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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. well that new thing isn't even a bee .It's a hornet so I don't suppose it really matters about any particular colour.
  2. when all this started there were a couple of regular posters , who said coventry would be coming to the tapes in 2011 in the elite league , and that they would not get drawn into debate about it. does anyone remember who they were ?, because they should now step forward and take a bow .
  3. well you know all the details of this agreement and presumably all the details of what caused the problem in the first place , because you know that they came come crawling back . so don't keep us in suspence any longer. lets hear all th gory details . come to think of it why did'nt you tell all weeks back would have saved hundresd of pages of debate , we could all have just taken everything you told us on board
  4. Lately we dropped the Gold a little bit , but we still have a trophy cabinet full of it , Gold looks cheap and tacky . wiki pages are written by just anybody. you could have written that for all i know
  5. and the Bspa are bullying sandhu into running with rules that he see as not fair to him. we don't live under a dictatorship in this country and he has every right to take whatever course of action he thinks to overturn any decisions he does not agree with as a member of that democratic association.
  6. Black and gold , gold and black . who's the best team on the track B.E.E.S bees . chant from more than fifty years ago . you added a bit of red and we added a bit of white to create a difference .
  7. I did . but not for the reason Steve o is trying to infer , what I really said was by KL allowing themselves to be enticed into the elite league , they weakened the bargaining position of Cov and P.boro thats a fact . but that's just about the only fact anyone knows , those who seek to brand Sandhu And Frost as Bully boys can't or better still do not want to see that they could equally have been bullied by the actions of another couple of Promoters. I don't think standing up for what you believe makes anyone a bully . otherwise all the people who stood against Hitler could be considered bullys. TBH if sandhu completely caved in and went back cap in hand , it would not alter the opinion of a certain section of supporters . because that opinion was formed when we came from nowhere to win the playoffs .
  8. hopefully tommorrow will bring the news that most speedway supporters want to hear and we can move on ,
  9. Yes they were robbed . I can see now why they are so bitter about our hollow victory .
  10. we beat poole by 22 points over both legs , so if pawlicki had rode at another position he would.nt have scored 4 points over 2 legs and we would'nt have won , to be honest i wish we had'nt then this whole situation would'nt have arisen ,
  11. pawlicki could have scored enough for us to win from any position in the team so that argument really does'nt hold water , fact is poole were not good enough to beat coventry whatever the riding order was
  12. It appears that coventry are not out of the elite league and it looks like peterborough as well. and if you could read properly you would be able to see that all I have accused Kings Lynn of is prolonging the dispute by allowing themselves to be used as pawns in the Bspa's game against coventry and peterborough , now that kings lynn are surplus to requirements it wont be long before you are bleating how the bspa have turned you over by letting peterborough have the riders back that you have signed . stung in both eyes by the very people you tried to help ................<unnecessary personal abuse removed>
  13. cov defeated poole by being better at speedway than they were . no loopholes were needed or used for that. however the same cannot be said of poole winning the league by such a large points margin . now they had their cake and choked on it in 2010 . and we should have been allowed to have ours in 2011 .
  14. Then why dont you copy and paste the post and send it to them , I'm sure Matt Ford would like know how you have single handedly made his club and the supporters of it totally despised by hundreds of forum members and speedway fans alike
  15. not so many at coventry in recent times ,since sandhu stopped being fairy godmother (like the ochiltrees were for years ) and stopped letting the BSPA use his stadium on the cheap to hold their prestige events . after yet another not in the interests of some promoters ruling was brought into force by the boys club
  16. the playoffs actually proved who the best team of 2010 actually were , ask yourself how poole got so far ahead in a league with regulations to ensure a level playing field . and how the promoter of that team knew exactly which loopholes needed closing before another team took advantage of them , when you have thought it through you will see why the playoff winners were the deserved champions
  17. no one has stunk this winter out more than you. you have ranted and posted your spite and bile . hoping against hope that some of your rantings would come true , bad news for you the exact opposite is about to happen . sorry you.ve had your christmas ruined , but think of the benfits for next year .all the ready made excuses when your team of cheats and chokers let you down again
  18. most of the decent fans from all leagues could see why Kings Lynn were enticed into the elite league and how without their actions at the eleventh hour this whole situation would have had to be resolved 4 weeks ago .
  19. Has the rope arrived ? i sent it by courier to make sure you had it in time for the announcment tomorrow ,that Matt and co have backed down .
  20. considering the article in the peterborough newspaper that said Bjerre wanted to remain at P.boro . and Rick Frost has said the he and Bjerre are the best of friends , do you think he would give his best for Kings Lynn .especially in the local derbies. and with that knowledge would you still be keen to have him in your team?
  21. That depends on who is applying to join and if it suits the BSPA at the time , Plymouth were dissapointed when their application to join was refused ( lack of facilities and no proper business plan I believe ) but look what happened just a couple of weeks later , so where the BSPA are concerned anything is possible. and nothing is beyond belief
  22. If Peterborough and Coventry go back into the elite league , it would not suprise me at all if Kings Lynn were back in the premier in 2011 , having served their purpose they are now surplus to the BSPA and sky tv's requiremnets
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