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    Travelling Wilburys, Beatles, Kinks and most 60's and 70's
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  1. i not too sure leigh adams is going to be back, to me he looked like a man who as just closed a chapter of his life tonight, his face was not what it should of been for someone who just got 2nd in the world, hope im wrong
  2. doesnt matter what bomber did tonight, surely the race off should of been holta and scott, how can someone who wins a gp have to fight for top 8 place. when you are level for the semis in a gp he done on heat wins so, cardiff should of been enough for harris not to be in race off. IMO.
  3. what the **** are you on about "if bomber hadnt had such a bad gp series".........................HE WON THE BRITISH GRAND PRIX, something nicholls can only dream about
  4. thats what i thought, fair play to hans he rode pederson hard and nothing more, funniest thing i seen for a while in speedway....sweet justice i was waiting for the words 'what goes around comes around'. nicki was just plain childish after the race TV shown him throwing his back wheel at HA on slow down lap.
  5. tony millard was as bad as the track tonight, never real gave much time to slating commentators but oh my god tonight he was dreadful
  6. i felt holder did OK, i think at Leszno he will be even better, end of the the day the track was dire tonight, totally different Thursday.
  7. worst nights speedway i ever witnessed this whole tournament needs a serious revamp, personally i would like to see a format like the league just 2 teams against each other and then work down to the best teams fighting it out, but that would never happen, because there would be a lot more fixtures and time wouldnt allow it, but i dont like watching a match where you know a team will struggle to get double points all night, finland V USA would be better viewing rather than having each getting slaugtered.
  8. surely they could of done better than this thank goodness for chas n dave least it takes the sting out of X-factor rubbish, wouldnt be so bad but they didnt even win X-Factor
  9. i thought anderson took the incident very well considering, if anything he as gone up in my estimation, he didnt rip in to AJ and on the phone he was even decent to the ref who to be honest is the one what should of been getting a right mouthful from HA, terrible descision from the ref not to have AJ out, when interviewed he was asked why he didnt go down and get the race stopped and his answer was 'its not football mate this is racing' please aknowledge sportsmanship from a man who was on for a GP win by far
  10. welcome to the world of jonas davidsson, mr maximum anywhere but here, i sympathise with you we had him 2 years ago, another who takes the **** out of british speedway
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