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  1. Great to have speedway back on tv, (my money does not stretch to sky sports !), enjoyed the meeting so much I watched the highlights again last night, unlike some on here, I don't have any interest whether its official or unofficial, it's speedway, 4 blokes on bikes doing 4 laps anti clockwise on a track, why complicate it with politics ?, loosen up guys theres more important things happening in the world, enjoy your leisure time not continually arguing about it.
  2. Cancelled my subscription when they started charging me full price again ! so no advantage to me that they are showing it again, however I do still have Eurosport, so I will still get the main meetings ( the SGP's) and quite possibly the Swedish League this season, I would also have to say that it is hardly an earth shattering 6 of the best line up that they are announcing this morning, it would'nt tempt me back at full price for that lot.
  3. We are two of the former regular attenders that have stopped attending live speedway in the last two years.So for those who are suggesting canvassing the reasons people do not go anymore here are our reasons, the main one is a financial one, every family has x amount of disposable income, for 2 of us to attend speedway factoring in admission, petrol, programme, food & drink, it was costing us around £50 per meeting, multiply that by 12 meetings a year = £600.00, for us a week in Majorca was a much better way of spending that sort of money. We were also getting the meetings on tv (although to be honest this year I have become a bit of GP snob). Will we go back if there is no EL on tv next year ?, I very much doubt it, we have now got out of the habit and as a result we have found other (cheaper) things to do.
  4. For me it is the other way around, I am not a fan of Nigel and Kelvin's excitable commentary, but I would not be so derogatory as to call them clowns, for me the more laid back attitude of Scott and "the other guy" is much more palatable, so what suits one does not suit another, but can we stop the stupid name calling please ?. Edited for grammar correction !
  5. For those suggesting using the mute button, if there was a facility for sound without commentary then I think that we would be very happy with that, but of course if you mute it, you lose the sound of the bikes etc as well. We just laugh at the Pearson and Tatum "commentary" now and when there is a break between races for grading we tend to channel hop. It's good eurosport took it on, but for us, we would have been happier of those two had'nt come as part of the package, nothing personal to them, we just don't like their style.
  6. With the weather forecast for the Uk set fair, I really don't think it matters if they broadcast it or not, I shall be outside enjoying the sun. And if honest I think ladies beach volleyball would be much more appealing to most blokes anyway !
  7. Not trying to change your opinion, just offering my own opinion, which I still stick with. We are all different and that is what makes the world such an interesting place to live. Enjoy your speedway.
  8. As I said all down to opinions, I have mine and you have yours, no need for all of the less than complimentary wording of your post, we are all adults, lets act like them.
  9. And give me Eurosports coverage everytime, it's all about opinions isnt it , that said I thought the guy was much much better last night seemed to have much more get up and go than in previous weeks. And they do treat us as adults, if someone says a naughty word on sky its "oh we are so sorry", on eurosport not a mention of it. At the end of the day no one presentation will suit everybody.
  10. I was also very impressed with Scott last night, his previous performances on sky had left me very much less so, so why the big change do we think ? Are the Eurosport directors more laid back and thereby they let presenters be themselves ? I always get the impression that sky think that they need to hype up all there sports presentation whereas Eurosports coverage comes over much more as only speak when necessary. Sophie really showed us how cardboard Charlie really is (as if we needed any proof). The other guy I have never seen before but no complaints from me about him, but here is the real shock ! the other two muppets doing the commentary did'nt annoy me last night, and I think that's because they were only a very small part of the package, whereas on a Monday night they are on screen almost 100% of the time. A vast improvement of the British Grand Prix presentation over previous years, kept simple, and covered from start to finish.
  11. Well I don't like them, the advantage of Eurosports coverage is that we don't have to listen to them between races and that for me improves the coverage a lot. Sadly them not going away, does mean that I now watch very few EL meetings, I am not one of the "be gratefull for it being on tv brigade", if I don't like it, then there are plenty of other channels to watch, so lick the ar5es of them all you like Philip it won't make me like them.
  12. I have been on half price deal with them for 18 months now, so I wont cancel unless they try to start charging full price again. Shame they are not showing it, another thread is suggesting Eurosport might be showing a highlights package. For what it's worth I am not a great fan of any of sky's coverage of any live sport, it's all to dragged out and and hyped up, (moley being a classic example "), I know it's horses for courses and some people like it that way, but for me I just want to see a sports event not an entertainment show.
  13. I have been trying to tell people this for years now, that the average man on the terrace wants value for money,and I have been castigated on here by "senior" posters who tell me I have no idea what I am talking about, so to hear this from a man who has been involved with speedway at the sharp end for so long is very reassuring. thank you.
  14. Good luck to Lewis at your new club, once he doubled up with Leicester he was always going to be looking for a new side that didnt ride Sundays, but hopefully we will be able to welcome him back at West Row when Dudley visit next season.
  15. Maybe if the team that finished 1st were actually crowned league champions then no doubt this fixture would be important, as it is both teams will make the play offs, so what matter who wins, which is a stupid state of affairs for a league with only 8 teams.If and its a big if,that we must have play offs in the NL, then make it between the top two, at least that way it's only a quarter of the league rather than the half that it is at present, while they are at it, change the having to ride 3 home and 3 away rule before you get an average to two rides home and away.
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