last years everything seemed to be possible (some of them just don't like Gollob). I've wondered what ref's decision would have been, if it had looked a bit differently - Gollob causing Rickardsson's fall. I'm pretty sure that Gollob would have been excluded in that case... but nevermind. I'm very proud of Tomasz that after problems in his first heats he managed to setup the second bike properly and then win next three heats. In the final he was fighting with Rickardsson but also with his painful hand... And of course congratulations to Leigh Adams and Jason Crump. Good job kangaroos!
  14. Great choice! It's gonna be a superb match between two the best Polish teams. And Zakopane is a beautiful mountain town. I've been there many times. Fantastic place Have a nice time in Poland!
  15. The nearest Airport to Bydgoszcz is in... Bydgoszcz. They have just built in our airport an international terminal which will be opened soon. You can fly from Warsaw to Bydgoszcz, it's not so expensive.
  16. 1. T.Rick 2. Sullivan 3. Gollob 4. Holta And I also hope that Andreas Jonsson will do well after that injury..
  17. Yeah, nice panie & piwo drinking + speedway are necessary stuff for every real man And my mobile number is still the same
  18. It's true but in my opinion it's a huge mistake! Kasprzak has just come back after a one month long break because of an injury and no one knows how he will be riding in coming weeks. However, for some reasons I can understand that decision. But Kurmanski!? ... He started this season very badly and all in all he's just not in a good form. Unless he does something with himself or his bikes soon he will not do anything in Wroclaw GP My favourites for wild cards were Wroclaw's Slawomir Drabik and Torun's Wieslaw Jagus. They are both quite old, but in a great form and they should have given them probably the last chance for running in SGP...
  19. Yeah, I agree that it's a bit hardcore to wait all in all about 11 hours but it's gonna be funny I think A few LECHs & some nice girls and we'll survive Find at the stadium a banner "Polonia Bydgoszcz Net F@ns" - that's out fan club And by the way: Gollob jest zajebisty
  20. Where are u going to sit at the stadium Rico? Me and my friends got tickets for seats in sectors 2-9 It's gonna be hot there Those seats r well located but u gotta be quite early to find some place in the highest rows. We r leaving Bydgoszcz at about 3 am to get to Wroclaw at about 8 am. Then queuing in front of gates till 2 pm and then next 5 hours of waiting at the stadium GP in a Polish style lol... We plan to be back in Bydgoszcz next day in the morning. PS If anyone wants to book tickets for Wroclaw GP here you've got a site where you can do it. Before 1st May it's 20% cheaper http://www.bilet-speedway.pl/
  21. Probably about 16.00. Matches usually start between 15.00-17.00 at stadiums without lights like in Zielona Gora.
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