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Everything posted by frigbo

  1. I've got photos of the statement. Too big to upload here though.
  2. It would have to be on local business car parking, such as the David Lloyd Centre or somewhere in Groundwell Ind Estate with a park n ride system.
  3. There are people who want to. Understandbly, they do not want to enter into an arrangement with good old Clarkey boy...
  4. Parish Meeting agreed to submit an objection to the planning application for change of use. But... GI also have submitted a statement to the Council which subtly frames the intention of their application differently to a change of use..
  5. Swindon Council lead Jim Robbins has previously stated he will not support a change of use. Let's see if he backs his words up!
  6. They are concerned about legal ramifications. Russell losing the licence, should help them now be more open.
  7. I agree, the response from fans, media and speedway management has been very muted! In fact, we've rolled over and had our bellies tickled! Russell has tied the other managers down with NDA's and the local media are only now starting to delve under the covers. Five years on, most fans have drifted off to other things. The BSPL and Phil Morris have both been made aware of what the situation is and have done diddly squat about it.
  8. I think you need to see the 'completed stadium' and planning conditions at Swindon before spouting such rubbish.
  9. Swindon Speedway Update We have instigated a formal process with the landowner and developer to determine whether breaches have taken place.. The importance of getting the enforcement process legally correct cannot be over stated. Breaches of planning can be a criminal issue and whilst investigations are taking place there is limited information that can be put into the public domain so as not to prejudice the case. I can only stress how complex the planning history is on this site. Some of the development appears to have been implemented under one consent and some under another – and there are several. This complexity has raised a number of legal technicalities. Update this evening from the lead of Swindon Council
  10. These were provided by a local journalist who is doing some digging into the position of the planning conditions. They're so vague, there's no way SBC could effectively challenge whether they're met or not.
  11. https://wwosbackup.proboards.com/thread/1423/1962-world-final-wembley-stadium
  12. Stefan Danno for me. I'm barely past being a foetus
  13. Sadly, Gordon Kennett needs to come off the list.
  14. This! One hundred times, this!
  15. Sad news on social media that former Coventry, Sheffield and Halifax heat leader Rick France has passed away.
  16. Can't wait to see the tactical genius moves of Sudden Sam....
  17. I can see this being an inconsistent side. Some weeks they might all click, but others they'll get a stuffing through lack of heat winners.
  18. I get that. But prime development land and a 'promise' from Poole Motorsports will tempt the council pocket...
  19. Sorry guys, seems you're next on that piece of work's hitlist
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