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Everything posted by stutowner

  1. Friends of Speedway Press Release

    Friends of Speedway (a non-profit making organisation who are proud to part-sponsor the British Youth Speedway Championship) are pleased to announce the 95th edition of their magazine the Voice which is packed full of interest and enjoyment. This issue is another huge 28 pages, which will keep your interest for hours!

    In this issue Charles Mckay speaks of Corrections, clarifications and updates, It helps if you know the rules Kelvin Tatum, The meeting starts at. Sue Towner is on her Soapbox again talking of the seasons end and wondering about events next year. Slider says: Time is Relative. Editor, Stu Towner reports on the 18th California-in-England Speedway Reunion. Philip Dalling reports on Sammy was Speedway’s man who knew and much more to give you hours of pleasurable reading.

    Available from Friends of Speedway, 117 Church Lane, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2DP. Please send your cheque for £15 made out to the above (or contact me for our bank details) for four issues of the Voice to Stu Towner at the above address or ring 07860 135939 for more information.

    Thank you.

    Issue95 - Copy.jpg

  2. Friends of Speedway next outing - please see below

  3. Friends of Speedway California in England Speedway Reunion on September 8th 2024. Does anyone visit this site anymore please? I feel I'm wasting my time. Thanks Stu - 07869 135939

    2024-08-16 (1).png

  4. Friends of Speedway Press Release


    Friends of Speedway (a non-profit making organisation who are proud to part-sponsor the British Youth Speedway Championship) are pleased to announce the 93rd edition of their magazine the Voice which is packed full of interest and enjoyment. This issue is another huge 24 pages, which will keep your interest for hours!


    In this issue Editor, Stu Towner welcomes seven new members to our cause. Charles Mckay speaks of Happy 30th Birthday, See you in Court, We are the Champions – oh no you are not. Sue Towner is on her Soapbox again talking of the NORA league and the Kent Kings match. Slider says And then there were. Philip Dalling reports on Fleet Street giants no strangers to speedway, Oxford programme Editor, Arnie Gibbons gives the low down on Artificial Intelligence and much more to give you hours of pleasurable reading.


    Available from Friends of Speedway, 117 Church Lane, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2DP Please send your cheque for £12 made out to the above (or contact me for our bank details) for four issues of the Voice to Stu Towner at the above address or ring 07860 135939 for more information.

    Thank you.


  5. Friends of Speedway Press Releas

     Friends of Speedway (a non-profit making organisation who are proud to part-sponsor the British Youth Speedway Championship) are pleased to announce the 91st edition of their magazine the Voice which is packed full of interest and enjoyment. This issue is another huge 24 pages, which will keep your interest for hours!


    In this issue Charles Mckay speaks of Confused of BD4, I believe it’s late but Happy 100th birthday anyway and Concussion Protocol an update. Sue Towner is on her Soapbox again talking of the seasons end and other speedway topics. Slider says the future of Speedway? Editor, Stu Towner reports on the 117th California-in-England Speedway Reunion plus Bibliophile’s Corner and much more to give you hours of pleasurable reading.


    Available from Friends of Speedway, 117 Church Lane, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2DP. Please send your cheque for £12 made out to the above (or contact me for our bank details) for four issues of the Voice to Stu Towner at the above address or ring 07860 135939 for more information.

    Thank you.



  6. Friends of Speedway wish to announce that the 17th California-in-England Speedway Reunion will take place on 10th September 2023 at 11am - 4pm at the California Country Park, Nine Mile Ride, Finchampstead, Wokingham RH40 4HT.

    All are welcome, there are refreshments and facilities including disabled. Stu Towner 07860 135939

    1. stutowner


      Sorry Post Code is RG40 4HT

  7. I'm compiling the above for publication later this year. I'm looking for memories/photos/stories from anyone who remembers it. I've seen an earier posting on her but only two pages. I've also albums of photos to indentfy if there are any experts out there. I'm in Surrey. Many thanks
  8. Then go to Photos, that's me in the Dons body colour. Stu
  9. Yes, R.I.P. Eric, thanks for the legacy of Speedway Star. Stu
  10. We, the Vintage Motorcycle Club Grass Track and Speedway Section are holding a meeting in memory of Frank at Dauntsey (Swindon) on 4th November - all are welcome to attend. Stu
  11. it's not unusual as long as the oil is not washed off the cylinder surface due to over jetting.
  12. The 13th California-in-England Speedway Reunion Despite all that the weather gods threw at us, the hardy band of supporters who attended didn't have their spirits dampened at all and although wet, all who were there enjoyed themselves. The Friends of Speedway stall was set up in readiness to do business but was kept covered for much of the day to save damaging their wares. When it stopped raining for the first time people appeared from their cars and vans and bikes were unloaded. With a line-up of a dozen or more machines some of these were started which bought even more folk out to see what was going on. Some were even standing behind the un-silenced machines to savour not only the sound but the smell of Methanol mixed with Castrol R oil - pure heaven. Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather no former riders attended this time. It was remarked on that 13 is my lucky number and race number but didn't work well for the weather! One attendee, Andy Flack turned up on his father's old BSA combination with a JAP speedway bike on the side of it. His father, Arthur, had raced there back in the 1950s. He also rode for Oxford and Rye House in the late 1930s early 1940s. A presentation was made to Laura, (Miss Strimmer 2017/18) for her hard efforts in helping with track undergrowth management. Our thanks to all who attended and left home in terrible conditions to be there. Your presence was very much appreciated. Stu Towner
  13. Hello, I'm researching Rex Powell and all I really know about him was his involvement in two beach events of a Dirt Track Rudge. They were at Greens Beach, Tasmania 1932 where he clocked 104 mph and at Bakers Beach, Tasmania 1935 where he clocked 116.8 mph. Any help will be great as I'm Editor of the Rudge Enthusiasts Club here in the UK. Thanks in advance. Stu Towner
  14. Hi all, just to let you know this year's event will take place on 17th October 2010. More details later, but if you wish to contact me: stuart.towner@blueyonder.co.uk or 0208-397 6599
  15. Well done Norbold, got it in one! The fundraising was all George and Linda ever wanted to do. Now they have moved on the Museum must move on too and it's a credit to Pete to donate his workers to run it now. Can't we just move on and enjoy our speedway? Some of you are lucky to have a local track to go to. Bye for now. Stu Towner - Glory Hunter and Man in Black
  16. Hi All, There will be another gathering at the Cali track on 12th October. Please bring along all your memories and memorabilia etc to share with us and to go towards the book we are putting together. Anything will be gratefully received and you will of course be acknowledged in the book. Best wishes, Stu ('phone 0208-397 6599)
  17. Thanks Brian, Any chance of having sight of them please? Stu
  18. Hi All, There certainly will be another reunion there later this year and it will be better publicised than the last one as that was organised in a bit of a hurry. I would be very interested to get in touch with Lofqvist72 if he should read this or any other one know how I can contact him please. I wrote the aforementioned article in the Speedway Star in February and was part of the organisation of it. I can be contacted by e-mail: stuart.towner@blueyonder.co.uk (Editor of 'the Voice', the official journal for Friends of Speedway) or by posting a reply to this. Thank you. Stuart
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