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Everything posted by ruckerroo

  1. For that complete abortion of a track, i hope you get beat by 40 points on aggregate for that rubbishe youve prepared ..
  2. Very pleasing result, the 2 teams who were dedicated got thru and the one who just went there to enjoy it all didnt. Hopeless track, hopeless venue and rentacrowd, glad 2 thousand polish will be there sat to swell the crowd.
  3. Does anybody have the definitive line ups as yet? I thought christmas had come early when the aussies were 11-8 in the paper, i would love to lay them at anything under 5-2, sadly they are already 7-2. Surely the scandos will beat them round vojens.
  4. Echo everything thats beeen said already. Credit to buster first and foremost, you know full well if olsen had carte blanche it wouldny have been half as good. Terrific entertainment, superb crowd, a great watch.
  5. Triffic stuff from the ruskies, bloody hopeless efforts from several swedes and danes, bjarne was bloody awful tbh. I have to admit that i thought the ref got it wrong, to my eyes the guy in front is allowed to go where he likes, nicki was never level, let alone in front down the straight and there wasnt any room for him where he was attempting to go. Saying that i hope he makes a good recovery, he is just getting the other side of the coin this season, he cant keep getting getting miracle decisions from refs like the previous 4 years tbh. Team GB should watch how this russian side rode and take it as a big positive into monday..
  6. Our Domestic speedway has prostituted itself so badly in recent years, sadly, to riders from foreign climes. I thought GB would probably finish 3rd anyway but for the likes of nicholls, harris and rico to be completely outridden by swedish trio of ljung, nermark and jonas sums it all up in a nutshell. Those 3 swedish lads rode as if theyre lives depended on it, ours quite frankly didnt. Keep wheeling out the well worn cliches about the track was 'slick and we dont like it', its all cobblers anyway . Middlo papered over the cracks in the english team for a good few yrs tbh. Dont get me wrong jim lynch has an imposible task, silk purse, sows ear variant but the selection of simon stead really was utterly incredible. One other thing why are the english lads machinery always seemingly miles down on power to our scandanavian counterparts ?
  7. IMO the whole key to this meeting is how the track is prepared.. Whilst the danes are different class on all known form they , at times can be susceptible if its very grippy and holding. Also as orion rightly says they are in no massive need to win on the night with it being in the back yard thurs on a track they will absolutely love. I think they will probably win and win well but i wouldnt back them at 1-3
  8. Nicki has this GP lark by the balls tbh, if he doesnt lead or is in any sort of questionable position he just slings the bike down and more often or not gets a re -run at worst. I am 100% convinced its the olsen influence, in truth, the blokes an utter pain in the arris. Nobody can condone the referree last night, maybe a trip to swansea docks was in order for him after the neeting to de-stress
  9. Superb meeting, brilliant entertainment, ostergaard in a class of his own all night long. Very impressed with ty proctor, pity havvy didnt turn up, bunny was super early on, numerous superb races. Worthy worky were winners in the end after a desperate decision robbed reading their chance in the final, i sort of feel justice was done in a funny sort of way. Cant help feeling sorry for poor old lemo tho, he rode a beamer to get past doyle and still never got the decision. Track was terrific, it held up really well, 25 odd races in 135 minutes, well done to all concerned. Every fan in the stadium bar somerset fans wanted worky to win the final due to the wrongdoings of heat 22, hence the booing prior to the final, it wasnt as if it was even close for 3rd in that particular race.
  10. to all the poor unfortunates who got stuck on the motorways,, YOU HAD A RIGHT TOUCH !!. If the most boring load of mince i have ever seen,utter rubbish. Nothing to do with the riders tbf,just the usual one line swindon motorway,garbage.
  11. STS,i had a few winters clerking at the dogs at blunsdon years back,makes me shiver just thinking about it..
  12. providing i am not dead i hope to make the journey to siberia to watch messrs holder and nermark battle it out for top dog ship. I already have my 6th supplementary coat at the ready ..
  13. people have to undestand that mondays nights win over 2 miles below world class teams and an injury ravaged yet game sweden was still a million miles behind, class wise to the competition last night. The most worrying thing about last night was the tuning/lack of set up in the english ranks,for the first 17 races it lookes as if we were riding 400cc machines to be honest. Forget the fact that kennett and stead were a bit outclassed,this had to be down to engine capabilitys on a fast track,lets face it,our tuning/engines were nowhere near fast enough
  14. Dont get me wrong here,team GB were always rags of the field for me with 2 second strings in the team but it puts in perspective how far we are behind from the bike tuning point of view watching this meeting. How badly wrong have the lads set the bikes up or are they just completely outpowered by the other 3 sides. Nicholls,rico and harris aint that inferior to bjerre,holta and hampel so what is the main problem ?
  15. May as well have the top 5 world teams on a big wide open longtrack arena and save the expense of 2 groups,that was nothing other than a total farce. 3 of the 8 nations entered couldnt win the conference league 4s ffs,totally pointless exercise.Typical stereotypical olsen garbage.
  16. Typical stereotypical boring danish slick pish,oh and i smashed the winner too,WALOS...
  17. IOW completely different class in the final tbh. glad to hear ricky ashworth has no lasting damage,the crash was a frightening one. Feel extremely peed off for the redcar supporters,their top class team being replaced by a conference league team ( Ben Wilson exonerated cause he rode well)
  18. A superb meeting on a crackingly prepared racestrip. Holder,capt nemo and pepe franc were very good value for money, for the rebels kramers slow start cost them dear tho zorro was completely whooped by holder. Havvy rode well in his last 2 races,jimmy grieves was awful,glasgow had the best team riding skills. Sheffield rode according to type,completely overhyped one track mince tbh. Jason bunyan isnt everybodys cup of tea but you cant deny the fact that he gives 110% every race and he produced a lovely clean pass on wato in the final to win it for the island. Bends 3 and 4 has lots of drive on the inner whilst bends 1 and 2 were best for the wideriders,super nights entertainment run very professionaly
  19. My taunton and wells moles have told me that friday is going to be by a long way the best day for outdoor speedway this weekend,the track drains pretty well and a few showers wont do it any harm. Lucky that roofs shuts for saturday tho.
  20. I used to think oliver allen was a petulant,spoilt child of a speedway rider,he aint no more,well done olly.. Pretty good meeting. Think its time the havvys,louis and screens swallowed these finals and let the young tryers have more of a go tbh. Its amazing the progress kennets made since going to a proper club,poole have to take a deal of credit for making him grow up and improve immensely as a rider,his time will come..
  21. I havent seen him pass one rider in about 5 years in england. He just passed 3 in one race ffs
  22. There was one from coventry that arena looked to have sewn up and tatum ran a last in the last heat to gift the win to someone else,cant for the life of me remember who they were tho..
  23. Thanks to tanya and other kind souls who saved us half a journey with calls/texts etc,much appreciated..
  24. The weather forecast i have seen says heavy rain and winds most of the weekend,shame as i was looking forward to my trip abroad too.
  25. Congrats to zorro who is just about the best and most consistent rider in the league anyway,he has his odd poor tracks but dont they all,well done.
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