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Everything posted by frigbo

  1. October 29th 1983 Pride Of The East 1. Les Collins 2-1-1-2-2 8 2. Billy Sanders 0-f- 0 3. Michael Lee 3-3-3-3-3 15 4. Bo Petersen 1-2-1-1-3 8 5. P. Collins 1-0-3-1-1 6 Not sure if this was Peter or Phil 6. John Louis 3-3-2-3-0 11 7. Dave Jessup 2-0-2-1-1 6 8. Mitch Shirra 0-0-1 1 9. Egon Muller 3-2-0-2-3 10 10. Richard Hellsen 2-1-0-2-3 8 11. Kevin Jolly 0-1-0-2-0 3 12. Chris Morton 1-1-2-0-2 6 13. Hans Nielsen 2-3-3-3-1 12 14. Jan Andersson 0-2-2-3-2 9 15. Gordon Kennett 1-2-1-ef-1 5 16. Dennis Sigalos 3-3-3-0-2 11 Res Michael Keepe 0-1-0 1 Res Richard Green 0-0 0 1 - Lee, L.Collins, Petersen, Sanders 62.2 Track Record 2 - Louis, Jessup, P.Collins, Shirra 64.0 3 - Muller, Hellsen, Morton, Jolly 65.0 4 - Sigalos, Nielsen, Kennett, Andersson 63.4 5 - Nielsen, Muller, L.Collins, P.Collins 64.8 6 - Louis, Andersson, Hellsen, Sanders (fell) 64.0 7 - Lee, Kennett, Jolly, Jessup 63.0 8 - Sigalos, Petersen, Morton, Shirra 64.2 9 - Sigalos, Louis, L.Collins, Jolly 64.0 10 - P.Collins, Morton, Kennett, Keepe 65.0 11 - Lee, Andersson, Shirra, Muller 63.8 12 - Nielsen, Jessup, Petersen, Hellsen 65.4 13 - Andersson, L.Collins, Jessup, Morton 65.0 14 - Nielsen, Jolly, Keepe, Green 65.8 15 - Lee, Hellsen, P.Collins, Sigalos 64.2 16 - Louis, Muller, Petersen, Kennett (ef) 64.8 17 - Hellsen, L.Collins, Kennett, Green 65.0 18 - Muller, Sigalos, Jessup, Keepe 65.2 19 - Lee, Morton, Nielsen, Louis 64.0 20 - Petersen, Andersson, P.Collins, Jolly 64.8
  2. http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=mriders&action=display&thread=1855
  3. August 29th 1981 Swindon v King's Lynn 43-35 Swindon 1. Steve Bastable 2-2-3-3 10 2. Steve Lawson 1*-1*-1-1 4+2 3. Phil Crump 3-3-2-3 11 4. Steve Gresham 2*-1*-2-0 5+2 5. Malcolm Holloway 3-2-1*-1 7+1 6. Bob Humphreys 2*-ret-0 2+1 7. Steen Mastrup 3-0-1* 4+1 King's Lynn 1. Dave Jessup 3-3-3-2-2 13 2. Hasse Danielsson 0-0-0 0 3. Michael Lee 2-3-3-3-1* 12+1 4. Richard Hellsen 1-2-2*-2-0 7+1 5. Mel Taylor 0-1*-f/ex 1+1 6. Nigel Sparshott 0-0 0 7. Craig Featherby 1-1*-0 2+1 1 - Jessup, Bastable, Lawson, Danielsson 3-3 70.6 2 - Mastrup, Humphreys, Featherby, Sparshott 8-4 70.0 3 - Holloway, Gresham, Hellsen, Taylor 13-5 69.0 4 - Crump, Lee, Featherby, Humphreys (ret) 16-8 68.2 5 - Jessup, Holloway, Gresham, Danielsson 19-11 68.9 6 - Lee, Bastable, Lawson, Sparshott 22-14 68.9 7 - Crump, Hellsen, Taylor, Mastrup 25-17 69.6 8 - Lee, Hellsen, Lawson, Humphreys 26-22 70.6 9 - Lee, Gresham, Holloway, Featherby 29-25 68.4 10 - Bastable, Hellsen, Lawson, Taylor (f/ex) 33-27 69.9 11 - Jessup, Crump, Mastrup, Danielsson 36-30 68.9 12 - Bastable, Jessup, Lee, Gresham 39-33 68.6 13 - Crump, Jessup, Holloway, Hellsen 43-35 69.1
  4. August 1st 1981 Swindon v Sheffield - 47-31 Swindon 1. R/R 2. Jens Henry Nielsen 1*-1*-0-2* 4+3 3. Phil Crump 2-3-3-3-3 14 4. Steve Gresham 2*-2*-2*-3-1 10+3 5. Malcolm Holloway 3-3-3-1 10 6. Martin Yeates ret-0-0 0 7. Steen Mastrup 3-2-2-2* 9+1 8. Martin Hewlett 0 0 Sheffield 1. Shawn Moran 3-1-3-1-2 10 2. Phil White 0-0-0 0 3. Dave Morton 2-3-1-3 9 4. Reg Wilson 1-2-1-0 4 5. Eric Broadbelt 0-1*-0-2* 3+2 6. Rob Carter 1*-0 1+1 7. Mark Fiora 2-1*-0-1 4+1 1 - Moran, Crump, Nielsen, White 3-3 69.4 2 - Mastrup, Fiora, Carter, Yeates (Ret) 6-6 no time 3 - Holloway, Gresham, Wilson, Broadbelt 11-7 69.6 4 - Crump, Morton, Fiora, Yeates 14-10 69.6 5 - Holloway, Gresham, Moran, White 19-11 69.5 6 - Morton, Mastrup, Nielsen, Fiora 22-14 69.6 7 - Crump, Wilson, Broadbelt, Yeates 25-17 69.8 8 - Moran, Mastrup, Fiora, Nielsen 27-21 69.5 9 - Holloway, Gresham, Morton, Carter 32-22 69.9 10 - Gresham, Nielsen, Wilson, Broadbelt 37-23 70.5 11 - Crump, Mastrup, Moran, White 42-24 69.7 12 - Morton, Broadbelt, Gresham, Hewlett 43-29 70.1 13 - Crump, Moran, Holloway, Wilson 47-31 69.0
