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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Maybe Scott should send the BSPA an invoice for all those column inches , Help to pay his fine and a bit left over for some better engines
  2. Yes you are absolutely right . What a fool I am you are a credit to your race and to your club . I must have been mad to offer an opinion that differs to yours . I am so embarrassed at my lack of Knowledge that I will do my best not to post on any threads that you post on unless I agree with what you're saying . And why would I not agree with someone who is always 100% right . please accept my apology for having the audacity to argue with the Oracle of speedway .I Shall go now and hide in a darkened room .
  3. Not really .Althouhg I have Watched a couple of GPs on SKY when theres been no Tiddlywinks on, And a bloke who I sit with at my I.A. meetings tells me some stuff from when he used to go , Any other "facts" etc I just make up as i go along
  4. so in the rerun Andersen was in the wrong then . Thanks at least that part is cleared up
  5. Well if you are correct fast forward to the rerun and substitute Andersen For Harris. exactly the same incident but that was Nicki Pedersens fault. Great refereeethey should let him do all the GPs . or better still let you be the referee maybe you could help Hans Andersen to his first and only gp win
  6. yes I did an exit poll and made sure I got each and every one of the 4200 including Sam Ermolenko,Mark Loram , Keith Heuwen, Chris Louis. Now surely 42002 people can't be wrong
  7. You have to be one of a very few people who think the referee got it right.
  8. would it be possible for me to vote for the SNP as the sooner we get shut of you lot the better .There are of course a number of Edinburgh supporters this does not apply to. Not least Mike Hunter who is a credit to Scotland and Edinburgh speedway unlike you . If you wish to support a Dane that's fine by me but booing English riders and waving Danish flags at the british Gp with the intent of winding up the people who are there to support the home countries riders is not . And yes the English girl waving a Danish flag was a disgrace as well
  9. should have thanked the referee as well, as he gave him more help than anybody .
  10. should have thanked the referee as well, as he gave him more help than anybody .
  11. should have thanked the referee as well, as he gave him more help than anybody .
  12. I hope you're right as he should not have been in the race in the first place ,if the ref had done his job properly it would have been Bomber Or Nicki
  13. you paid for your seat and your view ,does'nt give you the right to block someone elses view .your the idiot you should be ashamed of yourself waving a Danish flag and booing British riders at the british GP . what a pillock you are
  14. Shame Scott lost his footing or I'm sure he would have taken his full 500 dollars worth out of sajfutdinovs chin
  15. Emil should pay he was the cause of it all and Ashley Holloway should be banned from the gp pits as well
  16. I dont anything about any arrests . he just let us know he was ok in case we saw the trouble on tv and were concerned .
  17. would'nt surpise me if this was his last year in speedway altogether . Did you ask on another thread about the trouble between the gb fans and the poles ? well my son texted me to say that he was caught up in the middle of quite a large brawl up on the third tier .
  18. Have you looked at the slo.mos Chris' dirt deflector touched his wheel and he threw the bike down .his dirt deflector touched nicki's and nicki threw the bike down but each time andersen got the decision . Maybe not at the moment but even the great Tomasz Gollob had to start somewhere
  19. Im sure you recorded it so take off your poole coloured glasses and have another look at the harris 'pedersen exclusions the tv pundits did'nt think it was fair and neither did anyone else but then again andersen rides for poole so how could he be in the wrong
  20. NO the other riders paid his fine and said they would go on strike if any ban was enforced . hope someone will start a collection to pay Scott;s fine
  21. why stop it ? my daughter has just texted me from a bar in town after seeing the incident on sky news . so it brought speedway to the attention of 150 people who would otherwise be oblivious to it's existence .
  22. sajfutdinov started it and him and his poxy mechanic should be banned for the rest of the year .
  23. there was trouble in the stadium between some britsh supporters and a large group of poles after the incident between these two . sgp should ban ashley holloway from the gp pits at all future events
  24. Lars Daniels will be riding in U.K. in july with team viking I do know 1 date 10th july Somerset if that would be of interest to you . I think team Viking have a website if you want to find dates/places of other appearances .
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