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Everything posted by Mateusz

  1. You mean a hotel or a club (Chesterfield)? The best hotels (the most luxury) are City and Pod Orlem. It depends on individual preferences. Pod Orlem is in an old art nouveau style, City is a typical modern hotel. I've never been to Chesterfield yet so it's to compare it to the other clubs in Bydgoszcz. Probably one of the best ones in the city, but I know some other that are not bad either - e.g. Zentrum or Kuznia.
  2. A question for every-year Chesterfield's visitors: is there a striptease at Chesterfield ?? Asking seriously as I've never been there before (I'm still a polite young boy ) but today my uncle was joking about striptease there. Looks like I didn't get if it was only a joke or not so I'd like to know what we can expect on Saturday's night ;)
  3. No doubts about it + http://community.webshots.com/photo/416651...417251692SflkxN
  4. I'm a big fan of Gollob (needless to say ) but the first Wojaczek's decision was wrong - Gollob should have been excluded as there was no contact between him and Pedersen. Tomek tried to overtake Pedersen in outside but just slipped there. Me and the whole white-red pub were really surprised when Wojaczek kicked out Pedersen. However, we didn't mind it much too The second decision (Hampel & Gollob) - was IMHO right. A typical first curve situation for all 4 back.
  5. Last night I had something like a "speedway night". When I got back from a pub after watching Malilla GP I switched on my comp and started watching the whole SWC Final that took place exactly one week ago. Having a big drum and leading the support of fans in our sector, we were being captured by tv cameras pretty often - they had showed us around 20 times ! Even my action with a red flare during the podium presentation
  6. Yes, as we were saying in Wroclaw - Rico's much better in Polish than Holta I'd give him a Polish passport with no doubt
  7. My thoughts will be with you Kochanie... Lawrence didn't you get the point or was it to be funny? If so, it was not...
  8. Indeed... http://community.webshots.com/photo/416651...417148769GEeVTJ
  9. Some address to websites with pics from Wroclaw. I hope the others will add theirs. My friend Lawrence's: http://community.webshots.com/user/lawrencepl (15 pages of pics!) Yeah, there are really lots of them, if you don't wanna see it all, check out photos from Irish Pub "Guinness" - definitely the best ones (pages and 10,11 and last ones). Subtitles are to follow, hope Lawrence's gonna but them later today. Mine: http://community.webshots.com/user/mateusz_bydgoszcz In this place I'd also like to cheer all members of our Polish-British brigade and thanx for spending great days (and nights!) together in Wroclaw: - heavenly ZKZ_Kitten , Queen Bee, Nikki, Rico, David and my mates from Bydgoszcz Cheers also to Captain Pugwash with his wife that we've had pleasure to meet with (and watch a match in Leszno on Sunday) and all the people I met in Irish Pub but don't remember their nicknames (sorry!) I had such a fantastic time in Wroclaw, I'll never forget it... Best speedway trip ever so far! PS only 2 weeks and a few days to Bydgoszcz GP...!
  10. Rickardsson is like a "holy cow" as we call it here. They never make decisions against him. I never liked that guy but I always respected him as a 5-time World Champion. Today I lost all respect for that fu...r He showed his real face tonight, or rather elbow... "Warm welcome" in Wroclaw guaranteed
  11. Grodzki is a dishonour of Poland! So many stupid decisions... And obviously T.Rick is a god - everyone saw that elbow in the heat 24 but not the referee... what a sh**!
  12. A fantastic heat but without a happy end.. Good old Gollob from the late 90s ...
  13. Not a bad idea LECH beer always makes me think about speedway as a typical beer of a speedway fan - cheap and good
  14. LOL thanks for the answer So in reply to Rico's post - I never sit between prawn sandwich brigade. Always back straight
  15. If I go I'll obviously join you and what's more - I hope that together we will make a nice "party" on the train to Leszno What is the prawn sandwich brigade?? I understand what it means in direct traslation but don't get the point..
  16. As I've read this thread I can only say: all roads lead to Wroclaw Me and some Bydgoszcz fans are arriving on Thursday about midday and about 13.oo we should get to the Old Square. Hope to meet up with you there. If Rico has his mob phone switched on we will find you And on Sunday I'm probably going to Leszno
  17. TRYBUNA (mainstand) - 500 zl best views, but no atmosphere (only VIPs, BSI people, sponsors etc. ) SEKTOR A - 250 zl numbered seats too; mostly occupied by foreign fans SEKTOR B - 80 zl in my opinion best seats for real fans SEKTOR C - 50 zl area for pensioners Generally, you can watch the show very well anywhere at the stadium but you have to sit high - lowest rows are bad because of air fences, banners on the fence, people walking everywhere etc.
  18. ALL SPORT AND CULTURAL EVENTS IN POLAND TOMORROW HAVE BEEN CALLED OFF. The goverment are to announce the national mouring from tonight's midnight till Pope's funeral. There will be no speedway in Poland till at least Wednesday.
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