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About Haywood

  • Birthday 09/27/1971

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  1. When they looking at TV deals there were concerns at protecting revenue from streaming. Gave me the impression it contributed to the coffers. I appreciate streaming comes with costs and I myself made some the calculations with the Poole stream a few weeks back. Surprised if they made money although they seem to be giving it another go so most of have been somewhere near break even at least?
  2. I would have that question the other way round. Why by a stream if you can attend in person? Streams should be aimed at away fans or those who can't attend in person, either because of covid restrictions or personal commitments. Yes, the market is small although from what I can gather streaming income does make a valuable income for some Ice Hockey clubs. Given the prices are broadly similar, then does that suggest they have lower costs or a bigger take up? How Basketball managed to offer £20 a month to watch all home games for 9 different clubs I don't know. That seems cheap compared to elsewhere. Would pooling resources and putting everything on a shared platform lead to significant cost reductions? Seems unlikely although it does make it easier for the end user.
  3. Got mine this morning. Although two weeks back it arrived on Friday.
  4. Interesting to read Len Silver's comments in the Speedway Star today. In particular the comments that the drop in points limits impacts the likes of Oxford and Bradford returning. The league should be about helping new or returning venues develop as well as developing riders.
  5. I do have an interest in Speedway and I apologise if this was not clear. The last meeting I went to was Kent in June 2019. Unfortunately, living in Guildford there are no tracks nearby. But I have previously held season tickets at both Reading and Wimbledon (obviously quite some years ago in both cases). I do watch all the TV meetings but don't have Eurosport so will have to make do with highlights on Quest for the league meetings. I have subscribed to Speedway Star since 1995. Hopefully I can make a meeting later in the year but I don't know right now. I know I don't have many posts on here but I do regular come on here and sometimes just browse, catch up on the gossip etc. I am quite a shy person so don't always 'take the plunge' and post stuff.
  6. Thanks for your responses. Very considered and thoughtful and highlighting some of the nuances. Hopefully with this improved weather you'll have better luck next time.
  7. That's OK. You are making quite serious points. So how does Speedway promote itself? To me part of sports is engaging in the local community and that is part of promoting. It is difficult to know where to draw the line. Should they not get involved in local charities in case they are deemed to be controversial? It is a genuine question.
  8. Thanks for your response. And thanks for taking the time and trouble to read the link. Maybe it is an assumption but the way some posts were framed gives me the impression there was something disliked about 'minorities' in general. Maybe I am misinterpreting them? I wouldn't say it is my 'chosen minority' - I have had no involvement whatsoever with Pride events or movements other than attending a single Ice Hockey match.
  9. I can understand where you are coming from. Other sports like Cycling and Ice Hockey are having challenging constructive debates about diversity and inclusion. Maybe Speedway (or at least this forum anyway) is not ready for that debate. But what does that say about Speedway's future? I do find it puzzling that fans of a minority support show so little empathy to minority groups.
  10. So are you saying Speedway has such a massive fan base it doesn't need to do this? Whereas a struggling minority sport like Ice Hockey need to do something a bit more to bring the fans in? Guildford Flames average around 1800 per game and have over 500 season ticket holders (pre covid). I am sure there are a few Speedway clubs who would like to be in that position. And the big arenas teams such as Sheffield and Nottingham have a lot bigger crowds. I am sure Colour Blindness is a cause well worth highlighting and Colour Blind Awareness Day is in September so could fit nicely for the end of season for a non-Playoff team. Sounds like a great idea.
  11. I note that it is Pride Month and wondered what Speedway clubs are doing to celebrate this, if anything anything? Ice Hockey had a Pride Weekend and it was a great success. https://www.eliteleague.co.uk/article/827-eihl-s-pride-weekend-arguably-most-impactful-in-pro-hockey I was a bit sceptical at first and didn't really understand the concept. And, to be honest, I couldn't even tell you what all the initials in the acronym LGBTQ+ stand for. But all the players and fans really embraced the concept and I did find it helped my engagement as a fan, even though I have been a season ticket holder for the Guildford Flames for 15 years. I soon realised it was just about celebrating difference and coming together as a community. It really made me feel I was, in a small way, a part of a community I was genuinely proud to be a part of. It also helped turn a standard League match into more of a special occasion. Definitely seems to be an idea worth considering.
  12. Speedway do appear to behind in these terms. Looking at other sports such as Basketball, Ice Hockey and Rugby League, they regularly have streaming coverage of matches. The numbers can't be much different from Speedway for any of those. There was an article in Speedway Star outlining the requirements and costs etc. Can't recall the details but certainly it would be easier at some venues than others.
  13. I have the following I am looking to sell : Speedway Star - all issues 2018-2020 Classic Speedway - Issues 1-29 Please PM if interested Thanks Haywood
  14. This week mine was left on the doorstep, wrapped in a white paper which appeared to some kind of delivery note. Previously, since NewsTeam took over, it had always gone through the letterbox and arrived by 7:30am. Not too fussed either way. More concerned about what will happen if we are all away on a Thursday. We will see what happens when we get to a rainy Thursday. Thanks Haywood
  15. How is the 'merit' going to decided then? Having a qualifying competition the night before or something? Why not just give the 16th place permanently to the next guy down in the GP Challenge in that case. I suspect with only one permanent British rider in SGP next year, the British GP wild card will still go to a British rider. Cheers Haywood
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