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Feline Fine

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Everything posted by Feline Fine

  1. I say more respect for riders who put their team above their individual aspirations. Nothing more annoying or irritating than watching someone do poorly for their club, but then excel in individuals! Mark has the right attitude imho.
  2. FlyinRyan, if you feel that strongly about the Breeze Block comment (which was naughty) then have you not noticed the "Report" button next to the "quote" button, for reporting what you believe offensive posts so that the mods are made aware of it and (if applicable) remove it? I should imagine with all the postings which are being made at the moment they probably are missing some posts.
  3. Just like Cheetahawk I admit I am not a fan of Havvys and was not happy to hear that he had been given a place in the Team GB squad (although I kept my thoughts on this point to myself). However, I can honestly say that he impressed me tremendously last night in Poole and the decision was well and truly justified.
  4. Sir Lunchalot, Just my opinion, but I think it matters that if PK was in second place, he'd be using every trick in the book to pass Anderson leaving gaps where realistically Scotty could have passed him. Instead, he was given an open invitation to hit the front of the field, meaning that he could instead just concentrate on going flat out for the win, leaving our boy eating his dust instead of breathing down his exhaust pipe to make a mistake
  5. Well said Tomcat. We most certainly were robbed and I hope Hans Anderson is made to suffer financially for what he did tonight. It was completely disgraceful and made professional Speedway look like a mickey mouse sport, especially bad after such excellent coverage over the last few days. Who would blame Scotty for holding a grudge over that last heat? I say the less we see of Hans Anderson riding in the UK after that the better! Lets hope our sport won't be associated with the "fixed results" tag certain other sports have had to put up with, now betting is allowed.
  6. Have to agree with almost everything everyone has said. Can't rate this meeting high enough!! The highlights in my opinion were:- AJ - what an absolute star. I always knew he was a good rider, but boy is that guy talented (and fearless!). Lucky Coventry fans getting to watch him race every week! Polish Team - Loved the determination and grit they showed tonight. Tomasz Gollob seemed like another rider completely when interviewed to how he used to appear. It was great watching him laugh and smile and appear really likeable actually. And the other poles too were great value for money. Hope they found somewhere to sleep! Swedes - All seemed "up for it" but didn't realise Antonio Lindback was quite that "wild"! Is he like this all the time? If he's not careful he's gonna get a reputation like Nicki P's once this world cup is through! (and it's easier to get a reputation than shed one!) Mad Guy - That translator/manager person with the Poles was hilarious. When he was allegedly translating what Greg Walasek was saying but Greg only uttered about three words and the guy was going on and on for ages - his enthusiasm was contagious! I think a big heap of praise should go to everyone connected with the meeting, from Poole Speedway who hosted the event (good job, but would have been good at most venues), to all the teams involved (including the Czechs who still played a big part despite their low score) to Sky TV who did a blinding job of filming the event (barr that long advert break). I can't wait for Saturday to come around now. Whoever wins will certainly have been made to earn it!
  7. You know I'm only jealous coz I can't go I like you really!
  8. Sirmatty, I think you'll find you've got Lot 5, Row E at the Rear. You're tickets will have LO5ER on them for short!
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