  5. Here's one for starters July 17th 1982 Swindon v Sheffield - 44:34 Swindon 1. Steve Bastable 2-3-2-3 10 2. Mike Ferreira 1*-2*-0-0 3+2 3. Malcolm Holloway 3-3-3-3 12 4. Martin Yeates 2*-0-1*-0 3+2 5. Phil Crump 3-3-2-1 9 6. Bjorn Andersson 2-1-1 4 7. Martin Hewlett 1*-2-0 3+1 Sheffield 1. Shawn Moran 3-2-3-3-1*-2 14+1 2. R/R 3. Reg Wilson 0-2-1-1-T-1* 5+1 4. Paul Woods 1-1*-0-0 2+1 5. Dave Morton 0-2-1-2 5 6. Wayne Brown 3-0-3-2 8 7. Phil White 0-0-0 0 1 - Moran, Bastable, Ferreira, Wilson. 3-3 68.0 2 - Brown, Andersson, Hewlett, White 6-6 68.7 3 - Crump, Yeates, Woods, Morton 11-7 68.5 4 - Holloway, Wilson, Andersson, White 15-9 68.5 5 - Crump, Moran, Woods, Yeates 18-12 66.6 6 - Bastable, Ferreira, Wilson, Brown 23-13 68.3 7 - Holloway, Morton, Andersson, Woods 27-15 68.3 8 - Moran, Hewlett, Wilson, Ferreira 29-19 68.1 9 - Brown, Crump, Yeates, White (Wilson Ex/T) 32-22 68.5 10 - Moran, Bastable, Morton, Ferreira 34-26 68.5 11 - Holloway, Brown, Moran, Hewlett 37-29 68.2 12 - Bastable, Morton, Wilson, Yeates 40-32 68.5 13 - Holloway, Moran, Crump, Woods 44-34 68.5
  6. I can dig them out - might take me a few days though as I'm out for most of the weekend.
  7. http://www.speedwayplus.co.uk/
  8. http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=hriders&action=display&thread=1359 81 according to Schumi and I's records, Rob.
  9. http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=wriders&action=display&thread=3043 http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=hriders&action=display&thread=1229 Do you have your Dad's place and date of birth, Heidi?
  10. Indeed. The Steve Columbo I know of had a real name of Stephen Rausa. Mmm - what's the story, morning glory? Maybe it is regarding that 4TT at Hull on 24.10.79??
  11. What's Steve Colombo (sic) got to do with Shawn Moran?
  12. Blimey, Speedway's rules were just as ridiculous 45 years ago!
  13. frigbo

    Alan Jones

  14. He rode for Workington - only rider to beat a Crayford rider.
  15. frigbo

    Jimmy Gooch

    Which also makes him 82 and not 83 as posted earlier.
  16. http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=criders&thread=685&page=1
  17. Back Row L-R. Carter, Peter Collins, Simmons, Lee, Les Colins. Front L-R. Jessup, Morton, Davis.
  18. From the experiences of people I know, Sky's Customer Service is world class compared to Virgin's! How about being charged to re-activate a service simply because you wanted to change the name on the account from joint to single!
  19. http://www.swindonweb.com/index.asp?m=2&s=127
  20. I'm sure Rico won't be the last to walk away from Team GB.
  21. Rod, I think Blythe (like MacKay) was born in England but emigrated to Aus. I've got Chris Blythe as being born in Liverpool.
  22. frigbo


    Having checked, the rider in the meeting at Boston was: http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=priders&action=display&thread=2236
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