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Everything posted by Mateusz

  1. Only one match on telly tonight but this should be a cracking one if they prepare a proper track in Torun. About 30 degrees in the shade in the whole country today - wondering how the new silencers are gonna work in this heat. If the Poznan v Bydgoszcz match ends around 7 pm I should get back home right on time for Torun v Gorzow PS. ZG v Rzeszow was postponed for June 22nd.
  2. Dudek has his English A-level exam on Tuesday, that's what it was about
  3. Haven't heard anything new about Dobrucki recently. As for the t-shirts - "Rafał 3-maj się!" - "Rafał take care!"
  4. http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/wideo/zuzel-se-falubaz-unia-leszno/4530253 The match starts at 7.30 pm local time.
  5. Pathetic performance. Leading by 6 points to lose it by 8... We'll get promoted to Ekstraliga hands down but this team is well overpaid.
  6. http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/05/22/matej-ferjan-nie-zyje/
  7. As usual, a good stream on the TVP website as well - http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/wideo/zuzel-se-pge-marma-tauron-azoty/4530247
  8. Hello, Excited about the upcoming 4-5 hours of speedway action but it is a sad day for the whole speedway family
  9. I have checked that Wybrzeze Gdansk internet TV website but it doesn't look like they are doing any live coverage tomorrow, unfortunately. Will let you know tomorrow afternoon if, somehow, I find any streaming from Gdansk v Bydgoszcz.
  10. None gave me a refund for my flight, hotel and train tickets in Germany, though. And obviously that cost MUCH MORE than a GP ticket then. Everyone who went to Gelsenkirchen in 2008 was seriously f..ked over by BSI then. PS. As for last night's decision - seemed right to me at the point the meeting had gone to. Commentators from the Polish Canal+ (including the glorious Daria ) were saying it had just started raining heavier about that time (heat 16). We can only discuss if the were was any point in racing last night at all or postponing it for Sunday (which would not make everyone happy either because I'm sure there were people who had their flights back home before the noon on Sunday).
  11. That's it for tonight guys. But if you want more Daria: http://celebs-forum.com/topic/28959-daria-kabala-malarz/page__p__257054__hl__daria+kaba%C5%82a__fromsearch__1#entry257054
  12. The crowd doesn't look too impressive, must admit. PS. Perfect streaming so far up here: http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv2.html, if anyone was looking for
  13. Indeed - http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/druzyny/caelum-stal-gorzow/wideo/walka-mistrzow-i-kraksa-dobruckiego/4463623
  14. You must have missed the Gollob v Hancock race.
  15. ZG out of pace since Dobrucki's crash.
  16. Mroczka in heat 15. Anyone missing Andersen in Gorzów?
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