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About frigbo

  • Birthday 12/12/1968

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    Devout Lesbian
  • Music
    Harpsichord Rock, anything by X Factor contestants
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  • Profession
    Monkey Sexer

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    Rourke's Drift
  • Interests
    Tapes Up, Chop Juice, Spam, STFC, Yeast, Betting, More Yeast, Amazon at the White Horse, Yeast, Calling people Mushtaq, Nasal combat, The Green Tree, Winning Games of Honour, watching BOD, baiting Rosco, Laughing at O*ford, Yeast, Chasing Taxis, Committing Schoolboy errors, Snurgepifting, Gherkins, Baby Wesleys, All Dayers in Bath, Foxies Extreme, Rouge, Flisking The Squend, Mighty Moose, Laying the smack down, Clash Duff, Yeast

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  1. https://swindonlink.com/sport/consultation/extended/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3q_upQuojLd3tnhi2kr60Xi3GxMHpMZb1Nyus5cDUaXLgUTRGHi6LHvcU_aem_REj1gm9JjewKbou_heU7rg
  2. He put them into administration.
  3. Jon Odegaard at Swindon and Halifax's Jorn Haugvaldstad are two more short-stay Norwegians.
  4. We have someone who wants to open the sport again in Swindon, but the Council are adamant they have no land available. Private land searches have also drawn a blank so far. Clarke Osborne continues to sit on what's left of the Abbey and let that deteriorate and not complete the new bits he threw up to enable houses in the car park. No doubt to eventually be allowed to demolish it for more houses. We are presenting our petition to Full Council on Thursday, but fully expect lots of lip-service and verbal support with no end product from the Council.
  5. Bumpity bump... Just gone past 2,000 today
  6. http://ww5.swindon.gov.uk/moderngov/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=64 Hi all, A petition submitted by the Swindon fans group , Swindon Needs Speedway, has gone live this morning. It is intended to lobby Swindon Council to get GI to complete the Abbey Stadium work and identify land options for speedway and include it in their new Local Plan. Please sign and share
  7. https://linktr.ee/roundtheboards Listen to Swindon Needs Speedway group discussing the Abbey, Studley Grange, Swindon Motorsports, Gaming International and the group's goals here.
  8. Swindon has a some houses, speedway and greyhound tracks, but no pits, sound barrier, amenitues in the new 'stand' or referee's box!
  9. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0jkz1v0 Swindon Needs Speedway fans response to the Studley Grange Swindon Motorsports statement.
  10. New Twitter account created. @snsactiongroup Fans group "Swindon Needs Speedway" formed and mobilising now. Facebook account and petition to follow Please lend yoir support where you can. Swindonneedsspeedway@gmail.com is the email for any ideas, info or help you can provide Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1JVGuuYmhYJamnvB/
  11. A new, more focused fans group had a kick-off meeting tonight. Lots going on in the background, with great support from.key people in Swindon and elsewhere. Mobilisation imminent.
  12. https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/24512822.new-fight-launched-keep-swindon-speedway-abbey-stadium/?ref=socialflow&fbclid=IwY2xjawEodFRleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHYd9gJiimx0L1hiuz7o9SyEhcxK7gsZ997L3lRLjq88-3dC9FrmjOXUmSA_aem_zCZroNQR6mnfslwGmKVJlg
  13. Saw a note on Facebook earlier to say former Eastbourne, Poole and Oxford rider Malcolm Ballard passed away on Saturday.
  14. I'm under no illusions of the likelihood of them being complicit in this end result. They needed Osborne onside to complete some recent work in the housing estate. Osborne purposely held back on that to use as a bargaining tool. Once that was done, the speedway planning statement was released and the Council backed off.
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