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Everything posted by frigbo

  1. Thought that was the dullest race-off yet, the Thursday is normally the highlight of the tournament, but that was pretty dreary fayre last night with nobody watching it either. I'm even more convinced that GB will struggle tomorrow now as the track didn't produce a great deal of passing.
  2. No sign of a "TRick, man or animal" thread yet though
  3. Doesn't make it right though, in my opinion
  4. No not sniping, just an opinion. The fact it differs from yours isn't a basis for calling me a clown. Maybe they'll teach you that in 'big school' next term?
  5. I've got the Aussies to dip out in Thursday's race off too. I've had a wee tickle on the Poles for the final and a saver on the Danes at a massive 13/2 with Skybet.
  6. Marvyn Cox was 'German' champion, he also wore the German flag in a World Final! This dodgy 'dual nationality' really does make sport look daft, and it's not just speedway either. There have been numerous footballers over the years who have played friendlies or junior levels for one nation and full competitive internationals for another. It's daft, Play/ride for where you or your parents were born and be done with it, although ideally it would be nation of birth only, but that would scupper riders like Mark Loram as Malta haven't got much of a speedway team!
  7. Good to see the World Cup winners Ruud Boy and Iron Man making hay and furthering their quests for yet more glory
  8. Is it a bird, is it a plane?, no it's Grachan's humour flying yards over Eastie's head!
  9. Yep, although you've ignored my other post which actually puts Stead in the team!
  10. Obviously you know them well enough to decide you don't like them!
  11. The difference is that they both have proven records at Blunsdon and usually score very well there, although they did 'punch above their weight' last night. Blooding one of them in Poland is ok, both is a big gamble. My team for the final would be: Nicholls Richardson Loram Norris Stead
  12. Loram for Screen is a no brainer, Also not sure that both Harris and Stead are a good idea in Poland, despite both riding excellently tonight
  13. Anyone want to point out how daft Middlo looked leaping around after Rico passed Nicki P with his throttle off and thereby allowed the Danes to play their joker? Keep up Middlo, it could cost ue one day!
  14. Mainly beacuse he's crap around Blunsdon i guess.
  15. But what you're all missing is that the reason Norris isn't in the team anyway is because he's not fit! Wakey, wakey!
  16. Sure is Finn Thomsen. Ashby was fantastic, does anyone remember him team riding Kevin Young home for a 5-1 in circa '77, they must have been doing about 10mph at times!
  17. Nottingham Outlaws rode at Station Road in 1979 and 80
  18. You're not going to recommend The Cricketers again are you?
  19. Gra, Swindon 40-38 O*ford Swindon Martin Ashby 12 Norman Hunter 8 Geoff Bouchard 6 Edgar Stangeland 6 Mick Handley 5 Brian Leonard 3 David Ashby 0 O*ford Hasse Holmqvist 13 Jimmy McMillan (Guest) 12 Malcolm Ballard 7 The late John Dews 3 Roger Johns 3 Gordon Kennett 0 Rick Timmo 0
  20. I remember Grachan posted a clip of a good race between Alan Grahame and Cowboy Cook on here some time ago. The meeting was held at Wimbledon.
  21. I assume he is a relation of Pat Pawson who rode for Wimbledon in the late 70's as they're both from New Zealand?
  22. Some of these could be tough..Emil Sova and Reidar Eide have been dead for some time. What about Ed Stangeland, Brian Leonard and Mike Keen??..or Leonard Raba and Milan Spinka to really top everything!
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