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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. the end of the guard has to be measured from the top of the dirt deflector . the measurement is not from the guard to the tyre . if the end of the guard turns up and is over the limit from the deflector it's still illegal
  2. Rules definitely need looking at . but there is no room for old hands in this league . so the 50 ride rule must stay , this is the MDL once you have D'd and moved on end of .................. also 1 NL reserve this is not the holding tank for the national league to pick riders up and drop them as they see fit .
  3. I think Tai woffinden should be in the GP's next year . cleaning Chris Harris' bikes
  4. you have never been to Coventry ? you have been a speedway fan for years what about all the british finals GP's world championship rounds and testimonials over those years , Plymouth is no surprise as its a long way from anywhere and on a friday , and wolves being on monday and elite league but I would have though something would have brought you to the home of british speedway before now
  5. Thanks Bomber , and by the way did you make the same suggestions at YOUR home track when the Godiva trophy was cancelled ? . as you say you have been involved in speedway for long time .so you should know well that promoters view any form of second half racing as an inconvenience and as such don't particularly like being told how they should run their meetings , Long Eaton have a very good relationship with the promotion at Leicester and would very much like it to stay that way .
  6. Whats the point of Joining a league if your aim is to use the meetings as free practise time , the point of the MDL is to give riders a chance to ride as part of a proper team under proper rules . will it help anybody develop as a rider if they sit at home while someone who has already progressed up the ladder takes their place in meetings at the lowest level . you knew the rules when you agreed to enter a team in the MDL but for some reason you think they only apply to everyone else . can you not see how you are making this league look mickey mouse making no effort to win and tracking riders whose score are not going to count ?
  7. there are none so blind as they who do not wish to see . best get Phil to backdate the website then , and add profile pictures for the Squad members , blimey he has had since last november to add conors photo and almost 3 months to add andy braithewaite ,
  8. I was banned for a few days .and I dont post on leicester threads anymore because of the idiots who kept posting rose tinted nonsense and turned threads which were supposed to be for open debate into some sort of sympathy vote for their pathetic victim culture postings , well having left it all for you and your ilk what did you do with it ? I'll tell you what nothing is what you did , having hounded me and anyone else who did'nt share your views off the threads it has been left to stagnate and after a few weeks of slapping each other on the back and agreeing all the time even those who wanted to only read "positive" Postings got bored with it and nobody bothers with the leicester threads at all . I'll leave this one for you as well . You. Waco , and that other idiot can decide what Mildenhall speedway and that BSPA choose to do with their money and then slap each other on the back until you all get bored and another debate which has been stifled to death and of course the stadium rent / rates were free and the paramedics attended out of the goodness of their won hearts . the ref came along because he had nothing better to do with his time and the clerk of the course track staff and insurances were all donated by some benevolent sugar daddy who did not wish to be named
  9. Why would that be exactly ? you seem to attach huge importance to the presenting of trophies , and so I have offered a solution , by your own admission the trophies would be of small cost ,so that should be no problem . unless you are intimating that it is only a small cost when it's someone else footing the bill and for all your protestation are unwilling to part with a small amount of your own cash to achieve the end you deem so important . That is what I have suggested in several posts and 2 ideal candidates for sponsorship are on this very thread. Waco and someone else have been protesting about the reluctance by the BSPA and MildenHall speedway to finance the trophies and I have suggested that they could be the sponsors but unfortunately their ideas about sponsorship only extend as far as other peoples money . Having said that I have a lovely drawing of a spider although it only has seven legs which I would be prepared to exchange with a trophy /medal manufacturer if they would accept that as payment of their invoice . a copy of my spider drawing can be viewed here http://www.27bslash6.com/overdue.html please enjoy
  10. That is correct. I have never been a competitor in any sport . but i do know and appreciate what a trophy means to anyone who wins one , more I would suggest than a few pounds . And so ,considering how speedway at all levels but especially at National league level is struggling to make ends meet ,any funding however small should be targeted towards where it is most valued , however if you and the other poster who I shall not name or acknowledge any further owing to their arrogance , feel that there is a genuine need and the cost is minute , why not buy some trophies and have them engraved and present them yourselves I'm sure the lads who were second and third will cherish them just as much regardless of the source , and for next years event you can supply all the trophies and medals and have them bought and ready so as to avoid dissapointment on the day
