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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. meetings at vojens are always crap either its slick as a board or waterlogged
  2. i think now that they have some money coming into speedway in russia they will once again become a world force and i very much look forward to that get abramaviich to sell chelsea football club and put his money into speedway !!!
  3. The americans look like they are struggling to get a team together does anyone think they can qualify from brandon??
  4. tell that to sandhu he wont rent the stadium to the bspa .he wants to promote the meetings his self and not share the income!!!
  5. talk to the guy of course but what may be of help in denmark might not be so useful here . you must know how blinkered our councils are if it's not concerning football. good luck to the guy talk to absolutely any body if it will help to find another chris harris eh!!
  6. in denmark local councils are probably not as difficult to work with as they are here ,tell them you want a football facility thats different though
  7. waste of time trying to get the powers that be to do anything unless theres a profit in it ,there are loads of people throughout the country who would like to see better facilities for practise .if someone was to get all the interested parties together and form a united front maybe someting could be done .and at the moment there are loads of people who would be willing to join forces they just need a catalyst .maybe thats what you could do ?use the forum to bring all the interested parties together .you may be surprised what skills and assistance are out there just waiting for someone like you to co-ordinate them i have time and energy for this project if you have the money!!!!
  8. who will pay for this track? the bspa is made up of individual promoters running teams as small businesses each of them will only spend money for their own benefit and will not concern their selves with the sport as a whole . why would they invest money in kids in the uk when there are plenty of riders trained abroad at no cost to themselves. if your son is riding you will no doubt have had to buy him a licence and permit to do so from the acu what do they do for british speedway ? very little from what i can see and the fim are worse at cardiff at the weekend their will have been loads of representatives of both the acu and fim getting vip treatment acccomodation for them and their families ,travelling expenses and what do they do for speedway? it's time to get rid of the acu/fim and start to control speedway by speedway . amateur clubs like southern track riders and abc are the best hope we have for getting something organised as far as an overall training policy is concerned both clubs are run by people who are interested in speedway at grass roots level and not in it for the money
  9. congratulations to chris and all the people who had the faith and foresight to place a bet on him .
  10. according to the speedway star colin meredith built the track this year
  11. you are absolutely right about the f.a. and their precious stadium. what makes my blood boil though is the fact that we paid for it £750 million .and now we have to be told what can and cannot be done in the place. blairs legacy a national sports stadium that one sport controls but supporters of all sports had to pay for typical !!!
  12. sandhu won't let brandon be used unless he promotes the meeting ,thats why we don't have british final, pl riders champs, or any other big meetings there now like we used to
  13. i thought he was ill with some disease like sickle cell anaemia that makes you tired and weak last year .could still be struggling with that
  14. quite a few of the riders race in oz during the winter anyway but i do see your point about time to rest and recover although it would be 1 meeting in 2weeks not like at present where they are riding in poland sweden denmark angland every week and gp every other week.
  15. why not run the gp on indoor tracks and in the southern hemisphere during the winter. that way our domestic scene can thrive with all riders available each week to ride for their clubs and still get to go for individual glory i personally would love to go to cardiff for a gp on a boring saturday night in november
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