the issue is , you've signed a rider as heatleader who is no longer one, that 5 and 3 bonus caper is all well and good riding at no4 getting points off the rammel.
they are expecting a couple heat wins and 2 placings from mason both home and away really
good luck with that project.
Wilson dean must be choked,they changed the rules to stop him having another year in nl 2016,somerset had the balls to take him on a 5 when all relevant others were on a 3, he achieved the 5 including some time at n2 , somehow the rebels have built the team round others and ended up with graveson frs
Fair play to the new promotion, no lumpy air fares, riders that shouldnt miss meetings, saturday night speedway.
If they get the gaff ship shape should get 1500 minimum to support that side of a sat night
The promotion have desire to win things, i personally dont think strudwick , laurence or cottham have an earthly of getting in the side, all that stuff over the tannoy about cottham was flannel, it suited eastie to use rr for 4 months last season