  11. well if trophies are so importtant , perhaps next year . they should give all the riders medal for coming and the top 3 finishers a trophy and no pay . I'm pretty sure Milldenahall would be happy with that , then the one decent payday a year could help to cover the losses of the rest of the season when riders are paid to race in virtually empty stadiums
  12. did they get paid to ride ? i would assume they did . so in the end they were rewarded more than someone who comes second in MX or many other forms of sport , maybe if you think everyone should get some tangible token of the days events you would care to sponsor some medals or trophies . I would suggest you start saving now for next years event as you will most likely be looking at ,at least a 3 figure sum
  13. have you ever been to buxton ? they would have thought it was a brilliant track
  14. Far too cryptic Bornagain . You'll have to spell it out
  15. You certainly would'nt enjoy it for long . he would be bankrupt half way through the first season and Leicester would close
  16. Hemsleys wallet is not fat enough , it would be the end of leicester to join the failing Elite league , having said that his ego is big enough for him to believe he could survive with the big hitters ,so it's not completly out of the question
  17. poole did'nt close at all , neither did coventry , . I was on holiday in weymouth when pooles track was altered , they started work immediatlely after a meeting . and four days later the fire brigade flooded the newly shaped track , it was inspected and declared fit for racing the day before the next meeting one week later . and guess what just like coventry after their reshape it did.nt take 5 years to settle back in !!! track
  18. Theres no point Tina , I'll gladly chew the fat with you when I see you next , but I cant be bothered expressing opinions on these threads there are far too many Trolls and idiots on here who just want to argue and be abusive , just look at the post above yours , Oh and just as an aside , Poole, Eastbourne and Coventry have all changed their tracks during the season ,
  19. Not nice is it when people make assumptions about your character without really knowing you and project their assumptions onto public forums , I'll teach you something now . first of all stop responding to people who post personal attacks that they think will make them popular , like the people who troll the forums trying to score points off your posts, even the most stupid of them get the message in the end ,It does take a while though with some of the real thickos , and don't get involved in threads where there are one or 2 posters who think they know everything there is to know about speedway or one particular club and don't post to be constructive but prefer to personally abuse anyone who's view conflicts with theirs . that way you'l probably enjoy using the forum for it's proper purpose , constructive open debate !!!
  20. I don't have a personal vendetta against anyone other than you , and I don't see how you can ignore someone who got so fed up with your know it all and of course of late hypocritical attitude that he ceased to post on Leicester threads , you're absolutely welcome to this thread and any other concerning leicester speedway , keep on posting your blind ignorance until the ship finally sinks then maybe you will go back to wherever you where when the forum was a place for open debate and good riddance to you !
  21. Just as you don't like the idea of being lumped as anti Hemsley , I certainly don't like you thinking you are being classed as anything like me , you are the reason I stopped posting on Leicester threads along with one or 2 others who are so blinded by your rose tinted glasses and pathetic victim culture that you are encouraging Hemsley to run Leicester speedway into the ground . But when that happens it will suit you won't it , when leicester speedway closes because Hemsley listened to all the cretins who simply answered any criticism with childish remarks like we're just glad to have speedway back and Without David there would be no Leicester speedway . you'll be able to say it's our fault that it closed caused because all the negative comments , rather admitting that if Hemsley had been forced to address some of the issues highlighted by the anti Hemsley brigade , maybe there would still be a decent crowd coming to see a winning team and exciting racing and speedway would be flourishing at BP .
  22. Stoke need to run a squad system so theres always the likelyhood of a team place , that way they can gets loads of riders to come to a day of opportunity at £35 a time to try out for a team place which has already been allocated to a rider who is not in the meeting
  23. Thats a really good idea , why has'nt someone thought of it before ? will the riders be just below National league level with maybe I current NL rider as a sort of mentor . the whole league a sort of stepping stone to natiional league
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